Physical Education Team Building Development Instruction

Physical Education Scope & Sequence

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Physical Education Scope & Sequence

The scope and sequence is organized according to the National Association for Sports and Physical Education standards.

E = Emerging

Students participate in deliberate practice tasks that will lead to skill and knowledge acquisition.

M = Maturing

Students can demonstrate the critical elements of the motor skills/knowledge components of the grade-level outcomes, which will continue to be refined with practice.

A = Applying

Students can demonstrate the critical elements of the motor skills/knowledge components of the grade-level outcomes within a variety of physical activity environments.

Physical Relationship Reactions Movement -What Role Does Physical Literacy Play?
Team Building /SEL Lesson Plans– Team effort travels with the Physics of motion relating to team building joint effort with Sports socializing physical activities. Sport Physical Activities migration will occur from the worlds’ most popular sport of soccer, Team Handball, Jai, Alia, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Hockey, etc. to develop Specialized Applications of fitness components progressing to achieve Motor Control and Movement Competency with Hackman (2002) 5 conditions effectiveness of the team:

  1. Real Team - Stability in the group membership over time

  2. Compelling Direction - A clear purpose that relies on end goals

  3. Enabling Structure - The groups dynamic must be producing good, not bad

  4. Social Support - The group must have a system to collaborate properly

  5. Coaching - Opportunities for a coach to give help

A team is a collection of individuals who are interdependent in their tasks, share responsibility for outcomes, and view themselves as a unit embedded in an institutional or organizational system which operates within the established boundaries of that system. Teams and groups have established a synonymous relationship within the confines of processes and research relating to their effectiveness while still maintaining their independence as two separate units, as groups and their members are independent of each other's role, skill, knowledge or purpose versus teams and their members, who are interdependent upon each other's role, skill, knowledge and purpose.

Physical Education

Concept Statements

EU/Concept statement

Student will understand that:

ATL Skill Cluster

Key & Related Concepts

Global Contexts/



Unit Title:
Physical Relationship Reactions

Focus/Essential Question:

Team Building

What role does Physical Literacy Play?


Relationships offer what opportunities to Explore team communication?


How is communication adapted to Engage in team development?


Should the function of self, others, & equipment be Examined in fairness of relationships?

Teams must relate effectively to function effectively and each member must adapt to react with self, others & equipment for the growth of the whole team.-

Social: II Collaboration




Fairness & Development
Context Exploration:

Inequality, difference & inclusion


Sport Spectating/

Strategy GRASPS Activity
Assessment B

Applying & Performing

Team Building Sports

Subject Area: Physical Education- Scalise Year: 2017-2018 School: Richard Edwards Elementary MYP Level 1 - 6h grade

Time Frame

Unit of Inquiry



Global Context

Key & Related


IL Standards

& WIDA standards

Objectives, IL and IB

Assessment Strategies

MYP Assess. Criteria

First Part of week

Physical Relationships Reactions

Team Building

What Role Does Physical Literacy Play?

Fairness & Development



SG#21 =Develop team-building skill by working with others through physical activities.

WIDA: Social & Instructional-Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing

LRE= Differentiate instruction

SEL = Goal 3 Demonstrate decision-making skills & responsible behaviors in personal, school & community contexts

Students will be exposed to whole group instruction exemplifying the elements of sport to engage in acquiring knowledge required in team participation & sports game play.

Formative =

*Event Tasks *Teachers

Observation &

Student Skills

*Health/PE viewing observation

Summative =


Cooperative Plan

Criteria B =

Planning for Performance

Criteria C =

Applying & Performing

2nd class Part of Week

Personal Perspective

How Is Physical Literacy Part of Motion Evolution?

Globalization & Sustainability

Change/Time, Space & Place


SG#21 =Develop team-building skill by working with others through physical activities.

WIDA: Social & Instructional-Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing

LRE= Differentiate instruction

SEL = = Goal 2- Use social –awareness & interpersonal skills to establish & maintain positive relationships

Students will be exposed to whole group instruction exemplifying the elements of sport physical activities to assist in acquiring knowledge required in team participation & accomplishment .Students will explore the understand of group dynamics for personal engagement in game play activities

Formative = *Written Sport

Examination *Student Journal/Reflections

Summative =

Sport Spectating Strategy

Criteria B =

Applying & Performing

Criteria C =

Planning through Inquiry

Subject Area: Physical Education- Scalise Year: 2017-2018 School: Richard Edwards Elementary MYP Level II - 7th grade

Time Frame

Unit of Inquiry

Inquiry Question

Global Context

Key & Related


IL Standards

& WIDA standards

Objectives, IL & IB

Assessment Strategies

MYP Assess. Criteria

First Part of week

Physical Relationships Reactions

Team Building

What Role Does Physical Literacy Play?

Fairness & Development



SG#21 = Develop team-building skill by working with others through physical activities.

WIDA: Social & Instructional-Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing

LRE= Differentiate instruction

SEL = Goal 2B Recognize individual & group similarities & differences

*Students will be exposed to whole group instruction exemplifying the elements of sport’s game play to assist in acquiring knowledge required group socialization. *Relating personal engagement to group engagement in problem solving & goal goals.

Formative =

*Event Tasks *Teachers

Observation &

Student Skills

*Health/PE viewing observation

Summative =


Cooperative Plan

Criteria D =

Reflecting & Demonstrating

2nd class Part of Week

Personal Perspective

How Is Physical Literacy Part of Motion Evolution?

Globalization & Sustainability

Change/Time, Space & Place


SG#21 = Develop team-building skill by working with others through physical activities.

WIDA: Social & Instructional-Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing

LRE= Differentiate instruction

SEL = = Goal 2- Use social –awareness & interpersonal skills to establish & maintain positive relationships

*Students will be exposed to whole group instruction exemplifying the elements of team building team effort to assist in acquiring knowledge required for competitive experiences. *Personal engagement understanding of group contribution in social atmosphere of tem play

Formative = *Written Sport

Examination *Student Journal/Reflections

Summative =

Sport Spectating Strategy

Criteria A =

Knowledge & Understanding

Criteria D =

Reflecting & Improving on performance

Subject Area: Physical Education- Scalise Year: 2017-2018 School: Richard Edwards Elementary MYP Level III - 8th grade

Time Frame)

Unit of Inquiry



Global Context

Key & Related


IL Standards

& WIDA Standards

Objectives, IL and IB

Assessment Strategies

MYP Assess. Criteria

First Part of week

Physical Relationships Reactions

Team Building

What Role Does Physical Literacy Play?

Fairness & Development



SG#21 =Develop team-building skill by working with others through physical activities.

WIDA: Social & Instructional-Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing.

LRE= Differentiate instruction

SEL = Recognize individual & group similarities & differences

*Students will be exposed to whole group instruction exemplifying the elements of cooperative effort to assist in acquiring knowledge required in social sport engagement.

* Personal recognition of responsibilities in group engagement

Formative = *Written Sport

Examination *Student Journal/Reflections

Summative =

Sport Spectating Strategy

Criteria D =

Reflecting & Improving Performance

2nd class Part of Week

Physical Relationships Reactions

Team Building

What Role Does Physical Literacy Play?

Fairness & Development




SG#21 =Develop team-building skill by working with others through physical activities.

WIDA: Social & Instructional-Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing.

LRE= Differentiate instruction

SEL = Recognize individual & group similarities & differences

*Students will be exposed to whole group instruction exemplifying the elements of cooperative effort to assist in acquiring knowledge required in social sport engagement.

* Personal recognition of responsibilities in group engagement

Formative = *Written Sport

Examination *Student Journal/Reflections

Summative =

Sport Spectating Strategy

Criteria D =

Reflecting & Improving Performance

Enduring Understanding/Unit Title:

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