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Score: 8 points
Task 7.3

You are going to read several letters to the editor about teenage problems. Choose the most' suitable heading from the list A—G for each part (1-4). There are two extra headings that you do not need to use. There is one example at the beginning (0). Write your answers in the boxes after the text.

A Can't Stand Lazy People

B Skipping School

C Fond of Music and Sounds

D Good in Making Friends

E Friendship or Love?

F Should I Marry Him?

G Please Help Me and My Family

Teenage Problems

  1. You can believe it or not, but I can hear it everywhere. It doesn't matter whether it really plays or not: it is just in my ears, in my heart. To my mind, every thing around us has its own tune every person has his or her own melody. Some might think I'm just crazy, but I simply can't leave without music, that's why it surrounds me. My passion for music causes me lots of troubles in communication with people. Please, help me. (Linea, 17)

  2. I have been with my fiancé for almost four years. We are going to get married next year but, there are a couple of concerns I have: one is the fact that he never talks about his feelings, he keeps everything inside of him. He also sometimes has trouble with expressing his excitement about things. He never buys me flowers or takes me out to dinner. He says that he doesn't know why', but he never thinks of things like that. I don't know if this is a side affect of depression or, maybe, he is sick of me. He says that he-loves me and that he wants to marry me. If this is true, what is his problem? (Annette, 19)

  3. I'm one of those guys who have "the quite normal" problem: I'm in love with a girl, but I don't know what to do. I have already had a crush on some girls, never with any success, but this is something different. My problem is actually that I'm too cowardly to tell her anything. I know that she likes me and we're very, very, good friends. We've known each other for about three years, and our friendship has constantly become better. We often get into quarrels, but we always make up. We meet almost every day. We always have very much fun together, but is it really so difficult to love someone who has been a good chum to you until now? (Jack, 15)

  4. I really want to help because I don't like being upset all of the time and having everyone hate everyone else. My mom, me, my two brothers and a sister — it's like we all hate each other. I am the oldest. We all have certain problems: my mom wants to quit smoking so she is really stressed out. I am really selfish. One of my brothers is too bossy. He thinks he is better than the rest of us and that he is the only one who helps my mom. My other brother is kind of abusive and depressed. He always starts fights and he's really spoiled (my mom doesn't yell at him for doing things wrong and when she does, he laughs at her). My sister (who's 7) makes messes and doesn't clean them up. Even when we start to get along, someone will say something to upset someone else. (Patricia, 15)

  5. Only the people who really know me know about my strange feelings. My parents don't care — they don't even mention it if I don't go to school. I skip it almost every day. Luckily, I am a smart person and I'm in all of the advanced classes1 and don't have reputation as a rebel. What I end up doing is sleeping all day and then staying up all night talking to my girlfriend. I get behind in my work and when I try to go back to school I get a bunch of crap from my teachers and friends. I just get so depressed when I think about it. I have given up on trying to go back, but I realize it would ruin my life. I don't want to go back at all but I also don't want it to ruin my life. What should I do? Please help. (Andrew, 16)







Score: 4 points
Task 7.4

You are going to read an article about some benefits of breakfast. Some parts are missing from the text. Choose the appropriate part from the list (A-L) for each gap (1—10) in the text. There is one extra part which you do not need to use. Write your answers in the boxes after the text. There is an example at the beginning (0).

The Benefits of Breakfast

Everyone has heard the familiar cliché, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," but how seriously do you actually consider it (0) ?

Most teens and adults find a variety of excuses for (1) . "I'm not hungry in the morning."

"I don't like breakfast foods." "I'm trying to lose weight." "I don't have time," or "I'd rather sleep those extra few minutes each day." The list could go on.

However, recent studies suggest more strongly than ever that the benefits of eating breakfast far (2) that most of us give for skipping it.

For example, how often do you find (3) and then, once' there, to concentrate for the first few hours? Well, a recent Boston study examining the effects of breakfast on 100 elementary students found (4) , punctuality and attendance. In addition, children who skipped breakfast on a regular basis (5) than those who did not.

Another similar study found that children who do eat breakfast (6) ; therefore, they have a healthier diet overall than those who skip breakfast.

Some may think that not eating breakfast will help them watch their weight or cut out a few "extra calories" in their diet. However, studies prove that eating breakfast can actually help maintain or even lose weight. Eating breakfast in the morning (7) , and it also stabilizes blood sugar levels, which regulate appetite control.

With all these benefits, one finding is common throughout the studies: a healthy, nutritional breakfast is the most important thing!

Some ideas (8) include:

  • yogurt mixed with granola and fresh fruit;

  • whole-grain cereal topped with low-fat milk and a sliced banana;

  • frozen whole-grain waffles with fresh berries and a scoop of cottage cheese on the side;

  • whole-grain toast or bagel with peanut butter or cream cheese and a piece of fruit;

  • toast with jam, a fried egg and a small bowl of fruit salad.

In addition, keep the following pointers in mind (9) :

  1. Try to include fruit, grains and protein each morning.

  2. Find whole-grain cereals, breads, muffins and waffles that include little or no refined sugars!

  3. Fresh fruit is nutritionally superior to canned fruit, and apples and bananas are availably all year.

  4. If you do not like typical "breakfast foods", then be creative! Have a peanut butter and banana sandwich, a homemade smoothie or even leftovers from last night's dinner!

Remember, tomorrow morning you may not feel like (10) __. However, if you take just a few minutes to eat something nutritious and filling, you might do better on that test in first period Algebra, you probably will not be ravenously hungry long before your lunch period comes and your diet for the day may very well be healthier overall!

A are more likely to meet the rest of their nutritional needs throughout the day

B taking the time for breakfast before you leave for the day

C outweigh the excuses

D research proved that eating breakfast can help losing weight

E for making your own quick and nutritious breakfast before heading to school

F it hard to get to school on time

G experienced more behavioral problems

H while planning your morning menus

I that eating breakfast improves academic performance

J stimulates your metabolism for the day

K skimming on breakfast or skipping it entirely each morning

L when planning your morning routine













Score: 10 points

Task 7.5

You are going to read a newspaper article about speechless communication. Some parts are missing from the text. Choose the appropriate part from the list (A-L) for each gap (1—10) in the text. There is one extra part which you do not need to use. Write your answers in the boxes after the text. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Teens Are Left Speechless

All across the world, teenagers' bedrooms are beginning to sound like a library. Instead of chatting away on a traditional landline telephone, or even a cell phone, teenagers are busy (0) _.

According to a 2005 report by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 53 % of teens (1) mostly communicate with friends via written messages; and 61 % of the time they chat through a service called instant messaging.

Phone companies (2) _. Telecommunications giant Virgin Mobile is releasing a cell phone (3) and instant messaging built in. The company's chief marketing officer said, "We really think that text is the new talk. We are living in a 160-character nation" (the maximum length of a text message). A quarter of Virgin Mobile's teen customers use their phones more (4) .

Several years ago, the author of How to Talk So People Listen: Connecting in Today's Workplace was asked (5) about the college admissions interview. According to her, the answers given in the mock interviews were "extremely short and not informational. Nothing came out, really, because [oral communication] is such an unused skill." Further, she stated, "We are losing very natural, human, instinctive skills that we used to be really good at."

Part of the reason is because with instant messaging, you can reread a piece of communication six times (6) . There is no need to improvise; there is none of the spontaneity of phone conversations or face-to-face chats.

A 2005 report by Achieve, a non-profit Organization (7) , found that 34 % of employers were dissatisfied with the oral communication skills of high school graduates. In addition, 45 % of college students and 46 % of high school graduates said they struggled (8) __ .

While technology is advancing at lightning speed, speaking skills appear (9) . This end-time generation of teenagers may be technologically wiser than their bosses, but they are (10) .

A with a traditional keyboard

B lacking the ability to have professional discussions

C text is a new way of talking among teens

D are intruding into youth's finger-tapping tendencies

E before deciding how to answer

F that helps states raise academic standards

G to teach a class of California high school seniors

H communicating silently

I to be regressing just as quickly

J who own cell phones and surf the Internet on a daily basis

K for text messaging than talking

L with their public speaking abilities













Score: 10 points

Task 7.6
You are going to read an interview with a famous actor Keanu Reeves about the final Matrix movie. The interviewer's questions have been mixed up. Match the questions (A-H) below to the answers (1-6). There is one extra question that you do not need to use. Write your answers in the boxes below. There is one example at the beginning (0).

A How did you feel when filming finally came to an end?

B How do you feel the human side of the story comes out in the film?

C Which Matrix movie do you like most of all?

D What is it about Neo that has hit home with you?

E Are you going to miss Neo?

F As an actor, did you have any concerns about the computer-generated effects overpowering the character story?

G Did the conclusion to Revolutions play out in the way you hoped it would when you finally saw it on screen?

H What was your reaction when you finally saw the third film?

Keanu Speaks about Matrix-3

Everything that has a beginning has an end, but Keanu Reeves will hope that the final Mall movie doesn't break his box office streak. He's been a busy boy since finishing his Neo-adventures Down Under lining up three films for 2004: romantic comedy Something's Gotta Give with Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton; Thumbsucker with Tilda Swinton and Benjamin Bratt; and comic book adaptation Constantine.

  1. I really enjoyed it when I saw it. I thought the performances and how it came together and ^ action and the cinema of it was pretty extraordinary.

  2. I think there's a lot of... I'm going to use the word compassion. There's a lot of love in it. I the backbone, the reason for existence of the pieces.

  3. I think the way Larry and Andy Wachowski think about that, it's all about furthering I story. The technological advance is all about putting forward the story, telling the story they want to tell it.

  4. It was very dramatic- Yeah. It was an ending, an end of spending time with people that I k and a project that I love.

  5. Yeah. He's a pretty remarkable guy. So yeah.

  6. His questioning and his strength. His fearlessness for his quest. His vulnerability and his desire to search for his authentic life and the choices that he makes, and his love for Trinity.

  7. Where Neo comes to and what happens in the film I find has a lot of merit personally in life and I think it's very satisfying cinematically and story-wise. I'm excited the film is coming o and that people get to see this remarkable movie. I'm a fan of the movies — this remarkable movie and this trilogy.









Score: 6 point


Task 8.1
You are going to read the text about some reasons for becoming a vegetarian. Answer the questions (1—9) in no more than four words. Write your answers on the lines. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Why People Become Vegetarians?

Anyone who has visited a grocery store or restaurant has probably seen food items labeled "vegetarian." These foods do not contain meat, and people who choose this type of diet are called vegetarians. Many different people of all ages are vegetarians and everyone has his or her own reasons for refusing to eat meat. Some believe eating meat is not good for you, some believe it is wrong to kill animals and some believe meat is too expensive.

Some people do not eat meat because they believe it is unhealthy. Certain types of meat contain a high amount of fat. Too much fat in your diet can cause health problems like heart attacks and cancer. People can also get serious diseases or infections from eating meat that is not cooked long enough. Not everyone who eats meat will have these problems, but many people stop eating meat because they do not want to take the chance.

Some people do not eat meat because they believe it is cruel to kill animals. This may be because their religion forbids it or because they do not like to think that an animal had to suffer and die just so they could have a meal. Many people who are vegetarians for this reason also avoid wearing clothes and shoes that are made of animal fur and leather.

Some people do not eat meat because they believe it is too expensive. By not buying meat, these vegetarians have more money left over to buy other kinds of food. Meat is high in protein, which is an important element of food that people need to stay alive. Vegetarians make sure they get the protein their bodies need by eating other, less expensive types of food like nuts, cheese and milk.

When people decide to stop eating meat, they must find alternative sources for the nutrients they need to stay healthy. After a while, a vegetarian diet has become a regular part of daily life.

0 What do we call people who prefer to eat foods which do not contain meat?


1 What problems can too much fat in one's diet cause?

2 What can people get from eating meat which is not properly cooked?

Questions 3—6: What reasons not to eat meat are mentioned in paragraphs 3 and 4?





7 What is an important element of food for people to stay alive which meat is high in?

8 Which food other than meat is also reach in protein?

9 What do people who decide to stop eating meat must find to stay healthy?

Score: 9 points

Task 8.2

You are going to read the information leaflet about the Sea World theme park. Answer the questions (1-11) after the text in no more than four words. Write your answers in the grid. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Sea World of Florida

Sea World of Florida is right in the heart of Orlando's theme parks and attractions!

Centrally located near Walt Disney World and Universal Studios Florida. Entrance on Central Florida Parkway, just off Interstate 4 and the Beeline Expressway.

Park opens at 9.00 a.m. 365 days a year. Closing times vary by season.

Daily information: (407) 351-3600.

Groups and private parties: (407) 363-2200.

ADMISSION PRICE: Includes all shows and attractions. Sky Tower ride, radio-controlled boat* games area, guided tours, pet kennels and evening feasts are priced separately. Foreign currency exchange and wheelchair and stroller rentals are available. 24-hour automatic teller is located outside the Front Gate. Most major credit cards are accepted (excluding American Express).

Photographs appearing in this brochure are for advertising and illustration purposes only. Actual scenes in the park may vary. Admission price, park hours and show schedules are subject to change without notice. Shows are modified from time to time in an effort to provide park guests with a variety of quality entertainment.


Your answers

(no more than 4 words)


In which state is this theme park situated?

Florida 1 state of Florida


What are the two closest attractions?





How many days a year is the park open?


What are closing times of the Sea World Florida?


How can information on groups and private parties be obtained?


What does the admission price include?


Where is the automatic teller located?


Which credit card is not accepted?


What are the purposes of the photographs in the brochure?


What besides the park hours are subject to changes without notice?


What is done from time to time to provide park guests with

a variety of quality entertainment?

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