Keep going right to battle another Ranger who has Lv 73 Arcanine, Lv 74 Nosepass and Lv 73 Houndoom. Pick up Carbos below. Go a little right from the Ranger and another one standing up will come to you to fight who uses Lv 73 Arcanine and Houndoom first and then Lv 74 Emolga or Nosepass. Go up to reach a clear ground to engage yet another Ranger who has Lv 74 Emolga and a Lv 74 Nosepass. Follow the path up to reach yet another one who has Lv 72 Tyrogue, Lv 73 Arcanine and Lv 74 Houndoom. Go up to meet a hungry Ranger who has Lv 71 Emolga, Nosepass and Lv 72 Tyrogue. Don't forget to pick Max Repel below. Go up and pick up Ether and then move towards the bro & sis Crush fighters who double battle with Lv 79 Conkeldurr and Machamp. Pick up fight with a Blackbelt above who has Lv 77 Scrafty and a Lv 77 Hitmontop. Go up to meet another one who has Lv 74 Monferno and Lv 74 Combusken. Go right from him and battle the running female Swimmer who uses Lv 73 Samurott and Lv 78 Lapras. If you try to talk with a guy blocking the cave entrance he will not allow you. So you have no choice but to swim from the place. Go up and battle a male Swimmer who has a Lv 80 Swampart. Keep going up to reach another female swimmer who double battles with Lv 75 Seadra and Lv 76 Walrein. Go up and this time fight a Tuber who has Lv 71 Floatzel, Lv 74 Ludicolo, Lv 70 Corphish, Lv 75 Lanturn and a Poliwhirl. Save your game and you will see a old man and guess what what are behind him !!! Non other than the Johto Dogs themselves. His name is Paul and he will say to you that all of them wnat to join in your team in order to stop DARUGIS as you have helped all of them before.
Save your game and talk with each of the legendary to take them on. When you are done with them move North and Enter the buildind you are seeking.
When you enter it go towards the Warp panel moving towards the left. Step on it and then walk through the passage and then step on the Warp panel showing Right. After it moves you go down and step on the arrows pointing right. Pick up a Big Pearl and head back. Now step again on the pointers showing leftwards like shown.
Go up and again teleport from the Panel pointing right.
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