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The alternative systems specified are taken from the Authorized Material List. Only systems having characteristics suitable for this project are specified. Some systems may be proprietary.

Alternative systems are selected based on data previously furnished by suppliers or manufacturers of each system.


The structure must comply with the system details authorized on the Authorized Material List. Check vertical and horizontal alignment at each course during erection. Include a drainage system where shown.

Where shown, construct the alternative system to accommodate (1) wall-mounted lighting and drainpipes and (2) panels for future drainage inlets.

The top of wall profile must conform to the profile shown. The bottom of wall elevations must be at or below the elevations shown. Use a minimum height and length of wall adequate for the loading and site conditions described.

The length of soil reinforcement for any system must not be less than that shown.

The coping lip or barrier slab lip must cover the top of face panels at least 7 inches.

Place the top level of soil reinforcement:

1. Parallel to the top of the concrete panel

2. At least 3 inches below the bottom of either the barrier slab lip or the concrete gutter behind the coping

3. At least 5 inches below the top edge of the concrete panel

47-6.04 PAYMENT

Not Used


48-1.01 GENERAL

Section 48-1 includes general specifications for constructing temporary structures.


Not Used


Not Used

48-1.04 PAYMENT

Full compensation for work specified in section 48 is included in the payment for the bid items involved unless:

1. Bid item for the work is shown on the Bid Item List

2. Work is specified as change order work

48-2.01 GENERAL

48-2.01A Summary

Section 48-2 includes specifications for constructing falsework.

You must design, construct, and maintain falsework that:

1. Is safe and adequate

2. Provides the necessary rigidity

3. Supports the imposed loads

4. Produces a completed structure that conforms to the lines and grades shown

48-2.01B Definitions

previously welded splice: Splice made in a falsework member in compliance with AWS D1.1 or other recognized welding standard before contract award.

independent support system: Support system that is in addition to the falsework removal system employing methods of holding falsework from above by winches, hydraulic jacks with prestressing steel, HS rods, or cranes.

48-2.01C Submittals

48-2.01C(1) General

Submit a certificate of compliance for each delivery of structural composite lumber used in falsework.

Submit a letter of certification that certifies all components of manufactured assemblies are used in compliance with the manufacturer's instructions.

If requested, (1) submit manufacturer's data for manufactured assemblies to verify manufacturer's instructions or (2) perform tests demonstrating adequacy of the proposed assemblies.

Submit field acceptance criteria for falsework piles with a calculated nominal resistance greater than 200 tons. Base acceptance criteria on a wave equation analysis performed on dynamic monitoring of falsework pile driving. Analyses must be signed by an engineer who is registered as a civil engineer in the State. Submit acceptance criteria before falsework erection is complete.

Submit a letter of certification for all falsework members with welded splices. The letter must certify that all welding and NDT, including visual inspection, comply with the Contract and the welding standard shown on the shop drawings. The letter must be signed by an engineer who is registered as a civil engineer in the State. Submit the letter before placing any concrete on the falsework being certified.

Submit a welding certification for falsework members with previously welded splices. The certification must:

1. Itemize the testing, inspection methods, and acceptance criteria used

2. Include tracking and identifying documents for previously welded members

3. Be signed by an engineer who is registered as a civil engineer in the State

4. Be submitted before erecting the members

Submit a falsework lighting plan before starting construction on falsework containing openings for vehicular traffic, pedestrians, or railroad. You may propose a lighting plan that fulfills the light intensity specified using alternative methods. Supply data to allow evaluation of the alternative methods.

48-2.01C(2) Shop Drawings

Submit shop drawings with supporting calculations for falsework.

Shop drawings and calculations must be signed by an engineer who is registered as a civil engineer in the State if any of the following conditions apply:

1. Height of any portion of the falsework measured from the ground line to the soffit of the superstructure is more than 14 feet

2. Any individual falsework clear span is more than 16 feet

3. Provisions for vehicular, pedestrian, or railroad traffic through the falsework are made
Shop drawings and calculations for falsework piles with a calculated loading capacity greater than 100 tons must be designed by an engineer who is registered as a civil or geotechnical engineer in the State.

Submit 6 copies of falsework shop drawings and 2 copies of design calculations. Include with the submittal:

1. Details of erection and removal activities.

2. Methods and sequences of erection and removal, including equipment.

3. Details for the stability of falsework during all stages of erection and removal activities.

4. Superstructure placing diagram showing concrete placing sequence and construction joint locations. If a schedule for placing concrete is shown, no deviation is allowed.

5. Assumed soil bearing values for falsework footings.

6. Maximum horizontal distance falsework piles may be pulled for placement under caps.

7. Maximum deviation of falsework piles from vertical.

8. Anticipated total falsework and form settlements, including footing settlement and joint take-up.

9. Grade (E-value), species, and type of any structural composite lumber. Include manufacturer's tabulated working stress values for the lumber.

10. Design calculations including stresses and deflections in load carrying members.

11. Provisions for complying with temporary bracing requirements.

12. Welding standard used for welded members.

Submit separate drawings and calculations for each single bridge or portion of bridge.

You may revise authorized falsework shop drawings if you submit it before the start of the affected work to allow review and corrections without work delays. The additional time will not be more than that originally allowed.

For falsework over railways, comply with any additional requirements of the railway company involved.

The licensed engineer signing the falsework drawings must certify that the falsework is constructed as shown in the authorized shop drawings before concrete is placed. The certification must include any necessary testing to verify the ability of the falsework members to sustain the stresses required by the falsework design. The licensed engineer may assign a representative to perform this certification as follows:

1. Where falsework contains openings for railroads, vehicular traffic, or pedestrians, the assigned representative must (1) have at least 3 years of combined experience in falsework design or supervising falsework construction and (2) be registered as a civil engineer in the State.

2. For other falsework, the assigned representative must have at least 3 years of combined experience in falsework design or supervising falsework construction.

3. The Engineer may request you certify the experience of the assigned representative and submit supporting documentation demonstrating the required experience.
For shop drawings and calculations for falsework removal systems employing methods of holding falsework from above by winches, hydraulic jacks with prestressing steel, HS rods, or cranes, include the following information:

1. Design code used for the analysis of the structural members of the independent support system

2. Provisions for complying with current Cal/OSHA requirements

3. Load tests and ratings within 1 year of intended use of hydraulic jacks and winches

4. Location of the winches, hydraulic jacks with prestressing steel, HS rods, or cranes

5. Analysis showing that the bridge deck and overhang are capable of supporting all loads at all time

6. Analysis showing that winches will not overturn or slide during all stages of loading

7. Location of deck and soffit openings if needed

8. Details of repair for the deck and soffit openings after falsework removal

48-2.01D Quality Assurance

48-2.01D(1) General


48-2.01D(2) Welding and Nondestructive Testing

Welding must comply with AWS D1.1 or other recognized welding standard except for fillet welds if the load demands are 1,000 lb or less per inch for each 1/8 inch of fillet weld.

Perform NDT on welded splices using UT or RT. Each weld and any repair made to a previously welded splice must be tested. You must select locations for testing. The length of a splice weld where NDT is to be performed must be a cumulative weld length equal to 25 percent of the original splice weld length. The cover pass must be ground smooth at test locations. Acceptance criteria must comply with the specifications for cyclically loaded nontubular connections subject to tensile stress in clause 6 of AWS D1.1. If repairs are required in a portion of the weld, perform additional NDT on the repaired sections. The NDT method chosen must be used for an entire splice evaluation, including any repairs.

For previously welded splices, perform and document all necessary testing and inspection required to certify the ability of the falsework members to sustain the design stresses.

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