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48-4.04 PAYMENT

Not Used


48-5.01 GENERAL

48-5.01A Summary

Section 48-5 includes specifications for lowering the bridge superstructure using a jacking support system.

You must (1) design and construct the temporary jacking support system for the superstructure and (2) determine the methods and equipment for lowering the superstructure.

48-5.01B Definitions


48-5.01C Submittals

Submit shop drawings with design calculations for the jacking support system. Submit 6 copies of shop drawings and 2 copies of design calculations. Include with the submittal:

1. Descriptions and values of all loads, including construction equipment loads

2. Descriptions of equipment to be used

3. Details and calculations for jacking and supporting the structure

4. Stress sheets, anchor bolt layouts, shop details, and erection and removal plans for the temporary supports

5. Assumed soil bearing values and design stresses for support footings, including anticipated foundation settlement

6. Details for bracing required during erection and removal

7. Details of the displacement monitoring system, including equipment, location of control points, and methods and schedule of taking measurements

8. Details for jacking the structure if settlement occurs
Calculations must show a summary of computed stresses in the jacking support system and the connections between the support system and the bridge superstructure. The computed stresses must include the effect of the jacking sequence. Calculations must include a lateral stiffness assessment of the jacking support system.

Shop drawings and calculations must be signed by an engineer who is registered as a civil engineer in the State.

For jacking support systems over railways, comply with any additional requirements of the railway company involved.

48-5.01D Quality Assurance

48-5.01D(1) General

Calibrate each jack within 6 months of use and after each repair. Each jack and its gauge must (1) be calibrated as a unit with the cylinder extension in the approximate position that it will be at the final jacking force and (2) accompanied by a certified calibration chart. Each load cell must be calibrated. Calibration must be performed by an authorized laboratory.

48-5.01D(2) Displacement Monitoring

Monitor and record vertical and horizontal displacements of the jacking support system and the existing structure. Use vandal-resistant displacement monitoring equipment. Perform monitoring continuously during jacking activities. Make monitoring records available at the job site during normal work hours. Monitoring records must be signed by an engineer who is registered as a civil engineer in the State.

As a minimum, monitor the existing structure at the supported bent and at the midspan of both adjoining spans. Locate control points at each location near the center and at both edges of the superstructure. As a minimum, record elevations at the following times:

1. Before starting jacking activities

2. Immediately after completing jacking

3. Before connecting the superstructure to the substructure

4. After removing jacking support system


48-5.02A General


48-5.02B Design Criteria

The jacking support system must resist the structure dead load and lateral design forces shown, plus any additional loads from jacking equipment and activities. You must determine soil bearing values for support footings. If the jacking support stiffness exceeds the specified minimum stiffness, increase the lateral design forces to be compatible with the jacking support lateral stiffness.

Systems involving modifications to the bridge that impair the structural integrity, intended serviceability, or design capacity of the bridge are not allowed.


Construct the jacking support system under the specifications for falsework in section 48-2.03C.

Equip each jack with a pressure gauge or load cell for determining the jacking force. Each pressure gauge must have an accurately reading dial at least 6 inches in diameter. Each load cell must be provided with an indicator to determine the jacking force.

Provide a redundant system of supports during jacking activities. The redundant system must include stacks of steel plates added as necessary to maintain the redundant supports within 1/4 inch of the jacking sill or corbels.

Before removing falsework, the jacking support system must (1) apply a force to the structure that is equal to the initial jacking load or the dead load shown and (2) hold that load until all initial compression and settlement of the system is completed.

Lower the superstructure uniformly to the position shown. Lower the superstructure such that no distortion occurs that would damage the superstructure. Distribute the load uniformly across each hinge, abutment, or bent. If authorized, place galvanized shims as necessary to provide uniform loading at bearing pads.

Stop jacking activities if unanticipated displacements, cracking, or other damage occurs. Corrective measures must be authorized before use.

After lowering, remove the jacking support system under the specifications for falsework in section 48-2.03D. Remove attachments required for lowering from the superstructure and apply the specified finish to concrete surfaces.

48-5.04 PAYMENT

Not Used

48-6–48-10 RESERVED


49-1.01 GENERAL

49-1.01A Summary

Section 49-1 includes general specifications for constructing piles.

Earthwork for reinforced concrete extensions must comply with section 19-3.

49-1.01B Definitions

control zone: Zone that has the same subsurface profile and engineering properties as a corresponding support location.

nominal driving resistance: Sum of (1) nominal resistance required to resist the factored axial loads and (2) driving resistance from unsuitable or scourable penetrated soil layers that do not contribute to the design resistance.

nominal resistance: Design capacity required to resist the factored axial loads.

49-1.01C Submittals

49-1.01C(1) General

Before handling or installing piles at a location closer than the length of the pile being handled or installed to the edge of a traveled way open to public use, submit a work plan of the measures to be used to provide for the safety of traffic and the public.

Submit a VECP for revisions to specified tip elevations shown or installation methods.

49-1.01C(2) Test Borings

If test borings are specified in the special provisions, submit the log of test borings and the test boring report upon completion of all test borings. Submit 4 copies of the test boring report and the log of test borings to OSD, Documents Unit. The submittal must comply with the specifications for shop drawings. Notify the Engineer of the submittal. Include in the notification the date and contents of the submittal.

If corrections to the submittal are required, submit 1 copy of the corrected test boring report and the log of test borings to OSD, Documents Unit.

The test boring report must include:

1. Summary of drilling methods, drilling equipment, drill platforms, and drilling difficulties encountered

2. Location map of the surveyed position of the test borings relative to the new pile locations in the California Coordinate System and bridge stationing

3. Bore hole surveying notes

4. Photographs of rock cores

5. Copies of original daily drilling notes

49-1.01D Quality Assurance

49-1.01D(1) General

Piling must have sufficient length to attain the specified tip elevation shown and extend into the pile cap or footing.

49-1.01D(2) Determination of Length

You may conduct additional foundation investigation, including installing and axial load testing of additional nonproduction indicator piling and performing test borings. Locations of additional foundation testing must be authorized. Notify the Engineer at least 5 business days before starting additional foundation testing.

Complete additional foundation investigation before requesting revised specified pile tip elevations or revisions to the described installation methods.

The following revisions are not authorized:

1. Specified installation methods if settlement or lateral loads control the design tip elevation

2. Specified pile tip elevation above the design tip elevation shown for settlement or lateral loads

3. Specified pile tip elevation if the tip elevation is controlled by liquefaction or scour

The pile structural capacity design is based on the nominal strength as defined in Article 8.1.3 of the Caltrans Bridge Design Specifications or the nominal resistance as defined in Article of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.

Indicator compression pile load testing must comply with ASTM D1143/D1143M. The pile must sustain the 1st compression test load applied that is equal to the nominal driving resistance, with no more than 1/2-inch total vertical movement at the top of the pile measured relative to the top of the pile before the start of compression load testing.

Indicator tension pile load testing must comply with ASTM D3689 except do not use the loading apparatus described as "Tensile Load Applied by Hydraulic Jack(s) Acting Upward at One End of Test Beam(s)." The pile must sustain the 1st tension test load applied that is equal to the nominal resistance in tension shown with no more than 1/2-inch total vertical movement at the top of the pile measured relative to the top of the pile before the start of tension load testing.

Remove indicator piling as specified for removing portions of bridges.

49-1.01D(3) Load Test Piles

If load test piles are shown, complete load testing of each load test pile before drilling holes, casting piling, cutting piling to length, driving piling, and fabricating reinforcing steel cages for any piles represented by the load test pile.

Notify the Engineer at least 10 days before drilling or driving piles to be load tested.

Except in cofferdams, the bottom of the footing excavation must be level and dewatered before pile load testing. The excavation must be kept dewatered during load testing.

Install load test piles with the same type of equipment to be used for installation of production piles.

Load test piles must comply with the specifications for piling as described. Locate load test piles such that they may be cut off and become a part of the completed structure.

Remove load test and anchor piles not incorporated in the completed structure as specified for removing portions of bridges.

For load test anchorages in piles used as anchor piles:

1. HS threaded steel rods must comply with ASTM A722/A722M for uncoated, deformed, Type II, HS steel bars, including the supplementary requirements, except the maximum weight requirement does not apply

2. Steel plates must comply with ASTM A709/A709M, Grade 36

3. Anchor nuts must hold the HS steel rods at a load producing a stress of not less than 95 percent of the specified ultimate tensile strength of the HS steel rod

4. Pipe, couplings, and fittings must be commercially available materials of the types and ratings shown
You may use additional cementitious material in load test and anchor piles.

You may use Type III cement in any load test and anchor pile not used as a part of the completed structure.

Furnish labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals as required to assist the Department in the installation, operation, and removal of Department-furnished steel load test beams, jacks, bearing plates, drills, and other test equipment. This is change order work.

The Department performs testing of load test piles when the concrete in the load test and anchor piles has developed a compressive strength of at least 2,000 psi.

Allow the Department 15 days to perform pile load tests at each test location. Allow an additional 10 days for the Department to revise the specified tip elevations.

49-1.01D(4) Dynamic Monitoring

Section 49-1.01D(4) applies if dynamic monitoring of driven piling is specified in the special provisions.

The Department determines which piles from a control zone or support location receive dynamic monitoring.

The Department dynamically monitors driven piles using Department-furnished dynamic pile analyzer monitoring instruments.

Section 49-2.01A(4)(c) does not apply to driven piles if dynamic monitoring is required.

The Department conducts penetration and bearing analyses of dynamically monitored piles and develops bearing acceptance criteria curves for these piles. Penetration and bearing analyses are based on a wave equation analysis.

Except for load test and anchor piles, do not install production piles until the Engineer provides you with the bearing acceptance criteria curves for any piles represented by the dynamically monitored piles.

Piles to be dynamically monitored must be:

1. Available to the Department at least 2 business days before driving.

2. Safely supported at least 6 inches off the ground in a horizontal position on at least 2 support blocks. If requested, rotate the piles on the blocks.

3. Positioned such that the Department has safe access to the entire pile length and circumference for the installation of anchorages and control marks for monitoring.

Prepare and drive piles to be dynamically monitored in the following sequence:

1. Before driving, rotate and align the pile in the driving leads as ordered by the Department.

2. Temporarily suspend driving operations for approximately 15 minutes when the pile tip is 25 feet above the specified tip elevation shown.

3. During the 15 minute suspension, bolt the 1-pound instrument package securely to plugs or expansion anchors previously installed in the pile by the Department. Connect electrical cables to the instrument package as ordered by the Department.

4. Resume driving operations as ordered by the Department. Suspend driving operations approximately 1 foot above the specified tip elevation.

5. Remove the cables and instrument package from the pile and deliver them to the Engineer.

6. The following business day, install the instrument package on the pile and attach the cables and resume driving the pile to the specified tip elevation.

7. Remove the cables and instruments from the monitored pile and deliver them to the Engineer. Replace in kind any cables or instruments that are damaged by your activities.

After the pile has been dynamically monitored:

1. Allow 15 days for the Department to revise the specified tip elevations and to provide bearing acceptance criteria curves

2. If pile load testing is performed in addition to dynamic monitoring, allow 25 days for the Department to revise the specified tip elevations and to provide bearing acceptance criteria curves

49-1.01D(5) Test Borings

Section 49-1.01D(5) applies if test borings are specified in the special provisions.

Notify the Engineer at least 15 days before drilling test borings.

Drill test borings under the job site supervision of, with the log of test borings stamped by, and with the test boring submittal signed by a geologist or civil engineer who is registered in the State and has at least 5 years of geotechnical engineering experience with deep foundations in both soil and rock.

Drill test borings at the center of each pile location shown.

Drill test borings by rotary drilling methods to a depth of at least 20 feet below the specified tip elevation shown. Test borings must be at least 3 inches in diameter.

Perform standard penetration tests in all soil types under ASTM D1586 for each test boring at 5-foot maximum intervals until (1) bedrock is encountered, (2) 10 blows with no discernible sampler advancement is observed, or (3) ordered.

Core the bedrock:

1. Continuously with at least 90 percent core recovery. Rock must not be logged from drill cuttings. Rock quality designation must be made at 5-foot maximum intervals.

2. Using an outer and inner core barrel drilling system. The outer core barrel must be fitted with a diamond impregnated or polycrystalline drill bit and have an outside diameter of at least 3 inches. The split inner tube core barrel must have an inside diameter of at least 2 inches.
Photograph the rock cores:

1. Before removal from the split inner tube barrels and placement into core boxes

2. After core boxes are filled and before boxes are removed from the drilling platform
Rock core photographs must be in color, 5 by 7 inches, and labeled with the borehole number, sample elevation, scale, and date and time of photograph.

Place the rock cores in rock core boxes labeled as specified in the Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual. Include the support or pile location. Store rock core boxes on or near the job site at an authorized location. Preserve and secure the rock core samples in a weather-protected facility until notified by the Engineer. Dispose of rock cores or transport them to Geotechnical Services, as ordered.

The log of test borings and the classification and description of soils and rock must comply with the Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual available at the Geotechnical Services website. Use the same version of the Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual shown. If no version is shown, use the most current version of the manual.

After the test boring report and the log of test borings have been authorized, allow 20 days for the Engineer to notify you of confirmation of or revisions to the specified pile tip elevations. Do not fabricate or manufacture to length steel pipe piling, permanent steel casing, micropiling, and filled and unfilled steel casing until you have been notified.

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