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59-1.04 PAYMENT

Not Used


59-2.01 GENERAL

59-2.01A General

59-2.01A(1) Summary

Section 59-2.01 includes specifications for preparing and painting structural steel, except galvanized or thermal spray coated surfaces.

59-2.01A(2) Definitions


59-2.01A(3) Submittals

59-2.01A(3)(a) General

Submit certification showing the maximum allowable dry film thickness for inorganic zinc-rich coatings to be used on faying surfaces of HS bolted connections as determined under appendix A of Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength Bolts of the RCSC.
59-2.01A(3)(b) Mandatory SSPC-QP Certifications

59-2.01A(3)(c) Painting Quality Work Plan

Submit 3 copies of a painting quality work plan for each work item requiring structural steel painting or paint removal. Allow 20 days for the Department's review.

Submit the work plan after attending the prepainting meeting and include:

1. Names of the painting contractor and any subcontractors to be used.

2. 1 copy of each applicable ASTM and SSPC specification and qualification procedure.

3. Coating manufacturer's guidelines and instructions for surface preparation, painting, drying, curing, handling, shipping, and storage of painted structural steel. Include testing methods and maximum allowable levels for soluble salts.

4. Materials, methods, and equipment to be used.

5. Proof of required SSPC-QP certifications or qualification statements showing compliance with SSPC-QP certification.

6. Methods to control environmental conditions.

7. Methods to protect the coating during curing, shipping, handling, and storage.

8. Rinse-water collection plan.

9. Detailed paint repair plan for damaged areas.

10. Procedures for containing blast media and water.

11. Examples of proposed daily reports for testing to be performed, including type of testing, location, lot size, time, weather conditions, test personnel, and results.

59-2.01A(4) Quality Assurance

59-2.01A(4)(a) General

59-2.01A(4)(b) Certifications

You must hold SSPC certifications in good standing throughout the Contract to perform painting activities as shown in the following table:

SSPC Certifications

Painting activity

SSPC certification

Cleaning and painting structural steel in the field


Removing hazardous coatings from structural steel


Cleaning and painting structural steel in a permanent painting facility

AISC-420-10/SSPC-QP 3, enclosed shop

59-2.01A(4)(c) Prepainting Meeting

Before starting painting activities, conduct a prepainting meeting to discuss painting quality work plan requirements. Meeting attendees must include the Engineer and all painting subcontractors.
59-2.01A(4)(d) Quality Control
59-2.01A(4)(d)(i) General

You must determine the sequence of testing. The Engineer selects test locations.

If repairs are required, retest rejected areas after completing repairs.

Test blast-cleaned steel for soluble salts using a Class A or B retrieval method before applying the undercoat. Levels of soluble salts must not exceed the lesser of the coating manufacturer's recommendations or 10 μg/sq cm. Perform 3 tests for the first 1,000 sq ft prepared per shift and 1 test for each additional 1,000 sq ft or portion thereof. Perform at least 2 tests when less than 1,000 sq ft is prepared in a shift. Clean and retest areas represented by soluble salt tests exceeding specified limits.

59-2.01A(4)(d)(ii) Inorganic Zinc Coatings

Test the inorganic zinc undercoat before applying final or finish coats. Perform adhesion and hardness testing at least 72 hours after application.

Test the inorganic zinc undercoat as follows:

1. Perform 3 adhesion tests per girder or 1,000 sq ft of painted surface, whichever is less. If less than 1,000 sq ft is painted in a work shift, perform 3 tests. The coating must have an adhesion to steel of at least 600 psi. If 2 or more locations fail adhesion requirements, the area represented by the tests is rejected. If 1 of the locations fails adhesion requirements, test 3 additional locations. If any of the additional locations fail, the area represented by the tests is rejected. Repair rejected areas by blast cleaning and repainting. Repair test locations meeting adhesion requirements by applying organic zinc-rich primer to the specified dry film thickness.

2. Test surfaces where finish coats are to be applied for soluble salts. Soluble salt levels must not exceed the lesser of the coating manufacturer's recommendations or 10 μg/sq cm. Perform 3 tests for the first 1,000 sq ft prepared per day and 1 test for each additional 1,000 sq ft or portion thereof. Perform at least 2 tests when less than 1,000 sq ft is prepared in a shift. Clean and retest areas represented by soluble salt tests exceeding specified limits.

3. The inorganic zinc coating must exhibit a solid, hard, and polished metal surface when firmly scraped with the knurled edge of a quarter before final or finish coats are applied. Repair areas that are powdery, soft, or do not exhibit a polished metal surface by blast cleaning and repainting.
Perform the following additional testing for AASHTO M 300 Type II inorganic zinc primers:

1. Determine the dry-to-solvent insolubility under ASTM D4752 except use water as the solvent. The resistance rating must be at least 4. The test rate is 1 test per 500 sq ft or portion thereof. Repair inorganic zinc coating represented by tested areas that fail to meet solvent insolubility requirements by blast cleaning and repainting.

2. Before applying finish coats, test the surface pH. Wet the surface with deionized water for 15 to 30 minutes. Apply pH paper with measuring increments of 0.5 pH units. Take at least 2 pH readings for every 500 sq ft or portion thereof. If less than 500 sq ft is coated in a single shift, take at least 2 pH readings. Do not apply finish coats until the surface pH is 7 or less.
Perform the following additional testing for AASHTO M 300 Type I inorganic zinc primers:

1. Determine the dry-to-solvent insolubility under ASTM D4752. The resistance rating must be at least 4. The test rate is 1 test per 500 sq ft or portion thereof. Repair inorganic zinc coating represented by tested areas that fail to meet solvent insolubility requirements by blast cleaning and repainting.

2. Determine surface hardness under ASTM D3363. Hardness must be 2H or harder. The test rate is 1 test per 500 sq ft or portion thereof. Repair inorganic zinc coating represented by tests that fail to meet surface hardness requirements by blast cleaning and repainting.

59-2.01B Materials

59-2.01B(1) General

Inorganic zinc-rich primer used on faying surfaces must comply with the slip coefficient specifications for Class B coatings on blast-cleaned steel in appendix A of Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength Bolts of the RCSC.

59-2.01B(2) Design Criteria

59-2.01B(2)(a) General

59-2.01B(2)(b) Ventilated Containment Systems

Ventilated containment systems must comply with the specifications for scaffolding in section 7-1.02K(6)(e).

The minimum total design load for the ventilated containment system must consist of the sum of the dead and live vertical loads.

Dead and live loads are as follows:

1. Dead load must consist of the actual load of the ventilated containment system

2. Live loads for bridges with only spot blast cleaning work must consist of:

2.1. Uniform load of at least 25 psf applied over the supported area

2.2. Moving concentrated load of 1000 lb to produce maximum stress in the main supporting elements of the ventilated containment system

3. Live loads for bridges with 100 percent blast cleaning to bare metal must consist of:

3.1. Uniform load of at least 45 psf, which includes 20 psf of sand load, applied over the supported area

3.2. Moving concentrated load of 1000 lb to produce maximum stress in the main supporting elements of the ventilated containment system

Assumed horizontal loads do not need to be included in the design of the ventilated containment system.

Maximum allowable stresses must comply with section 48-2.02B(3).

59-2.01C Construction

59-2.01C(1) General

Clean and paint all exposed structural steel and other metal surfaces.

You must provide enclosures for cleaning and painting structural steel. Maintain atmospheric conditions inside enclosures within specified limits.

Cleaning and painting of new structural steel must be performed in an enclosed shop as defined in AISC-420-10/SSPC-QP 3.

Except for blast cleaning within closed buildings, perform blast cleaning and painting during daylight hours.

59-2.01C(2) Containment Systems

59-2.01C(2)(a) General

Construct containment systems when disturbing existing paint systems during bridge rehabilitation.

The containment system must be one of the following:

1. Ventilated containment system

2. Vacuum-shrouded surface preparation equipment and drapes and ground covers

3. Equivalent containment system if authorized
The containment system must contain all water, resulting debris, and visible dust produced when the existing paint system is disturbed.

Properly maintain the containment system while work is in progress and do not change the containment system unless authorized.

Containment systems over railroad property must provide the minimum clearances for the passage of railroad traffic specified in the Information Handout in the document titled "Railroad Relations and Insurance Requirements."

59-2.01C(2)(b) Ventilated Containment Systems
59-2.01C(2)(b)(i) General

If flexible framing is used, support and fasten it to (1) prevent the escape of abrasive and blast materials due to whipping from traffic or wind and (2) maintain clearances.

If the wind speed reaches 50 mph or greater, relieve the wind pressure on the containment system using an authorized method.

Scaffolding or supports for the ventilated containment system must not extend below the vertical clearance level nor to the ground line at locations within the roadbed.

For truss-type bridges, all connections of the ventilated containment system to the existing structure must be made through the deck, girder, stringer, or floor beam system. No connections are allowed that will cause bending stresses in a truss member.

59-2.01C(2)(b)(ii) Ventilation

The ventilation system in the ventilated containment system must be of the forced input airflow type with fans or blowers.

Negative air pressure must be employed within the ventilated containment system and will be verified by visual methods by observing the concave nature of the ventilated containment system while taking into account wind effects or by using smoke or other visible means to observe airflow. The input airflow must be properly balanced with the exhaust capacity throughout the range of operations.

The exhaust airflow of the ventilation system in the ventilated containment system must be forced into wet or dry dust collectors or bag houses.

59-2.01C(3) Surface Preparation

59-2.01C(3)(a) General

Corners must be chamfered and without sharp edges.

Condition thermal-cut edges before blast cleaning by shallow grinding or other authorized method to remove the thin, hardened layer resulting from resolidification during cooling.

Remove visually-evident base metal surface irregularities and defects under ASTM A6 before blast cleaning new structural steel.

After removing material defects exposed by blast cleaning, restore the blast profile by blast cleaning or using mechanical tools under SSPC-SP 11.

59-2.01C(3)(b) Cleaning
59-2.01C(3)(b)(i) General

Clean previously painted surfaces by pressure washing or steam cleaning before performing other cleaning or painting activities. Remove gloss from existing paint without removing sound paint. Lightly roughen remaining areas of gloss using 100- to 200-grit sandpaper. Paint that becomes loose, curled, lifted, or that loses its bond after cleaning must be removed to sound paint or metal.

After pressure washing or steam cleaning, spot blast clean painted surfaces having rust or foreign material remaining that would hinder bonding of new paint. If there is no bid item for spot blast cleaning, this is change order work. Spot blast clean surfaces under SSPC-SP 6/NACE no. 3. For small areas, the Engineer may allow cleaning under SSPC-SP 11.

Remove dirt, loose rust, mill scale, or paint not firmly bonded to surfaces under SSPC-SP 2. Feather edges of remaining paint. Do not use pneumatic chipping hammers unless authorized.

59-2.01C(3)(b)(ii) Blast Cleaning

Blast clean steel surfaces to be coated with inorganic zinc under SSPC-SP 10/NACE no. 2. After blast cleaning, surfaces must have a dense, uniform, angular anchor pattern of 1.5 to 3.5 mils when measured under ASTM D4417.

Where shown, spot blast clean existing painted steel surfaces under SSPC-SP 6/NACE no. 3. After blast cleaning, surfaces must have a dense, uniform, angular anchor pattern of at least 1.5 mils when measured under ASTM D4417.

Seal journals, bearings, motors, and moving parts before blast cleaning near machinery.

Reblast cleaned surfaces that rust or become contaminated before paint is applied.

Do not expose blast-cleaned steel to relative humidity exceeding 85 percent before painting.

59-2.01C(4) Painting

59-2.01C(4)(a) General

Paint new structural steel as follows:

1. Apply the total thickness of undercoats before erection. Apply finish and final coats after erection. If a concrete deck is placed on steel members, apply finish and final coats after deck placement.

2. After erection and deck placement, clean and spot paint areas of damaged or deteriorated coating and exposed unpainted surfaces with undercoats to the specified thickness before applying subsequent coatings.

3. Clean and paint surfaces exposed to the atmosphere and inaccessible for painting after erection with the full number of coats before erection.

Paint existing structural steel as follows:

1. Apply a stripe coat of undercoat paint on all edges, corners, seams, crevices, interior angles, junctions of joining members, weld lines, and similar surface irregularities. The stripe coat must completely hide the surface being covered. If spot blast cleaning portions of the bridge, apply the stripe coat of undercoat paint before each undercoat and follow with the undercoat as soon as practical. If removing all existing paint from the bridge, apply the undercoat first as soon as practical and follow with the stripe coat of undercoat paint for each undercoat.

2. Apply the finish coats after the total dry film thickness of undercoat has been applied.

3. Apply all undercoats and the 1st finish coat within 30 days of initial cleaning activities.

Caulk contact surfaces of stiffeners, railings, built-up members, or open seams more than 6 mils wide with sealing compound or other authorized material. Apply the sealing compound at least 72 hours after the last application of undercoat unless otherwise authorized. Cure the sealing compound under the manufacturer’s instructions before performing subsequent painting activities. If no finish coats are applied, the sealing compound color must be gray.

Limit the thickness of each paint application to allow uniform drying throughout the paint film.

Paint ungalvanized anchor bolt assemblies with 2 applications of organic zinc-rich primer before installation. You do not need to paint other metal surfaces to be embedded in concrete.

Prepare and paint (1) the bottom surfaces of masonry plates and (2) structural steel surfaces contacting elastomeric bearing pads or preformed fabric pads with the full number of applications before erection.

Except for (1) abutting chord and column splices and (2) column and truss shoe bases, coat machine-finished surfaces with an easily removed rust inhibitor. Paint machine-finished surfaces of iron and steel castings with 1 coat of shop paint.

Where bridge deck drains are located over steel girders, paint the top and edges of top flanges beneath drains and for 2 inches on each side of drains before installing the drains.

Paint surfaces of machinery exposed to air with 2 coats of organic zinc-rich primer before installation. Paint exposed surfaces after installation with 2 finish coats of commercial-quality gray gloss enamel.

59-2.01C(4)(b) Zinc Coating System
59-2.01C(4)(b)(i) General

Coatings for new structural steel and connections between new and existing structural steel must comply with the requirements shown in the following table:

Zinc Coating System Requirements



Dry film thickness (mils)

All new surfaces:


Inorganic zinc primer, AASHTO M 300 Type I or II


Finish coata

Exterior grade latexb,

2 coats

2 minimum each coat,

4–8 total

Total thickness, all coats


Connections to existing structural steel:c


Inorganic zinc primer, AASHTO M 300 Type I or II


Finish coata

Exterior grade latexb,

2 coats

2 minimum each coat,

4–8 total

Total thickness, all coats


aIf no finish coats are described:

1. A final coat of inorganic zinc primer is required

2. Total thickness of undercoats and final coat must be from 5 to 9 mils

bExterior grade latex must comply with section 91-2.02B unless otherwise specified.

cIncludes the following locations:

1. New and existing contact surfaces

2. Existing member surfaces under new HS bolt heads, nuts, or washers

3. Bare surfaces of existing steel after trimming, cutting, drilling, or reaming

4. Areas within a 4-inch radius from the point of application of heat for welding or flame cutting

Strain inorganic zinc primer after mixing through a 30- to 60-mesh screen immediately before or when pouring into the spray pot.

Use an agitating spray pot. The agitator or stirring rod must reach to within 2 inches of the bottom of the spray pot and be moving at all times during painting. The agitator must keep the coating well mixed.

Apply inorganic zinc primer by spray. On areas inaccessible to spray application, you may make limited applications if authorized by brush, dauber, or roller.

Zinc coatings must be free from dust, dirt, salt, and other deleterious deposits and thoroughly cured before applying subsequent coats.

59-2.01C(4)(b)(ii) Undercoat

Use inorganic zinc primer within 12 hours of initial mixing of components.

Apply the undercoat in 2 or more applications within 8 hours of starting blast cleaning.

Blast clean and repaint areas where mudcracking of the undercoat occurs.

Protect surfaces coated with Type II inorganic zinc from conditions that may cause the coating film to dissolve. Blast clean and repaint areas of dissolved coating.

Remove dry spray by screening or other methods that minimize surface polishing before applying additional coats or final acceptance. Dry film thickness after dry spray removal must comply with the specified thickness.

If damaged areas of the undercoat is:

1. More than 2 percent of the total undercoated surface, blast clean and repaint damaged areas with inorganic zinc

2. 2 percent or less of the total undercoated surface, you may wire brush the damaged surfaces to remove loose or cracked coating and apply 2 coats of organic zinc-rich primer

At faying surfaces, the total undercoat dry film thickness must be from 1 mil to the maximum allowable for Class B coatings as determined by certified testing under appendix A of Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength Bolts of the RCSC.

Complete the field testing of the undercoat and correct deficiencies before applying subsequent coats.

59-2.01C(4)(b)(iii) Final Coat

Apply a final coat of inorganic zinc primer to undercoated surfaces that do not receive finish coats. Use the same coating as used for the undercoat.

Lightly roughen areas to receive a final coat by abrasive blasting. Use an abrasive no larger than 30 mesh. Protect undersurfaces of girder flanges from abrasive blasting.

Apply the final coat in 1 application within 24 hours of roughening. The final coat dry film thickness must be from 1 to 3 mils.

59-2.01C(4)(b)(iv) Finish Coats

Pressure rinse undercoated surfaces to receive finish coats. Perform pressure rinsing at least 72 hours after the final application of the undercoat.

Apply the 1st finish coat within 48 hours of pressure rinsing.

Apply the 1st finish coat in 2 applications. The 1st application consists of a spray-applied mist application. Apply the 2nd application after the mist application has dried to a set-to-touch condition as determined using the procedure in section 7 of ASTM D1640.

Apply the 2nd finish coat after the 1st finish coat has dried 12 hours unless authorized. You may apply the 2nd finish coat in a single application.

The 1st finish coat color must match color no. 34272 of FED-STD-595. The 2nd finish coat color must match color no. 14090 of FED-STD-595.

59-2.01C(4)(c) State Specification Paint Waterborne Coating System

The State Specification paint waterborne coating system for existing structural steel must comply with the requirements shown in the following table:

State Specification Paint Waterborne Coating System Requirements



State specification PWB coating

Dry film thickness (mils)

Surfaces cleaned to bare metala:

1st undercoat



2nd undercoat



1st finish coat



2nd finish coat



Total thickness, all coats



Existing painted surfaces to be topcoated:




1st finish coat



2nd finish coat



Total thickness, new coats



aIncludes locations of spot blast cleaning

Allow at least 12 hours of drying time before applying the subsequent undercoat or finish coats unless otherwise authorized.

59-2.01C(4)(d) Moisture-Cured Polyurethane Coating System


59-2.01D Payment

Not Used

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