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58-2.04 PAYMENT

Not Used




58-4.01 GENERAL

58-4.01A Summary

Section 58-4 includes specifications for constructing alternative sound wall systems.

You may only use an alternative sound wall system where specified in the special provisions.

58-4.01B Definitions


58-4.01C Submittals

58-4.01C(1) General


58-4.01C(2) Shop Drawings

Submit project specific shop drawings to the OSD, Documents Unit. Notify the Engineer of your submittal. For initial review, submit 4 copies of shop drawings. Allow 25 days for the Department's review. After review and correction, submit from 6 to 12 copies, as requested, to the OSD, Documents Unit, for authorization and use during construction.

The shop drawings must include:

1. Design firm's name, address, and telephone and fax numbers

2. Information required for the proper construction of the system at each location

3. Design parameters, material notes, and wall construction procedures

4. Calculations for each installation of the system

Submit as-built drawings at the completion of each sound wall.

58-4.01D Quality Assurance



Not Used


Construct the alternative sound wall system to the lines and grades shown, except that the alternative sound wall system may have a height greater than that shown. The construction must comply with the details shown on the authorized shop drawings and proprietary system details.

58-4.04 PAYMENT

Not Used

58-5–58-6 RESERVED


59-1.01 GENERAL

59-1.01A Summary

Section 59-1 includes general specifications for coating structural steel.

59-1.01B Definitions


59-1.01C Submittals

Submit a certificate of compliance and SDS for each shipment of blast cleaning material.

59-1.01D Quality Assurance

Measure coating dry film thickness with a calibrated Type 2 magnetic film thickness gauge under SSPC-PA 2 except there is no limit to the number or location of spot measurements that may be requested by the Engineer to verify coating thickness.

Measure coating adhesion strength with a self-aligning adhesion tester under ASTM D4541.

Measure levels of soluble salts on surfaces using a retrieval method specified in SSPC-Guide 15.


59-1.02A General

Water for pressure rinsing and pressure washing must be fresh potable water with a chloride content of not more than 75 ppm and a sulfate content of not more than 200 ppm. Continuous recycling of rinse water is not allowed. You may collect rinse water in a tank for reuse if test samples meet specified requirements and no water is added to the tank after sampling.

Sealing compound must be a polysulfide or polyurethane type complying with ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, Use M.

59-1.02B Abrasives

Abrasives for blast cleaning must be of a grading suitable to produce satisfactory results.

Unless other abrasives are authorized, use only:

1. Clean dry sand. Do not use unwashed beach sand containing salt or excessive silt.

2. Mineral grit.

3. Steel shot.

4. Steel grit.

Mineral and slag abrasives must comply with the requirements for Class A, Grade 2 to 3 abrasives in SSPC-AB 1 and must not contain hazardous material.

Steel abrasive must comply with SSPC-AB 3. Recycled steel abrasive must comply with SSPC-AB 2.

59-1.02C Coatings

Coatings must comply with section 91.

Coatings selected for use must comply with the volatile organic compound concentration limits specified for the air quality district where the project is located.


59-1.03A General

Notify the Engineer at least 5 business days before starting work.

Provide protective devices to prevent damage to the work, property, or persons.

59-1.03B Weather Conditions

Apply paint only to thoroughly dry surfaces during periods of favorable weather.

Do not perform blast cleaning or apply solvent-borne paint if any of the following atmospheric conditions exist:

1. Atmospheric or surface temperature is below 36 degrees F

2. Atmospheric or surface temperature is above 100 degrees F

3. Relative humidity is more than 85 percent
Do not apply water-borne paint if any of the following atmospheric conditions exist:

1. Atmospheric or surface temperature is below 51 degrees F

2. Atmospheric or surface temperature is above 100 degrees F

3. Relative humidity is more than 75 percent

Except for work within enclosures, do not apply paint if any of the following applies:

1. Freshly painted surfaces may become damaged by rain, fog, or condensation

2. Atmospheric temperature or relative humidity will not remain within the specified application conditions during the drying period

3. Steel surface temperature is less than 5 degrees F above the dew point

Repair or replace uncured paint damaged by weather.

If authorized, you may use enclosures to allow painting during inclement weather. Enclosures must provide atmospheric conditions within the specified limits.

59-1.03C Cleaning

59-1.03C(1) General

Prepare and clean surfaces before painting.

59-1.03C(2) Pressure Rinsing

Pressure rinsing includes cleaning surfaces using a pressure wash system with a minimum nozzle pressure of 1,160 psi. Keep the nozzle tip from 12 to 18 inches from the surface. The nozzle must have a maximum fan tip angle of 45 degrees.

59-1.03C(3) Pressure Washing

Pressure washing includes cleaning surfaces using a pressure wash system with a nozzle pressure from 2,500 to 5,000 psi and a maximum fan tip angle of 45 degrees.

59-1.03C(4) Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning includes cleaning dirt, grease, loose chalky paint, and other foreign material from surfaces using steam. Steam temperature at the nozzle must be from 265 to 375 degrees F.

Use a biodegradable detergent during steam cleaning. After steam cleaning, pressure rinse cleaned surfaces with water.

Do not perform steam cleaning more than 2 weeks before painting or other phases of cleaning.

Do not paint steam-cleaned surfaces until they are thoroughly dry and at least 24 hours have elapsed.

59-1.03C(5) Blast Cleaning

Blast cleaning includes abrasive blasting surfaces to be painted.

Surfaces to be blast cleaned must be dry.

Prime or treat blast-cleaned surfaces on the same day blast cleaning is performed unless otherwise authorized.

59-1.03D Painting

Each spray pot must have an authorized water trap installed.

Do not thin paint unless authorized.

Before applying, mix paint using mechanical mixers to thoroughly blend pigment and vehicle together.

Apply paint to clean dry surfaces in a neat and workmanlike manner. Apply by brush, spray, or roller in any combination. Gun extensions and aerosol cans are not allowed.

Brushes must have sufficient bristle body and length to spread paint in a uniform film. Paint must be evenly spread and thoroughly brushed out.

Rollers must not leave a stippled texture in the paint film.

Apply paint to areas not accessible by regular means using daubers, bottle brushes, or other authorized methods.

Thoroughly cure each application of paint and correct skips, holidays, thin areas, or other deficiencies before the next application. Painted surfaces being covered must be free from moisture, dust, grease, and deleterious material that would prevent bonding of succeeding coats. In spot painting, remove old paint that lifts after the first paint application by scraping and repaint the area before the next application.

Pressure rinse painted surfaces before applying additional paint if 7 days or more elapse between paint applications unless otherwise authorized.

The Engineer may require you to blast clean and reapply paint to areas with runs, sags, thin and excessively thick areas in the paint film, skips, holidays, or areas of non-uniform appearance.

Repair painted surfaces damaged during work activities with materials and to a condition equal to that of the specified coating.

Remove paint or paint stains on surfaces not designated to be painted.

Thoroughly clean painted surfaces after completing painting activities and other work that would deposit foreign material on the painted surfaces.

Stencil the month and year of painting on structures at 2 locations selected by the Engineer. Use block letters 2-1/2 inches high. The paint used must contrast with the background.

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