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57-2.02A General

Section 57-2.02 includes specifications for installing timber lagging.

57-2.02B Materials

Timber members must be (1) preservative-treated Douglas fir and (2) full sawn to the dimensions shown.

Chromated copper arsenate must not be used for preservative treatment.

57-2.02C Construction

If no concrete facing is shown:

1. Install lagging members 4 inches thick or less with a 3/8-inch gap between members

2. Install lagging members greater than 4 inches thick with a 1/2-inch gap between members
If a concrete facing is shown, install lagging members with mortar-tight joints.

57-2.02D Payment

Not Used


57-2.03A General

Section 57-2.03 includes specifications for constructing timber catwalks.

A timber catwalk consists of a walkway of two 3- by 12-inch planks bolted to steel supports and a cable handrail, if shown.

57-2.03B Materials

57-2.03B(1) General


57-2.03B(2) Timber Planks

The timber planks must be untreated Douglas fir Dense no. 1, rough sawn on top, optional surfaced on bottom.

57-2.03B(3) Cable Handrail

The cable for the cable handrail must be wire rope with a minimum diameter of 1/2 inch and a minimum breaking strength of 7,500 lb. The wire rope must be furnished with Class A weight zinc-coated wire under ASTM A603.

The turnbuckles, U-bolts, and thimbles must be commercial quality. The turnbuckles must be steel pipe type or drop forged steel and must have jaw or eye ends. The turnbuckles and U-bolts must have a minimum breaking strength of 7,500 lb.

The cable clamps and other required fittings must be commercial-quality steel, malleable iron, or wrought iron.

Galvanize hardware, turnbuckles, U-bolts, cable clamps, and other fittings under section 75-1.02B.

57-2.03C Construction

Tension the handrail cables to provide taut railings between supports.

Steel surfaces to be covered by timber must be painted the full number of applications specified before placing timber. Painting of timber planks is not required.

57-2.03D Payment

Not Used





57-2.06–57-2.10 RESERVED


57-3.01 GENERAL

57-3.01A Summary

Section 57-3 includes specifications for constructing plastic lumber structures.

57-3.01B Definitions

postconsumer waste: Finished material, not including manufacturing waste, that has completed its life cycle as a consumer item and would have been disposed of as a solid waste.

production lot of plastic lumber: Quantity of 100 cu yd or less that is ready for shipment to the job site and is of the same type, manufactured by the same method, and made of the same material.

recycled product: Material, good, or supply, of which at least 50 percent of its total mass consists of secondary waste and at least 10 percent of its total mass consists of postconsumer waste.

secondary waste: Finished products or fragments of finished products of a manufacturing process, including postconsumer waste but not including excess virgin resources of the manufacturing process.

57-3.01C Submittals

57-3.01C(1) General

Submit the following product data:

1. Manufacturer's material test reports

2. Manufacturer's performance data

3. SDSs

4. 2 copies of the printed literature for the product
Submit a certificate of compliance for each shipment of plastic lumber. The certificate must be accompanied by a laboratory test report.

Submit test samples for void testing.

Submit results of stiffness tests.

57-3.01C(2) Shop Drawings

Submit 5 copies of shop drawings for the plastic lumber for initial review. After review, submit from 6 to 12 copies, as requested, for authorization and use during construction.

Shop drawings must show:

1. Details for component layout and connections

2. Sequence of shop and field assembly

3. Installation procedures

57-3.01D Quality Assurance

57-3.01D(1) General


57-3.01D(2) Quality Control

57-3.01D(2)(a) General

Start a new production lot if any production parameter changes before the maximum production lot size is reached.
57-3.01D(2)(b) Stiffness Test

Before shipment to the job site, perform stiffness tests for the plastic lumber in the presence of the Engineer at an authorized laboratory. Notify the Engineer at least 15 days before conducting the tests.

The Engineer randomly selects 2 test samples from each production lot for stiffness testing.

Determine the stiffness and the yield stress in bending under ASTM D790, except the test samples must have a minimum length of 13 feet and tests must be performed on a 12-foot span length at a crosshead motion of 0.25 inch per minute. Calculate the stiffness using the secant modulus at the flexural strain of 0.010 inch per inch.

If the stiffness or the yield stress in bending of either of the 2 test samples does not comply with section 57-3.02A, perform a retest on 2 additional test samples selected by the Engineer. If the stiffness or the yield stress in bending of either of the 2 additional test samples does not comply with section 57-3.02A in the retest, the entire production lot of plastic lumber represented by the test samples is rejected.

57-3.01D(3) Department Acceptance

57-3.01D(3)(a) General

The Engineer selects 2 test samples of each size from each production lot of plastic lumber delivered to the job site for void testing.
57-3.01D(3)(b) Void Testing
57-3.01D(3)(b)(i) General

Before use in the work, the plastic lumber must be tested for both exterior and interior voids.

Allow 15 days for void testing.

57-3.01D(3)(b)(ii) Exterior Void Test

The Engineer examines the test samples for exterior voids.

If the exterior voids of either of the 2 test samples do not comply with section 57-3.02A, the Engineer selects 2 additional test samples and performs a retest. If the exterior voids of either of the 2 additional test samples do not comply with section 57-3.02A in the retest, the entire production lot of plastic lumber represented by the test samples is rejected.

57-3.01D(3)(b)(iii) Interior Void Test

After acceptance under the exterior void test, cut the test samples into 1-foot-long segments. The Engineer examines the cut sections for interior voids.

If the interior voids of a cut section of either of the 2 test samples do not comply with section 57-3.02A, the Engineer selects 2 additional test samples and performs a retest. If the interior voids of a cut section of either of the 2 additional test samples do not comply with section 57-3.02A in the retest, the entire production lot of plastic lumber represented by the test samples is rejected.

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