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56-2.03A General

Do not fasten any bridge-mounted sign to concrete elements of bridges or railings before the concrete attains a compressive strength of 2,500 psi.

After erection, remove the brackets used to secure tubular sign structures during shipping and lifting.

Install sign panels as shown. Install laminated and formed sign panels on sign structures using fastening hardware of the type and sizes shown.

Complete the CIDH concrete pile foundation at least 7 days before erecting the sign structure.

56-2.03B Existing Sign Structures

56-2.03B(1) General

Work involving existing sign structures must comply with section 15.

56-2.03B(2) Remove Sign Structure


56-2.03B(3) Reconstruct Sign Structure


56-2.03B(4) Modify Sign Structure


56-2.03B(5) Relocate Sign Structure


56-2.03B(6) Salvage Sign Structure


56-2.04 PAYMENT

The payment quantity for install sign structure does not include the weight of sign panels.

For determining the payment quantity for furnish sign structure and install sign structure, the weight of extruded aluminum used for steel slot channel for the light fixture mounting channel is the computed weight of the steel channel.


56-3.01 GENERAL

56-3.01A General

Section 56-3 includes general specifications for fabricating and installing standards and poles.

56-3.01B Materials

56-3.01B(1) General


56-3.01B(2) Fabrication

56-3.01B(2)(a) General

Configure each mast arm as a smooth curving arm.

You may change the mast arm configuration if the mounting height and stability are maintained.

56-3.01B(2)(b) Bonding Jumper

For standards with handholes, a UL-listed lug and 3/16-inch or larger brass or bronze bolt must be included for attaching the bonding jumper.

For slip base standards, a UL-listed lug must be attached to the bottom slip base plate with a 3/16-inch or larger brass or bronze bolt if a UL-listed ground clamp on each anchor bolt is not used for attaching the bonding jumper.

56-3.01C Construction

56-3.01C(1) General

Holes left in the shaft of an existing standard due to the removal of equipment or mast arm must be sealed by fastening a galvanized steel disk to cover the hole. Fasten using a single central galvanized steel fastener. Seal edges of the disk and hole with a polysulfide or polyurethane sealing compound complying with ASTM C 920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, Use O.

If an existing standard is ordered to be relocated or reused, remove large dents, straighten shafts, and replace parts that are in poor condition. Furnish anchor bolts or bars and nuts required for relocating or reusing standard. Repair and replacement work is change order work.

If a standard or mast arm is relocated or the Department furnishes a used standard or mast arm, furnish:

1. New bolts, nuts, cap screws, and washers

2. New keeper plate, if the standard has a slip base

56-3.01C(2) Foundations

56-3.01C(2)(a) General

Except for concrete for CIDH concrete pile foundations, concrete must comply with the specifications for minor concrete.

Construct concrete foundations on firm ground.

After each post, standard, and pedestal is properly positioned, place mortar under the base plate. Finish the exposed portion to present a neat appearance. Mortar must comply with the specifications for mortar in section 51-1, except mortar must have:

1. 1 part by volume of cement

2. 3 parts by volume of clean sand
Form exposed portions of the foundation to present a neat appearance and true to line and grade. The top of the foundation for posts and standards must be finished to curb or sidewalk grade. Forms must be rigid and braced securely in place. Conduit ends and anchor bolts must be placed at the proper height and position. Anchor bolts must be installed a maximum of 1:40 from vertical and held in place by rigid top and bottom templates. Use a steel bottom template at least 1/2 inch thick that provides proper spacing and alignment of anchor bolts near the embedded bottom end. Install the bottom template before placing footing concrete.

For relocated standards, construct new foundations and furnish anchor bolts of the proper type and size.

Galvanize steel parts under section 75-1.02B.

Provide 2 nuts and washers for the upper threaded part of each anchor bolt. Provide 3 nuts and washers for each anchor bar or stud.

Do not weld HS steel used for anchor bolts, anchor bars, or studs.

Before placing concrete, moisten the forms and ground. Keep the forms in place until the concrete sets for at least 24 hours and is strong enough to prevent damage to the surface.

Except when located on a structure, construct foundations for posts, standards, and pedestals monolithically.

Apply ordinary surface finish under section 51-1.03F(2).

If a foundation must be extended for additional depth, the extension work is change order work.

Do not erect posts, poles, standards, pedestals, or cabinets until the concrete foundation has cured for at least 7 days.

The Engineer selects either the plumbing or raking technique for posts, poles, standards, and pedestals. Plumb or rake by adjusting the leveling nuts before tightening nuts. Do not use shims or similar devices. After final adjustments of both top nuts and leveling nuts on anchorage assemblies have been made and each post, standard, and pedestal on the structure is properly positioned, tighten nuts as follows:

1. Tighten leveling nuts and top nuts, following a crisscross pattern, until bearing surfaces of all nuts, washers, and base plates are in firm contact.

2. Use an indelible marker to mark the top nuts and base plate with lines showing relative alignment of the nut to the base plate.

3. Tighten top nuts, following a crisscross pattern, an additional 1/6th of a turn.

In unpaved areas, construct a raised concrete pad in front of each controller cabinet pedestal.

If a foundation is shown to be abandoned, remove the top of the foundation, anchor bolts, and conduits to a minimum depth of 0.5 foot below the sidewalk surface or original ground. Backfill the resulting hole with material equivalent to the surrounding material.

A foundation must be completely removed if not shown to be reused or abandoned.

Dispose of foundations that are removed.

56-3.01C(2)(b) Cast-In-Drilled-Hole Concrete Pile Foundations

Reinforced CIDH concrete pile foundation must comply with section 49-3 except:

1. Dispose of material resulting from drilling holes

2. Concrete for CIDH concrete piles will not be considered as designated by compressive strength
Concrete must contain not less than 590 pounds of cementitious material per cubic yard.

For standards and poles located in sidewalk areas, the pile foundation must be placed to final sidewalk grade before the sidewalk is placed. The top 4 inches must be square shaped.

If shown, use sleeve nuts on Type 1-A and 1-B standards. The bottom of the base plate must be flush with the finished grade.

56-3.01C(3) Identification Tags

Except for Type 1 standards and wood poles, attach rectangular corrosion-resistant metal identification tags on all standards and poles using stainless steel rivets as follows:

1. For standards and poles, attach a tag above the handhole near the base of the standard or pole.

2. For signal standards, attach 1 tag above the handhole near the base of the pole and 1 tag on the underside of the signal mast arm near the arm plate.
The lettering on each identification tag must be:

1. Either depressed or raised

2. 1/4 inch tall

3. Legible

4. Readable after the support structure is coated and installed
Include the following information on the tag:

1. Name of the manufacturer

2. Date of manufacture

3. Identification number

4. Contract number

5. Unique identification code:

5.1. Assigned by the manufacturer

5.2. Traceable to a particular Contract and the welds on that component

56-3.01D Payment

Not Used

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