Not Used
17-2.03 CONSTRUCTION 17-2.03A General
Complete the work specified in section 20-10.02C(2) before clearing and grubbing.
Clear and grub before performing earthwork in an area.
Do not injure standing trees, plants, and improvements shown to be protected.
Clear and grub the entire length of the job site to the following widths:
1. 5 feet outside of excavation and embankment slope lines where slopes are not rounded
2. Outside limits of slopes where slopes are rounded
3. 5 feet outside of structures
4. 2 feet outside of slope lines for ditches and channels with a bottom width of less than 12 feet
5. 5 feet outside of slope lines for ditches and channels with a bottom width of 12 feet or more
If the construction area includes an orchard, vineyard, or other cultivated area, remove all orchard trees, vines, and other vegetation in the entire highway to right-of-way lines.
17-2.03B Clearing
Clear all construction areas above original ground of (1) all vegetation such as trees, logs, upturned stumps, roots of downed trees, brush, grass, and weeds and (2) other objectionable material including concrete, masonry, and debris.
Cut tree branches that extend over the roadway and hang within 20 feet of finished grade. Cut other branches to give each tree a balanced appearance. Cut off branches close to the trunk under section 20-3.01C(2).
17-2.03C Grubbing
Grub all construction areas to a depth necessary to remove all trees, existing stumps, roots, buried logs, and other objectionable material, except embankment areas where the grading plane is 2 feet or more above original ground.
In embankment areas where the grading plane is 2 feet or more above original ground, cut off trees, stumps, and roots not more than 1 foot above original ground, except remove trees, stumps, and roots completely where work includes any of the following:
1. Structure construction
2. Pile construction
3. Subdrainage trench excavation
4. Removal of unsuitable material
5. Cutting into slopes of original hillsides, old or new fill
17-2.03D Disposal of Materials
Dispose of objectionable materials resulting from clearing and grubbing activities, unless (1) the Contract includes a bid item for duff as specified in section 21-1.02C or (2) you reduce combustible material to chips with a 1/2-inch maximum thickness and spread them in areas enclosed by interchange loops and ramps or between slope lines and right-of-way lines. Bury the chips or distribute them uniformly by mixing with underlying soil to prevent combustion.
Do not leave objectionable material in or under embankments, including dikes.
Accumulation of flammable material is not allowed.
17-2.04 PAYMENT
Not Used
17-3–17-10 RESERVED
18-1.01 GENERAL 18-1.01A Summary
Section 18 includes specifications for applying dust palliatives.
A dust palliative must be any of the following:
1. Water
2. Dust suppressant
3. Dust control binder
18-1.01B Definitions
18-1.01C Submittals
If a dust suppressant or dust control binder is to be used, submit a dust treatment plan at least 15 days before starting job site activities. The dust treatment plan must include:
1. Product name and type
2. Manufacturer's name
3. Polymer emulsion type if a synthetic polymer emulsion is used, including identification of:
3.1. Individual components greater than 5 percent by volume in blends of polymers with different compositions
3.2. Additives greater than 2 percent by volume
4. SDS
5. Proposed methods for applying products
6. Application rate per pass, total application rate, and residual application rate
7. Required weather conditions for application, including ambient and surface temperatures, wind conditions, and allowable period before expected precipitation
8. Drying time or curing time required before traffic is allowed on the treated surface
Submit the manufacturer's instructions for the material to be used.
Submit a certificate of compliance for the dust suppressant, dust control binders, and fibers.
For a dust suppressant, include with the certificate of compliance:
1. Test results verifying compliance with the quality characteristic requirements in section 18-1.01D. The results must be from a test conducted within 12 months before the date of the certificate of compliance.
2. Test results from a test conducted within 12 months before the date of the certificate of compliance verifying compliance with the following environmental requirements:
2.1. Maximum constituent concentration levels
2.2. Organic and inorganic requirements for:
2.2.1. VOCs
2.2.2. Semi-VOCs
2.2.3. Synthetic precipitation leaching procedure
2.3. Aquatic toxicity
18-1.01D Quality Assurance
A dust suppressant or dust control binder must comply with US EPA requirements and RWQCB requirements for soil stabilizers.
A dust suppressant must be tested by either an ASTM- or AMRL-AASHTO-accredited laboratory for compliance with the specified quality characteristic requirements.
A dust suppressant must be tested by an EPA-accredited laboratory for environmental requirements. Liquid chemical treatments must be tested before dilution. Solid products must be mixed with water to a 25 percent concentration before testing. The constituent concentration for each dust suppressant must not exceed the maximum levels shown in the following table:
Maximum Constituent Concentration Levels
Test method
maximum level
EPA Method 200.7
EPA Method 245.1
EPA Method 200.7
EPA Method 365.4
EPA Method 335.4
A dust suppressant must comply with the requirements shown in the following table:
Organic and Inorganic Requirements
Quality characteristic
Test method
EPA Method 8260
Set by the CalEPA Air Resources Board and local air district
EPA Method 8270
US EPA Target Compound List and Contract-required quantitation limits
Synthetic precipitation leaching procedure
EPA Method 1312
Set by the RWQCB
A dust suppressant must comply with the aquatic toxicity requirements shown in the following table:
Aquatic Toxicity Requirements
Quality characteristic
Test method
Aquatic toxicitya (LC50 min, ppm)
ASTM E729 or EPA Method 600/4-90/027F and EPA Method 600/4-91/002
Aquatic toxicitya (rating)
ASTM E729 or EPA Method 600/4-90/027F and EPA Method 600/4-91/002
slightly toxic or better
Renewal toxicityb (LC50 min, ppm)
ASTM E1295
Renewal toxicityb (rating)
ASTM E1295
slightly toxic or better
aUsing Ceriodaphnia dubia (water flea), Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout), Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow), and Americamysis bahia (mysid shrimp)
bUsing Ceriodaphnia dubia (water flea)
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