Reading Comprehension Questions

a. Cultural traditions function to identify members of a culture to one another and, also, to allow the individual to self-identify.b

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a. Cultural traditions function to identify members of a culture to one another and, also, to allow the individual to self-identify.
b. Many of the traditions of these cultures remained active in Frankish society for centuries.
c. When tradition is lacking or is not honored by the younger generation in a society, there is danger that the culture will be lost.
d. It is unnecessary to discuss the origin of these traditions it will only muddy the water 0 0 501
Reading Comprehension Questions
6801_501_ReadingCompQuest_4E[fin].indd 100 3/18/10 1:34:53 PM

1 0 1 Which of the following is the best meaning of the word culture as it is used in the passage?
a. the fashionable class
b. a community of interrelated individuals
c. a partnership
d. an organized group with a common goal
According to the passage, for how many years was Charlemagne Emperor of the Franks?
a. 14 years
b. 15 years
c. 13 years
d. 16 years
The film Lawrence of Arabia maybe somewhat dated by modern special-effects standards, but it remains a high-water mark in the annals of filmmaking. Since we’re on the subject of CGI and other computer-generated special effects, Lawrence has none for the simple reason that it was actually filmed using real people who really performed the action. The long, slow scenes of camels walking in the desert may seem dull to the modern animation-jaded viewer, but those willing to pay attention to the underlying themes will be well rewarded by what the movie is saying.
And it is the theme of Lawrence that really stays with a viewer, even today, some 40 years after it was released. That theme is the age- old story of hubris—the pride of a man which raises him above his peers, only to dash him on the rocks of self-indulgence by the end. We see this tragic foible of mankind worked out fully in the character of Lawrence himself, who begins the film as a brilliant genius who is eager to get involved in the desert conflicts of World War I. His cocky attitude irritates his superiors and amuses the Arabs fighting alongside the British, but his genius for details and strategy soon overcome all obstacles. Lawrence’s brilliant victory at the Suez Canal could only have been accomplished by Lawrence, and his own self-sacrifice and commitment to his followers display the best of his character.
Unfortunately, the baser elements of that character gradually take control as the film moves along, and Lawrence slowly declines into a dangerous blend of despair and self-assurance. The problem

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