Reading passages

One of the factors in the development of geometry as science was

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Reading (1), Reading Challenge Test Bank is designed for courses using, [@IELTS Speaking 9] 179 IELTS Speaking Part 2 Samples. (1)
One of the factors in the development of geometry as science was
A) the inaccuracy of the early rules and calculations
B) Mimes' agreement
C) annual flooding of the Nile Valley
D) destruction of farm crops
E) an ancient manuscript copied by Egyptians
Computers have led to a greater change in our society in recent decades than any other force and are
likely to continue to do so until the next century. The industry surrounding computers is growing
quickly, providing employment for many but meanwhile making others redundant. Jobs that
computers can do much more reliably, faster and cheaper are lost. The redeployment of labour and
the prospect of increased leisure are causing social upheavals which require new ideas and
significant changes of attitude.
It is pointed out in the passage that the introduction of computers into daily 
life________ .
A) has definitely solved the problem of unemployment
B) has had no effect on the traditional habits of society
C) can be regarded as the greatest technical achievement of the age
D) has led to an improvement in working conditions
E) has brought a lot of benefits but has also created some serious problems
According to the passage, the impact computers have had on society
A) will certainly continue to increase right through the next century
B) has been unnecessarily exaggerated in recent years
C) has generally been confined to industrial life
D) has exceeded that.of any other technological development in recent times
E) is very much less than it has been on industry
33. As is implied in the passage, the widespread use of computers in industry_______ .
A) has made considerable changes in the working system inevitable
B) has unfortunately increased production costs
C) has reduced the working hours but not the work load
D) will, in the next century, lead to even more disillusionment
E) has given rise to many new solutions to the problems of unemployment
Tavi Fabrics is a Portuguese textile and clothing firm which, until recently, employed about 300
workers and had a turnover of 6 million pounds. Now, however, Tavi is facing serious problems. In
the last two years its fabric sales have remained steady, but profits have declined sharply. This is
because Pakistani and Italian suppliers have been forcing prices down. In the ready-to-wear market,

the condition is much worse. Competition is cut-
throat. Exporters from 24 low-cost countries are
fighting for a share in the European market. Tavi is suffering from this competition. The stores are
now bargaining hard over prices, and Tavi has already lost two important orders.

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