Religious 15 Seder Steps, The

Disraeli - A Personal History

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Disraeli - A Personal History

by Christopher Hibbert Read by Derek Pugh (1 Cd)

This biography tells of the personal life of one of the most fascinating of British Prime Ministers, Benjamin Disraeli. He was an exotic outsider in Victorian politics, a converted Jew who through sheer parliamentary talent came to dominate and re- fashion the Conservative Party, charm the Queen, and establish the British Empire as the cornerstone of policy for 100 years. This lively book tells the story of his life progression as a novelist, politician and statesman until he reached, in his own words, 'the top of the greasy pole'.

No. 1302

Divided Self, The by David J Goldberg Read by Clive Roslin

How should Jews respond to an age of militant Zionism and resurgent anti-Semitism? Is insisting on a separate sense of identity anachronistic and dangerous, or is it the only way of preserving the Jewish cultural heritage? These are the questions David Goldberg, the respected and outspoken Liberal Rabbi attempts to answer in this fascinating argument he calls 'The Divided Self'.

No. 1685

Does Your Rabbi Know You’re Here?

by Anthony Clavane

Read by David Collins (9 Cds)

This book argues that Jewish figures have played a key, if sometimes forgotten, role in football's transformation from a working-class pursuit played in crumbling arenas to a global entertainment industry. It tells the stories of the lives of these largely unsung pioneers, uncovering a hidden industry of Jewish involvement in English football. From the Brady Street boys who were as handy with their fists as they were with their feet through to the businessmen who helped form the breakaway premier league, and in the process changed the English game forever.

No. 1690
Doomed to Glory

by Moshe Rashkes

Read by Ruth Hill
Moshe Rashkes documents his personal experience as a disabled was veteran of Israel’s 1948 War of Independence. He was awarded a Citation of Valour and in 1950 became chairman of the Israel Disabled War Veteran’s Organisation. He was responsible for more than 6,000 people and their re-integration into society through the crucial key of sports activities.

This book tells of the lives of those who have been cruelly challenged by nature, war or human evil and still live life to the full and with enthusiasm.

No. 1726

Dora B

by Josiane Behmoiras Read by Ita Rubin (1 Cd)

Dora B is the story of Josiane's struggle to come to terms with the truth that her mother who has so cherished and protected her is losing her grasp on the world. Full of warmth, humour and heartbreak, it is a portrait of an inspiring and unusual woman and a testament to a mother's selfless love.

No. 1453

Dream, The volume 2

by Harry Bernstein

Read by Rita Rosenbaum

"The Dream" is the 2nd part of Harry Bernstein's autobiography (the 1st being "The Invisible Wall") and describes the family's life after arrival in America. Amidst all the hardship, suffering and deprivation during the Depression, Harry's mother clings to her original dream - that of a better life in the USA. Yet that is what it remains, a dream; life is just as difficult and hard in Chicago as it was in their old home Lancashire. This book is moving, emotional, compassionate and is a vivid retelling of the author's past. Harry Bernstein produced his first full-length works at the age of 93 while grieving for his wife Ruby, to whom he had been married for 67 years. He died in 2011 at the age of 101.

No. 1735

Earl Of Petticoat Lane, The

by Andrew Miller

Read by Vera Norman (1 Cd)

A fascinating family history from barrow boy to his meeting with the Queen. An immigrant from Eastern Europe who was determined to be a real Englishman and never forgot his roots.

No. 1444


by Peter D Smith

Read by Daniel Gee (1 Cd)

An interesting history of Albert Einstein's life that concentrates on his orthodox private life, although it also touches upon his scientific studies too. The book keeps his works in the physics world relatively simple, for the amateur reader. The subject of Israel's Presidency is briefly touched upon and the book is both informative and entertaining.

No. 1330

Elsie's War

by Frank Dabba Smith Read by Gill Bennun (1 Cd)

Elsie Kuhn Leitz was a beacon of courage in the darkness of World War ll Germany. The daughter of a famous industrialist, she risked everything to save the lives of those persecuted by the Nazi regime. A truly moving story.

No. 1332


by Maggie Anton

Read by Hilary Michel

Fantastic tales of demons and the Evil Eye, magical incantations, and powerful attractions are abound in 'Enchantress', a novel that weaves together Talmudic lore, ancient Jewish magic, and a timeless love story set in 4th century Babylonia. Based on 5 years of research and populated with characters from the Talmud, 'Enchantress' brings a pivotal era of Jewish and Christian history to life from the perspective of a courageous and passionate woman.

No. 1790

England's Jewish Solution

by Robin Mundill

Read by Derina Dinkin (1 Cd)

This is an overview of an academic book which traces the usury practices of the Jewish population in Edwardian England in the 13th Century and the reasons why the Jews were unpopular and the reasons why the Crown found ways to make their lives uncomfortable and to finally banish them, not only from England, but from France too.

No. 1307
Examined Life,The

by Stephen Grosz

Read by Ruth Hill
These short stories are based on sessions between patients and the practising psychoanalyst Stephen Grosz. Most of us are fascinated by what people do, why they do it and how individuals think their personal problems can be resolved. 'The Examined Life' distils over 50,000 hours of conversation and pure psychological insights into the processes of talking, listening and understanding. Grosz's reflections are full of wisdom. This is an absorbing and easy read that will make the listener ponder his or her own problems and how to deal with them.

No. 1699

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