Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2012-13 Director of Bureau : Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Session No. 12 File name : cedb(cit)- doc

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Examination of Estimates of Expenditure 2012-13

Reply Serial No.



Question Serial No.


Head :

33 Civil Engineering and

Development Department

Subhead (No. & title) :

Programme :

(1) Tourism and Recreational Development

Controlling Officer :

Director of Civil Engineering and Development

Director of Bureau :

Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development

Question :
Regarding the issue of the improvement works to promenades of the Aberdeen Harbour and Ap Lei Chau Main Street, will the Administration inform this Committee:
(a) in 2011-12, what are the estimated expenditure and manpower involved in the above 2 improvement works? Has the Administration assessed the benefit brought by the project?
(b) what are the estimated expenditure and the revenue involved in the above 2 improvement works in 2012-13?
(c) apart from the 2 improvement works for tourism facilities, are there any tourism facilities on Hong Kong Island which have to carry out improvement works to enhance the appeal of tourism facilities on Hong Kong Island? If yes, what are the details and manpower involved? If not, what are the reasons?

Asked by : Hon. PAN Pey-chyou
Reply :

(a) In 2011-12, the estimated expenditure on the Aberdeen Tourism Project, which comprises improvement works to promenades of Aberdeen Harbour as well as Ap Lei Chau Main Street, is $31.3 million. The project is being managed by a consultant employed by the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD). Upon completion of the improvement works, the overall attractiveness of the Aberdeen area will be enhanced with better facilities for visitors.

(b) The estimated expenditure for the Aberdeen Tourism Project in 2012-13 is $124.8 million.

(c) Several tourism enhancement projects, including those in the Central and Western District, the Peak and Stanley Waterfront, have been completed in the past few years. CEDD is now working in full swing on the improvement works under the Aberdeen Tourism Project and there are no other planned tourism enhancement projects on the Hong Kong Island at the moment.


Name in block letters


Post Title

Director of Civil Engineering and Development



Examination of Estimates of Expenditure 2012-13

Reply Serial No.



Question Serial No.


Head :

33 Civil Engineering and

Development Department

Subhead (No. & title) :

Programme :

(1) Tourism and Recreational Development

Controlling Officer :

Director of Civil Engineering and Development

Director of Bureau :

Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development

Question :
For the public landing facility in Lei Yue Mun and related marine works in the Lei Yue Mun area, will the Administration inform this Committee of the following:
(a) The expenditure and manpower involved in the above works in 2011-12? Has the Administration set any timetable for completion of the project?
(b) The estimated expenditure and revenue of the above works in 2012-13?
(c) Apart from the above works, does the Government have any plan to carry out other improvement works for the tourism facilities in East Kowloon districts to enhance their attractiveness to visitors? If yes, what are the details, estimated expenditure and staffing involved? If not, what are the reasons?

Asked by : Hon. WONG Kwok-kin

Reply :

(a) The proposed public landing facility for Lei Yue Mun is one of the facilities to be provided under the Tourism Commission’s Lei Yue Mun Waterfront Enhancement Project, and the works in question would be carried out by the Civil Engineering and Development Department. The Department is working on the required statutory procedures for gazettal of the above works under the Foreshore and Seabed (Reclamations) Ordinance. Subject to the completion of the statutory procedures and funding approval by the Finance Committee, the works for the public landing facility are expected to commence earliest in end 2012 for completion in 2015. The above works are still at the planning stage, and hence no expenditure would be incurred in 2011-12. The staffing of the works has been subsumed into the establishment of this Department for 2011-12, and it is difficult to quantify the amount separately.

(b) The estimated expenditure for the above works in 2012-13 is $3.16 million, and no revenue is involved.

(c) Apart from the public landing facility mentioned above, the Lei Yue Mun Waterfront Enhancement Project covers a series of other improvement works including the development of a waterfront promenade and the construction of a new viewing terrace, and other streetscape beautification works to be carried out by Architectural Services Department (ArchSD) geared to enhancing the tourism appeal of Lei Yue Mun. The above works are still at the planning stage, and hence no expenditure would be incurred in 2011-12. The staffing of the works for 2011-12 has been subsumed into the establishment of ArchSD, and it is difficult to quantify the amount separately. The estimated total cost for this part of works is around $99.1 million, and the estimated expenditure in 2012-13 is $3.2 million.
The Government has announced the plan to energise Kowloon East. In the further development of Kowloon East, the Tourism Commission will liaise with the tourism industry and take into account Legislative Councillors’ views expressed in the motion debate on "Capitalizing on the opportunity presented by the building of a cruise terminal to develop Kowloon East into a business and tourism district" on 14 December 2011, to ensure that the relevant tourism initiatives would meet the needs and aspirations of our visitors. This will reinforce the part Kowloon East will play in the tourism development of Hong Kong. The Administration will seek funding for such initiatives as necessary.


Name in block letters


Post Title

Director of Civil Engineering and Development



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