Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2012-13 Director of Bureau : Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Session No. 12 File name : cedb(cit)- doc

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Examination of Estimates of Expenditure 2012-13

Reply Serial No.



Question Serial No.


Head :

78 Intellectual Property Department

Subhead (No. & title) :

Programme :

(2) Protection of Intellectual Property

Controlling Officer :

Director of Intellectual Property

Director of Bureau :

Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development

Question :
The Intellectual Property Department has earmarked $24.6 million for protection of intellectual property in 2012-13. As stated by the Department, small and medium enterprises remain one of the prime targets of its promotion and education efforts. Please advise in detail:

(a) Through what seminars and exhibitions will it help these enterprises understand the importance of protecting their intellectual property rights and raise their awareness on innovation and intellectual property management, particularly on the kind of intellectual property solutions that they seek and the kind of intellectual property that might be available for sale in the target market?

(b) What kind of promotion and education activities will be organised specially for small and medium enterprises to emphasise the prevention of intellectual property infringement?
(c) What is the amount of resources to be injected to strengthen the out-reach effort to young people in promoting intellectual property protection?
Asked by : Hon. LEUNG Kwan-yuen, Andrew
Reply :
The Intellectual Property Department’s estimated provision for publicity and educational programmes in 2012-13 is about $9.9 million, of which about $2 million has been earmarked for promotion and education efforts targeted at small and medium enterprises (SMEs):
(a) To help SMEs understand the importance of measures that protect their intellectual property (IP) rights when pursuing innovation, and raise their awareness of the benefits brought by proper IP management, including how best to search for IP solutions and harness IP rights that might be available for sale in the target market, we will maintain close liaison with the local business sector (including SMEs, business associations and IP intermediaries). In the next financial year, we will continue to actively participate in major exhibitions and seminars for SMEs held in Hong Kong, such as the “World SME Expo”, “Business of IP Asia Forum” and “Hong Kong International Licensing Show”, and arrange colleagues to give talks on IP issues of particular interest to SMEs. We also plan to organise another seminar on “Intellectual Property and the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises” in Guangdong province to help Hong Kong enterprises in Guangdong better understand the IP system in the Mainland.
(b) At the seminars and exhibitions mentioned in (a) above, the Department would also seek to put across messages related to the prevention of IP infringement. Furthermore, the Department will produce a publicity and educational video specially for SMEs, distribute related booklets at exhibitions and seminars, as well as update and enrich from time to time the reference materials provided on the Department’s website for SMEs.
(c) The Department has earmarked about $1.7 million in 2012-13 for sustaining its efforts to foster a culture of respect for intellectual property among young people through school talks, interactive drama programme, seminars in tertiary institutions, exhibitions, the “IP Teen City” website as well as competitions rolled out in collaboration with other organisations.


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Director of Intellectual Property



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