Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2012-13 Director of Bureau : Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Session No. 12 File name : cedb(cit)- doc

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Note 1 : Where typhoon-related storm surges cause flooding, the Observatory will subsume the flooding warning in the tropical cyclone warning bulletins.

Note 2 : The number of signals and warnings is counted on the basis of the number of times of signal issuance. For instance, if the Observatory first issued Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 1, then replaced it by Signal No. 3 and thereafter issued Signal No. 1 again, then there will be two counts of Signal No. 1 and one count of Signal No. 3. As such, the number of warning signals could be more than the number of tropical cyclones affecting Hong Kong.
Note 3 : When the Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 is continuously in force, the number of Signal No. 8 will be counted as one, irrespective of the number of changes in Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 of different wind directions issued by the Observatory within that period of time.

Examination of Estimates of Expenditure 2012-13

Reply Serial No.



Question Serial No.


Head :

168 Hong Kong Observatory

Subhead (No. & title) :

Programme :

(3) Time Standard and Geophysical Services

Controlling Officer :

Director of the Hong Kong Observatory

Director of Bureau :

Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development

Question :
Regarding time standard and geophysical services, please advise on the manpower, expenditures and equipment involved as well as the operational details of the following work in each of the past five years:
a) operating seismological, tide and water level monitoring networks and conducting data analyses;

b) compiling climatological and other related data;

c) conducting studies related to climate change in Hong Kong and promoting public understanding; and

d) providing updates on the effects of El Nino and other longer term atmospheric phenomena on Hong Kong.

Asked by : Hon. KAM Nai-wai
Reply :
Details of the Hong Kong Observatory’s work in respect of “time standard and geophysical services” in the past five years are given below:
a) to enhance its capability in earthquake monitoring and tsunami warning, the Observatory:
i) established the tenth seismograph station at Po Shan Road, Mid-Levels. The station was equipped with a broadband seismograph and an automatic seismic data processing system for real-time data exchange with overseas agencies. This expedited the earthquake analysis process and the dissemination of quick earthquake messages;
ii) developed a tsunami prediction system suitable for local use by simulating the arrival of tsunamis caused by earthquakes; and
iii) helped co-ordinate the participation of government bureaux and departments in the Pacific-wide tsunami exercises organised in 2008 and 2011 by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation;
b) the Observatory compiled on a regular basis monthly weather summaries, annual summaries of meteorological and tidal observations in Hong Kong, reports on tropical cyclones, etc.  The Observatory updated and enriched the content of its climate information webpage from time to time as necessary. Examples include the introduction of the Hong Kong regional climate webpage in 2009 and the publication of the mean values of weather data such as temperature and rainfall for the past 30 years;
c) using meteorological data and existing computer facilities and making reference to the climate model simulation results of major counterparts around the world, the Observatory conducted researches on climate change and completed a number of studies in the past five years, including the long-term trend of Hong Kong's climate change, projections on temperature and rainfall and related weather projections in Hong Kong in the 21st century, as well as the long-term trend of tropical cyclone activities. The Observatory promoted public education on climate change through a range of activities, such as holding talks on climate change for schools and relevant organisations, setting up a climate change webpage, publishing educational materials/pamphlets, etc. Other promotion activities were held jointly with relevant organisations;
d) using existing computer facilities and making reference to the climate forecasts around the world, the Observatory monitored the development of El Niño/La Niña and issued updated information to the public from time to time on possible impact on Hong Kong’s climate. The main tasks delivered in the past five years included a study covering the effect of El Niño/La Niña on the winter monsoon, and climate of other seasons in Hong Kong, and the publishing of winter temperature and rainfall data in Hong Kong during La Niña in recent decades.
Regarding expenditure, the acquisition and installation of the broadband seismograph and the seismic data processing system described in part (a) above required a non-recurrent expenditure of $4.1 million. The manpower provision and expenditure for the Observatory’s “time standard and geophysical services” (including the work within the above scope and our work related to time standard) under Programme (3) for the past five years are listed below:


Expenditure ($ million)

Manpower provision ( Number of staff)
















*denotes the revised estimate


Name in block letters

SHUN Chi-ming

Post Title

Director of the Hong Kong Observatory



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