*Consideration for score should be based on the total number of participants—children, parents and child care. Projects may support one or all three audiences.
Please describe any specified STEM and Early Learning skills that the current staff, families, board, organization, and/or community might bring to this project.
Our Project Coordinator is a nationally known leader and presenter in early childhood. Our Project Trainer developed the pre-existing STEM Units and has provided trainings on STEM concepts in Early Childhood with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) and for districts across the state. Other current leaders in the areas of STEM and/or Early Learning in the Bremerton School District include administrators at elementary, middle, and high school, Instructional Coaches, preschool-8th grade teachers from West Hills STEM Academy, and our ECCE Partners; including 5 teams who have already received specialized training on pre-existing STEM units and books/materials. Community partnerships include Kitsap Regional Libraries, Washington STEM, and Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. These individuals and teams bring a wide range of skills to our project. Combined, we have deep knowledge into critical STEM concepts, standards, and guidelines; and strong backgrounds in early learning and age-appropriate strategies. We will build on our strong partnerships to assist families and early learning professionals in implementing engaging, appropriate, and foundational STEM concepts throughout children's naturally occurring environments such as the home and classroom, but also while playing outside, traveling in the car, or while shopping at the grocery store.
Are you intending to hire new staff to implement this project? If so, please describe the position and hiring timeline.
This project will be accomplished by current teachers on timesheets and with in-kind supports.
Describe new partners (e.g. parent groups, libraries, housing authorities, community organizations) that your organization would like to build in order to create a successful project?
Our ECCE members represent many aspects of life in our community, from service organizations, churches, Head Start / ECEAP, the Youth Wellness Campus to our local Early Learning Coalition, and organizations outside of the education world. Our partners would disseminate information in this project as well as the importance of early learning to underserved families with an eye toward ways to increase our efforts. If we identify an area that we could successfully include in this project we would be willing to find a way to fill that need during the Implementation Phase. Outside of the ECCE we partner with our community library who is adding a STEM focus for their summer reading program. Our Housing Authority recently approached us for information about PlaySchool; this could be an excellent connection for including more families of children who are not currently connected to a childcare or preschool program.
What are the challenges that you anticipate in planning and implementing this proposed project?
This project was formulated using a "backward design" approach focusing on the desired result; using this process we were able to consider challenges and attempt to eliminate them. We wanted to design a project that provided a feedback loop with teachers; addressed the comfort level of our families with STEM concepts, and get more in-depth STEM activities used within our early childhood community. We will select classrooms from each type of program in the ECCE group to try the materials and obtain their feedback, and additional feedback from the Advisory Group of teachers who already have the materials from the 20011-2012 Boeing PreK STEM grant.
With Advisory Group feedback, we will adapt and modify materials prior to all programs receiving the materials. This will increase the ownership of the teachers to fully implement the Units and materials. We will trial a few books for each Unit with our test group.
Since families are currently reading many informational texts with their children; we will add books to the backpacks system to pair this unfamiliar text type with the familiar fiction picture books they read. We will obtain information from the teachers on family experiences with STEM books and adjust as needed.
Are there any organizational priorities that may affect the outcome of this project? If so, please explain.
Bremerton School District has a long history of commitment to early childhood by creating schools that begin in PreK, and even birth at our Naval Avenue Early Learning Center. This commitment created a strong partnership with our Early Learning community. The School Board received National Recognition for their efforts and dedication to early learning. This commitment is evident in the District HOPE goals as well as by actions of the School Board. The District has also created a "STEM Pipeline" which is a commitment of schools from Elementary (West Hills STEM Academy, PreK -8th grade) to Mountain View Middle School to Bremerton High School (Lighthouse School) to Olympic College Engineering Department and to Puget Sound Naval Shipyard partnership.
Bremerton values projects that are sustainable and provide resources for our families and teachers; this project develops multiple long term resources. This will expand our 2007 backpack program and the Classroom and Family Math books will provide a variety of research based engaging, creative activities to develop strong foundational math skills.
Project Implementation Total Points
Application Question
Grantee Response
Pts. Possible
Pts. Awarded
Reviewer Notes
How will your project support Thrive’s goals to increase STEM successes for children birth to five and/or their parents/families in a culturally responsive way?
Cultural responsiveness and equity are core values of the ECCE partnership, and are reflected in goals and actions. This grant's activities will follow this same philosophy. The ECCE's equity focus responds to the needs of families and children we serve. All information and materials have been, and will continue to be, viewed through an equity lens. Families will be given STEM information in order to adapt it to meet their individual and cultural needs; when families have information, they are able to use it to fit their interests and life. The Family Math Book, the Units and Home Connection letters will contain a wide assortment of activities that can be done in various locations.
The ECCE group has already received training and has basic STEM knowledge through the Boeing 2011-2012 Grant. They have also received training and strategies on being culturally sensitive to their families. Some of our ECCE partners already have children from Birth to 3 in their centers and share the Professional Development information with those teachers. Holly Ridge, our Neuromuscular Developmental Center for children ages 0-3 years, already shares the preschool room at West Hills STEM Academy and has access to STEM content appropriate for them.
How does this project represent an innovative approach that is unique to the learning of children and/or families?
Bremerton School District is recognized nationally for innovative approaches to reaching young children through community preschool partnerships. Other districts create their own preschool programs, this partnership within existing programs reaches more children using combined resources. This partnership is a proven, existing system for connecting with the early learning community; Bremerton has been cited in national publications (Foundation for Child Development), state programs (Lighthouse District to train others on PreK-3 and on STEM) and locally by the League of Education Voters. Program Directors review research, analyze program data, and guide the Professional Development based on teacher and children's needs. Our strength based approach builds on partner's successes and provides resources to further their accomplishments. This project dovetails on a successful 2007-2008 Thrive By Five Grant, which created an ongoing backpack system and Classroom and Family literacy books. We will use the same format for creating math Classroom and Family books, and include STEM books in backpacks. Establishing relationships with local businesses using Community Connection Posters provides venues to reach families and childcare professionals. These posters provide strategies to incorporate STEM concepts throughout the day. These activities offer multiple opportunities for teachers and families to gain skills to increase STEM opportunities.
How does this proposed project represent a community-driven approach?
Since this project will be implemented with our Early Childhood Care and Education partnership, it will be community driven. This partnership is comprised of members of our Early Learning Community and represents approximately 50% of children entering kindergarten in Bremerton. During the planning phase, teachers who receive the materials will provide feedback on their use of the materials and suggestions for improvement. The teachers who already have the materials will be an Advisory group for them and will help facilitate the discussions.
This grant will be a standing agenda item for the ECCE Director's meetings, reflection and input for each component will guide the final project. During the monthly Professional Development, the components will be presented to the entire group by either a teacher from the Advisory group or a teacher from a test site. Other teachers will be trained on the components and be given the opportunity to provide their perceptions as well.
Project Approach Total Points
Application Question
Grantee Response
Pts. Possible
Pts. Awarded
Reviewer Notes
Proposed Planning Activities
Cultural responsiveness and equity are core values of the ECCE partnership, and are reflected in goals and actions. This grant's activities will follow this same philosophy. The ECCE's equity focus responds to the needs of families and children we serve. All information and materials have been, and will continue to be, viewed through an equity lens. Families will be given STEM information in order to adapt it to meet their individual and cultural needs; when families have information, they are able to use it to fit their interests and life. The Family Math Book, the Units and Home Connection letters will contain a wide assortment of activities that can be done in various locations.
The ECCE group has already received training and has basic STEM knowledge through the Boeing 2011-2012 Grant. They have also received training and strategies on being culturally sensitive to their families. Some of our ECCE partners already have children from Birth to 3 in their centers and share the Professional Development information with those teachers. Holly Ridge, our Neuromuscular Developmental Center for children ages 0-3 years, already shares the preschool room at West Hills STEM Academy and has access to STEM content appropriate for them.
Proposed Implementation Activities
Cultural responsiveness and equity are core values of the ECCE partnership, and are reflected in goals and actions. This grant's activities will follow this same philosophy. The ECCE's equity focus responds to the needs of families and children we serve. All information and materials have been, and will continue to be, viewed through an equity lens. Families will be given STEM information in order to adapt it to meet their individual and cultural needs; when families have information, they are able to use it to fit their interests and life. The Family Math Book, the Units and Home Connection letters will contain a wide assortment of activities that can be done in various locations.
The ECCE group has already received training and has basic STEM knowledge through the Boeing 2011-2012 Grant. They have also received training and strategies on being culturally sensitive to their families. Some of our ECCE partners already have children from Birth to 3 in their centers and share the Professional Development information with those teachers. Holly Ridge, our Neuromuscular Developmental Center for children ages 0-3 years, already shares the preschool room at West Hills STEM Academy and has access to STEM content appropriate for them.
Advisory Board and Project Coordinator and Trainer review and select Informational Text big books, to be trialed in Test Site classrooms
One-two big books per STEM unit selected based on feedback from Test Site Teachers
Review: 10/14-11/14
Trial Period 12/124-3/15
PlaySchool/Outreach to families, Materials and strategies to use to teach early STEM concepts selected
Additional day/month of PlaySchool offered to families, Home Connection Letters for each STEM unit developed and trialed with PlaySchool families, feedback on materials and strategies used most often
Trial Community Connection Posters developed, partnership with local businesses established, four trial posters displayed in partner businesses
Community Connection Posters format finalized and ready to be displayed in local businesses, partnerships with local businesses established
Advisory Board and Project Coordinator and Trainer meet to review and select STEM concept books for backpack system, trialed in Test Site classrooms
STEM concept books for backpack system selected, number and/or type of books within backpacks adapted and modified based on family feedback given to Test Site Teachers
Implementation Activities
Anticipated Outcome
Start & End Dates
Project Coordinator and Trainer, Advisory Board, and Test Site Teachers train remaining ECCE program teachers on selected STEM big books, selected big books distributed
All ECCE programs will have the same core materials to develop and implement STEM lessons, alignment across programs can be achieved due to common materials, ability to share activities and lessons
Training: 4/15-6/15
Implementation: 7/15-3/16
PlaySchool offered to families twice a month based on research and feedback of most used materials and strategies, Home Connection Letters for each STEM unit available for families
Families not currently enrolled in a preschool program will access early learning strategies in foundational concepts through PlaySchool, All families in the ECCE and through PlaySchool will be able to access STEM Units and Home Connection letter
Eight additional Community Connection Posters published for display throughout the year in local businesses
12 Community Connection Posters developed and displayed in local businesses throughout the year
Classroom math book published based on feedback from Test Site Teachers
All ECCE programs will have access to activities and foundational concepts for early math based on early learning research
Distributed: 5/15
Implemented: 6/15-3/16
Family math book published based on feedback from Test Site Teachers and PlaySchool families
All ECCE and PlaySchool families will have access to activities and foundational concepts for early math based on early learning research
Distributed 5/15-3/16
STEM concept books for backpack system selected, number and/or type of books within backpacks adapted and modified based on family feedback given to Test Site Teachers
Current Backpack system improved by adding books targeting early learning concepts in early literacy and STEM available to all ECCE program families