Risk management guide for dod acquisition sixth Edition (Version 0) August, 2006 Department of Defense Preface

Key Activity - Risk Identification

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Key Activity - Risk Identification

The first key activity in the risk management process is Risk Identification. While in some publications “risk assessment” is used as an umbrella term that includes the primary activities of both risk identification and risk analysis this guide addresses these two critical risk management activities separately in Sections 2 and 3, respectively.


The intent of risk identification is to answer the question “What can go wrong?” by:

  • Looking at current and proposed staffing, process, design, supplier, operational employment, resources, dependencies, etc.,

  • Monitoring test results especially test failures (readiness results and readiness problems for the sustainment phase),

  • Reviewing potential shortfalls against expectations, and

  • Analyzing negative trends.

Risk identification is the activity that examines each element of the program to identify associated root causes, begin their documentation, and set the stage for their successful management. Risk identification begins as early as possible in successful programs and continues throughout the program with regular reviews and analyses of Technical Performance Measurements (TPMs), schedule, resource data, life-cycle cost information, EVM data/trends, progress against critical path, technical baseline maturity, safety, operational readiness, and other program information available to program IPT members.


Risk can be associated with all aspects of a program, e.g., operational needs, attributes, constraints, performance parameters including Key Performance Parameters (KPPs), threats, technology, design processes, or WBS elements. Consequently it is important to recognize that risk identification is the responsibility of every member of the IPT, not just the PM or systems engineer.

Examination of a program is accomplished through decomposition into relevant elements or areas. Decomposition may be oriented to requirements, processes, functional areas, technical baselines, or acquisition phases. Another method is to create a WBS as early as possible in a program for a product-oriented decomposition, which is particularly useful in identifying product and some process oriented risks. Other means, such as a process-oriented framework, would be required to sufficiently illuminate process-based root causes, which could be tracked via the WBS structure to view impacts to schedule, resource loading, etc.

To identify risks and their root causes, IPTs should break down program elements to a level where subject matter experts (SMEs) can perform valid identification by WBS or IMS line item number. The information necessary to do this varies according to the life-cycle phase of the program. A program risk assessment checklist is available via the DAU Technical Reviews Continuous Learning Module (key words: “technical reviews;” course number CLE003).

During decomposition, risks can be identified based on prior experience, brainstorming, lessons learned from similar programs, and guidance contained in the program office RMP (see Section ). A structured approach describes each WBS element in terms of sources or areas of risk. MIL-HDBK-881, “Work Breakdown Structures for Defense Materiel Items,” serves as the basis for identifying the first three levels of the program WBS, and developing the contract WBS. The examination of each element and process against each risk area is an exploratory exercise to identify the critical root causes. The investigation may show that risks are inter-related.

WBS product and process elements and industrial engineering, manufacturing and repair processes are often sources of significant root causes. Risks are determined by examining each WBS element and process in terms of causes, sources, or areas of risk. When EVM is applied on a contract it can help identify WBS program elements that are experiencing issues. This information can be used to help prioritize WBS elements that may contain unidentified risks.

Identification of Root Causes

Program offices should examine their programs and identify root causes by reducing program elements to a level of detail that permits an evaluator to understand the significance of any risk and identify its causes. This is a practical way of addressing the large and diverse number of risks that often occur in acquisition programs. For example, a WBS level 4 or 5 element may be made up of several root causes associated with a specification or function, e.g., potential failure to meet turbine blade vibration requirements for an engine turbine design.

Root causes are identified by examining each WBS product and process element in terms of the sources or areas of risk. Root causes are those potential events that evaluators (after examining scenarios, WBS, or processes) determine would adversely affect the program at any time in its life cycle.

An approach for identifying and compiling a list of root causes is to:

  • List WBS product or process elements,

  • Examine each in terms of risk sources or areas,

  • Determine what could go wrong, and

  • Ask “why” multiple times until the source(s) is discovered.

The risk identification activity should be applied early and continuously in the acquisition process, essentially from the time performance and readiness requirements are developed. The program office should develop and employ a formalized risk identification procedure, and all personnel should be responsible for using the procedure to identify risks. Specific opportunities to identify risks (e.g., at event-driven technical reviews) and explore root causes against objective measures (e.g., meeting the entry criteria for an upcoming technical review, requirements stability, technical maturity, software lines of code and reuse ratios, critical paths or near critical paths) should not be overlooked. If technical reviews are schedule, vice event driven, their usefulness as risk assessment tools can be impacted, and the full benefits of risk assessment may not be achieved. The early identification and assessment of critical risks allows for the formulation of risk mitigation approaches and the streamlining of both the program definition and the Request For Proposal (RFP) processes around those critical product and process risks. Risk identification should be done again following any major program change or restructure such as significant schedule adjustment, requirements change, or scope change to the contract.

Typical risk sources include:

  • Threat. The sensitivity of the program to uncertainty in the threat description, the degree to which the system design would have to change if the threat's parameters change, or the vulnerability of the program to foreign intelligence collection efforts (sensitivity to threat countermeasure).

  • Requirements. The sensitivity of the program to uncertainty in the system description and requirements, excluding those caused by threat uncertainty. Requirements include operational needs, attributes, performance and readiness parameters (including KPPs), constraints, technology, design processes, and WBS elements.

  • Technical Baseline. The ability of the system configuration to achieve the program's engineering objectives based on the available technology, design tools, design maturity, etc. Program uncertainties and the processes associated with the “ilities” (reliability, supportability, maintainability, etc.) must be considered. The system configuration is an agreed-to description (an approved and released document or a set of documents) of the attributes of a product, at a point in time, which serves as a basis for defining change.

  • Test and Evaluation. The adequacy and capability of the test and evaluation program to assess attainment of significant performance specifications and determine whether the system is operationally effective, operationally suitable, and interoperable.

  • Modeling and Simulation (M&S). The adequacy and capability of M&S to support all life-cycle phases of a program using verified, validated, and accredited models and simulations.

  • Technology. The degree to which the technology proposed for the program has demonstrated sufficient maturity to be realistically capable of meeting all of the program's objectives.

  • Logistics. The ability of the system configuration and associated documentation to achieve the program's logistics objectives based on the system design, maintenance concept, support system design, and availability of support data and resources.

  • Production/Facilities. The ability of the system configuration to achieve the program's production objectives based on the system design, manufacturing processes chosen, and availability of manufacturing resources (repair resources in the sustainment phase).

  • Concurrency. The sensitivity of the program to uncertainty resulting from the combining or overlapping of life-cycle phases or activities.

  • Industrial Capabilities. The abilities, experience, resources, and knowledge of the contractors to design, develop, manufacture, and support the system.

  • Cost. The ability of the system to achieve the program's life-cycle support objectives. This includes the effects of budget and affordability decisions and the effects of inherent errors in the cost estimating technique(s) used (given that the technical requirements were properly defined and taking into account known and unknown program information).

  • Management. The degree to which program plans and strategies exist and are realistic and consistent. The government’s acquisition and support team should be qualified and sufficiently staffed to manage the program.

  • Schedule. The sufficiency of the time allocated for performing the defined acquisition tasks. This factor includes the effects of programmatic schedule decisions, the inherent errors in schedule estimating, and external physical constraints.

  • External Factors. The availability of government resources external to the program office that are required to support the program such as facilities, resources, personnel, government furnished equipment, etc.

  • Budget. The sensitivity of the program to budget variations and reductions and the resultant program turbulence.

  • Earned Value Management System. The adequacy of the contractor’s EVM process and the realism of the integrated baseline for managing the program.

Developers’ engineering and manufacturing processes that historically have caused the most difficulty during the development phases of acquisition programs are frequently termed critical risk processes. These processes include, but are not limited to, design, test and evaluation, production, facilities, logistics, and management. DoD 4245.7-M, Transition from Development to Production, describes these processes using templates. The templates are the result of a Defense Science Board task force, composed of government and industry experts who identified engineering processes and control methods to minimize risk in both government and industry.

Additional areas, such as manpower, ESOH, and systems engineering, that are analyzed during program plan development provide indicators for additional risk. The program office should consider these areas for early assessment, since failure to do so could cause significant consequences in the program's latter phases.

In addition, PMs should address the uncertainty associated with security – an area sometimes overlooked by developers but addressed under the topic of acquisition system protection in the Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG), as well as in DoDD 5200.1, DoD Information Security Program; DoDD 5200.39, Security, Intelligence, and Counterintelligence Support to Acquisition Program Protection; and DoD 5200.1-M, Acquisition Systems Protection Program. However, in addition to the guidance given there, PMs must recognize that, in the past, classified programs have experienced difficulty in access, facilities, clearances, and visitor control. Failure to manage these aspects of a classified program could adversely impact schedules. Not only are classified programs at risk, but any program that encompasses Information Assurance is burdened by ever increasing security requirements and certifications. These risks must be identified as early as possible as they affect design, development, test, and certification requirements that will impose schedule challenges to the program.

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