Russia 110721 Basic Political Developments

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Hedging Putin's Will
July 20, 2011

Russian asset-management firm Arbat Capital has tailored its services to reflect total uncertainty over who will run in the March 2012 presidential election.

The enterprising asset-management group is creating a fund that will actually invest in portfolios of companies based on their apparent ties to either President Dmitry Medvedev or Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

In a country where business and politics often overlap, investors are thus effectively able to throw the dice and speculate on whether it will be powerful Putin or incumbent Medvedev in the Kremlin next year.

Putin and Medvedev, former colleagues and friends from the St. Petersburg 1990s, have been unforthcoming and often utterly cryptic when quizzed on who will run for the presidency with only seven months to go until polls.

Putin recently sneered at a journalist for even posing the question.

They say that revealing which of them might run for the Kremlin could trigger infighting as clans vie with each other to lay the appropriate groundwork for their political and business survival until 2018 (Medvedev increased presidential terms to six years).

Nadia Popova points out for the WSJ's "Emerging Europe" blog that Arbat Capital believes it has a solution for investors in its "New Kremlin Fund," which is expected to be registered and operative in August.

Arbat Capital gives a number of examples "to illustrate how the upcoming elections can affect the value of public companies."

The outcome of the poll is crucial for businesses operating in Russia that are thought to require informal approvals from the Kremlin before striking major deals. The companies to benefit from Mr. Putin’s possible third term are gas producer OAO Novatek and media holding CTC-Media Inc., said Arbat Capital managing director Yulia Bushueva, the creator of the New Kremlin Fund.

The choice of the next president also has major impact on potential collaborations between Russian and foreign companies, according to Arbat Capital. It points to the example of TNK-BP, British Petroleum's 50-50 Russia venture.

TNK-BP has been a central party in the dispute over a share swap between BP and Rosneft, oil behemoth. The latter was until recently chaired by Igor Sechin, the powerful deputy prime minister at the heart of Putin's inner circle.

A Putin return could potentially give Sechin more sway in the BP-Rosneft deal, which he himself has championed.

But, for gamblers with more modest investment capital but who still have a penchant for reading the Kremlin tea leaves, there are other outlets.

British gambling sites Paddy Power and Stan James are offering odds of 2/7 and 4/11 respectively on Putin staging a comeback to the Kremlin. They put the incumbent's chances at 9/4 and 2/1.

Analysts are divided over Russia's burning question and many can agree only that Putin, president from 2000 to 2008 and widely perceived as Russia's most powerful leader, will ultimately have the final say in who runs despite handing the reins to Medvedev in 2008.

Nikolai Petrov of the Carnegie Moscow Center says that Prime Minister Putin may base his decision to run in the presidential elections on his performance in the December parliamentary elections.

Putin has said he will "need to wash" after election season.

-- Tom Balmforth

Rogozin dives into the brainstorming session at the White House
Published: 21 July, 2011, 06:10
Edited: 21 July, 2011, 06:14
The special presidential envoy will be allowed to enter the holy of holies of US missile defense By Darya Tsilyurik

­Yesterday Russia’s permanent envoy to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, arrived in Washington. The main theme of his visit to the US, which will last until July 25, is the search for a compromise on the deployment of US anti-ballistic missile defense elements in Europe. An informed diplomatic source told Nezavisimaya Gazeta (NG) that Rogozin’s scheduled trip to the Missile Defense Integration and Operations Center at Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado Springs could be considered a landmark event.    

On his trip, Rogozin will be accompanied by Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Ryabkov, who is in charge of the Foreign Ministry’s ABM affairs and disarmament in general. Rogozin should be joined by his counterpart, US Permanent Representative to NATO Ivo Daalder. 

According to the source, Rogozin should expect a fully-packed agenda with talks and consultations. For example, he will meet with Special Assistant to the US President Gary Seymour, and hold consultations at the National Security Council with representatives of the presidential administration, including Presidential Advisor Michael McFaul, Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Ellen Tauscher, Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense James Miller, and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff James Cartwright.

Moreover, Rogozin is expected to hold talks with certain senators, including Jon Kyl. On Friday, he plans to meet with Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip Gordon. Consultations with Assistant Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller have also been scheduled. 

The main theme of the visit – deployment of US anti-ballistic missile defense elements in Europe – will be discussed during these meetings. It is the main aggravating factor in the relations between Russia, the US and NATO. According to our source, it has been proposed to hold a brainstorming session on issues concerning cooperation in this field. Russia will rely on the idea that there is still a chance to reach a compromise. The goal of the visit, which is taking place in an environment of “cautious optimism,” is to identify common ground on this issue.   

“For now, not one of the discussed options for cooperation has been disregarded,” explained the source. “It is planned to analyze the existing groundwork and outline at least some reference points. We believe that a chance has not been lost.”

He added that Rogozin will not raise any other issues, unless the US has some unrelated questions.      

It is noteworthy that on Monday, Rogozin is expected to visit the holy of holies of the US Armed Forces: Colorado Springs, which is home to the US ABM command post. There he will be greeted by US military officials, who will hold a briefing and show him what they are allowed to show, said the source, adding that this is the first time a visit to Colorado Springs is taking place at this level. Today, in the midst of the search for a solution to the ABM defense problem, this is a symbolic event.    

The sourcepointed to the fact that Moscow remains concerned about the deployment of US ABM defense elements in Europe, because this system could “have a significant effect on the balance of forces, and lead to the reduction of the viability and effectiveness of Russia’s strategic deterrence.”

“This is a serious matter of national security, and we are not ready to turn a blind eye to what will be happening,” he said.

Russia will demand solid guarantees that this system is not aimed against its strategic nuclear forces, while considering comprehensive equal-right cooperation within the framework of the AMB to be the best approach.

There should be no room left for mutual distrust and especially suspicion, as it could lead to a new arms race, says the diplomat. Russia must be assured that, in terms of its national security interests, the ABM in Europe does not undermine its strategic potential. 

Rogozin’s trip to the US is regarded in Moscow as “a highly important event.” In May, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev addressed a message to all of the heads of states and governments of the Russia-NATO Council, in which he outlined the Russian position and noted that its further clarification and development will be carried out by the efforts his special envoy on missile defense cooperation with NATO – Dmitry Rogozin.

Rogozin is making contacts with the alliance members’ defense departments as part of his efforts to develop this position. Rogozin has already visited Germany, Poland, Slovenia and the Netherlands, and plans to travel to France, Italy and Turkey in the future.

“But the most important visit is the current one – to the US,” explained NG’s source. At the end of the trip it is expected that an analysis will be conducted of what was discussed in order to consider and develop Russia’s further negotiations position on cooperation with NATO and the US on ABM defense.

Who is who

20/07/2011 17:28

Experts's Club

Two months have passed since the Georgian Parliament recognized the genocide of the Circassian people. But silence and confusion caused by this act still continues in the upper echelons of the Russian authorities. Sensible parts of the Circassian society assessed this immediately as the beginning of a new stage in their history. The decision of the Georgian Parliament played another important part. It made it possible to distinguish between forces really interested in the fate of the Circassian people and those hidden behind pseudo-patriotism. This equally concerns both international and Caucasian Circassian organizations and their leaders.

Majority of Circassian public organizations from the Caucasus, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Europe and the US sent letters of thanks collectively and individually to the Georgian Parliament where they noted that by this brave act a big step was taken towards restoration of historical justice regarding the Circassian people and in the matter of their unification. This decision created a barrier which would help to prevent similar tragedies in the future. It supported strengthening of common humanitarian values, establishment of peace and stability in the Caucasus region.

According to activist of the Circassian Youth Organization Kik Kase the recognition of the Circassian genocide by the Parliament of Georgia has completely changed attitude of the Circassian people and especially of the youth towards Georgia. Georgian people and Georgia have become more and more popular topic among them. Many stereotypes that certain circles had been creating for the last twenty years about Georgia and Georgians were broken and they started to rethink this issue from a new point of view. This process is gathering pace not only in Circassians of the Caucasus but in all Circassian Diasporas of the world.

Also a decision of the Georgian authorities to erect a memorial of Circassians -victims of the genicide on the Black Sea coastline was a positive step. It would have been even better if it were possible to do this in historical Circassia where today monuments are erected to Russian conquering generals – Zass, Yermolov, Romanov and so on. And by doing this they are insulting a memory of people that died and were expelled from their homeland from hands of these very generals – said Kik Kase.

They believe that the recognition of the Circassian genocide by Georgia gave incentive to the Chechen authorities to accelerate return of those refugees from Jordan that were fighting with arms in their hands against the Russian army in the First and the Second Chechen wars and afterwards were forced to leave their homeland for well-known reasons. Authorities of the Chechen Republic made a very courageous and just decision and this June they brought 100 refugees from Jordan with special free flight. 10 more similar flights are planned to bring back other groups as well.

Despite the fact that large part of the returnees are pursued and wanted by the Russian security services local authorities gave them security guarantees for living in their homeland , returned their old properties and even allotted significant sums funds to them. Chechens showed a fine example of timely and prompt solution of the Muhajir problem. This is the way to go when what was taken away by force is not returned for hundreds of years.

Return of the Circassian Muhajirs to their historical homeland, unification of Circassian territories in the Caucasus , formation of united , truly national and independent Circassian organization, revival of Circassian culture and language, recognition of the genocide of the Circassian people , expression of the position towards the 2014 Winter Olympics - these are questions that define genuine national spirit of all public organizations or separate individuals.

Approaching these issues with double standards aims at stretching time aimlessly and turning a blind eye to mounted problems that got the Caucasus to a deplorable state.

The issue of the Circassian genocide is not a question of short standing. It was raised on the international level back in the nineties of the last century by the International Circassian organization headquarters of which was in Nalchik. This organization was considered a significant force then. At the instruction of Moscow and with its direct participation it was taken under control by the authorities of Balkaria of the time. And few years later it, like some of other Circassian public organizations, became an attachment of the government bodies. This was when accumulation of problems, that Russia is struggling with today, began.

Those are wise who see what's coming when it still in its bud. These wise words count thousands of years. And if the Russian authorities have seen the Circassian problem in its bud, and started politics of its timely solving instead of politics of concealment the issue of the genocide would not have raised so acutely today. And there have not been question of holding or non-holding of the Olympics in Sochi. Neither so much innocent blood would have been spilt in the Caucasus.

Like their Moscow masters Abkhazian separatist leaders maintain silence. They feel that recognition of crimes that were committed 150 years ago against the Circassians will accelerate putting on an agenda of the shameful crime against 300 000 innocent people that twenty years ago were driven out of their homes. Adopting the ostrich position and politics of not seeing of so many problems will not achieve anything.

In order to please Moscow more insolence is demonstrated by those who believe that the Genocide of the Circassian people never happened. This was an act that was in the interests of the Russian Empire. And that all empires at that time behaved the same way. An author of this approach is Kabardian professor, Doctor of Historical sciences Khasan Dumanov who, in his words, has been working on problems of Circassia since 1968. By the way, now-deceased leader of the separatist regime of Abkhazia Sergei Bagapsh hald the same view.

Dumanov maintains that neither Russia nor Turkey is ready for settling Circassians back into their historical homeland. And in all descendents of Muhajirs are better off where they have been living for so long as return to their historical homeland will bring them face to face with new painful processes.

Position of head of the public organization of the Krasnodar Krai Adyge Khase Asker Sokht towards all Circassian problems is diametrically opposed to views repeatedly expressed by national forces.

He calls on heads of Circassian organizations to be guided only by the legislation of the Russian Federation. He advises the government of Turkey to create appropriate conditions on place for Circassians as in this case it will be hard for them to live in conditions of today's Russia. He criticizes everybody who believes it to be blasphemy to hold the Olympics in Sochi, on graves of the Adyge people. More, he was accused of attempts to deceive leaders of the Circassian organizations. Asker Sokht showed them individually a document that was prepared in Moscow to convince them that everybody had signed their consent there already and that only that particular person was left to do the same. But as it became known later no one had signed it. This immoral and treacherous act of Asker Sokht was officially confirmed by chairman of the public movement of Kabardino-Balkaria Khase Ibrahim Yaganov and other Circassian public figures at a press conference.

Ibrahim Yaganov differs significantly from the rest of the leaders of the Circassian with his clear and unambiguous position. He believes that unlike other countries Russia has failed to overcome barrier of the country's colonial legacy and is trying to preserve the empire with the use of force.

He argues that Georgia's recognition of the genocide of the Circassian people brought the Circassian problem at the international level that put the federal government in an awkward position. They do not even understand how to behave in the future, as their designated regional leaders do not understand the situation and are just busy with misappropriation of federal grants.

Yaganov categorically opposes holding of the Olympic Games in 2014 on the graves of their ancestors -Circassians in Krasnaya Polyana. He raises the question of creation of one united Circassian Commission from separate organizations, as chief force that guided the Circassian idea - the International Circassian organization has become a marginal entity since 2000. The latter only exists to serve the Federal centre and prevent formation of new, truly national organizations. Yaganov criticizes leaders of Circassian public organizations Asker Sokht, Chachukh Majid, Muhamed Khafitse who do not have their own positions and who only have poses that is changed in accordance with instructions received from the centre. They have always been and will continue to be on the side of the existing government, and they do not care who is in power.

The decision of the Georgian parliament of May 20th, 2011 accelerated the disclosure of enemies and well-wishers of the Circassian people. It became clear who is who. The process continues.

P.S. Today it became known that the leader of the Circassian movement in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Ibrahim Yaganov was attacked by unidentified persons and was severely beaten up with metal rods and even pipes. Currently Yaganov is in hospital with head injuries. Supporters of Yaganov link the attack to its public activities.

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