School Improvement Plan 2009-2010 ∫τ∑

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School Action Plan

Required District and State Goal

School Goal

Increase the number and quality of business partners

  1. Increase the number of STEM business partners

  1. Improve the number of partnerships with community-based organizations


(List 3-5)

What changes(s) would you like to effect in the 2009-2010 year that will help you achieve your goals?

ISA Principle


Means of Evaluation
ollege Preparatory Curriculum


Timeline for Implementation

Needed Professional Development/ Resources

Estimated Costs and Funding Sources



Monitoring of




of Progress/Impact (Scholar Learning Data)

S.M.A.R.T Academy-Science and Math Tutorial Program

October 2009 to May 2010

Teacher Stipend-4 teachers X 4 hours per week X 20 weeks X $30 per hour

$10, 000-Gates Foundation

Benchmark assessment results

Increase in student achievement on Math 1 and Biology EOCT and Math and Science GGT

Science and Technology Day Exposition

February 2010

Teacher Stipend-20 hours X $30 per hour

$600-Gates Foundation

  • STEM Business Partner

  • Principal

Benchmark assessment results

Increase in student achievement on Math 1 and Biology EOCT and Math and Science GGT

Mentoring by Georgia Tech scholars for 11th graders via CEISMC

September 2009 to May 2010

Journals, materials and supplies


Scholarship Coordinator

Guidance Counselor

Mentoring logs

Passing rates on GHSGT scores

Increase in number of 11th graders earning 1500 or more on SAT

STEMS Newsletter (Informational newsletter to report student achievement data, events, school policy, etc

September 2009

November 2009

February 2010

May 2010

Paper, print cartridges, camera

$1000-Title I

Guidance Counselor

Partnership action plans

Increase in

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