Marrion, Mr. 96
Marsh-marigold, sp. 6, 25, 29
mountain 189, 231
white 25, 281
Marten pine, 27, 105
Martin, Audrey 120
Martin, Dave 59, 65
Martin, Patrick W. (Pat) 119-120
“Maryland Conservationist” 310
Mathews, Elaine 265, 275
Matthews, Dr. W.H. (Bill) 57, 208. 212,
228, 236
Mathias, Chief 195
May, Doug 198
May, Valerie 298, 314
Mayer, Roger 306
Mayfly 3
Mayne Island 73
Mazama ash 209
McAllister, Peter 159, 277
McArthur, Mayor 74
McCammon, Eileen 207
McClintock, Jack 167
McCrimmon, Constance 116
McEwan, Mavis 314
McFeat, Marjorie 277, 280, 291
McGinn, Mrs. Frank 11, 23, 25, 34, 61, 71, 73, 192
McGinn, Frank 1
McGinn, Wentworth 1
McGregor, Ian 77, 212, 243
McLeod, Frank 314
McLuckie, Louise 14
McQueen, Kate 193
McQuillan, Sue 290
McTaggart-Cowan, Gary 14
McTaggart-Cowan, Dr. Ian 2, 16, 33, 71,
75, 77, 83-84, 88, 99, 114, 139, 166,
169, 174, 193
Meade Ed 118
Meadowlark, western 20, 27, 33, 41-42, 71,
79, 82-83, 109, 114, 150, 158, 169, 207,
246, 296, 314
Melburn, Miss M.C. 96
Membership 121
Merganser, common (American) 4, 47-48, 79, 90, 150, 225, 247, 313
hooded 43, 79, 90, 150, 158, 283,-284, 313
red-breasted 11, 12, 19, 27, 33, 36, 43, 47-50, 76-77, 79, 90, 92,
113, 150, 184, 200, 214, 247,
285, 295
Merilees, William J. (Bill) 14, 93, 123
Merlin 33, 75, 149, 200, 279
Merritt 17, 145, 259
Mice, (see mouse or vole)
Middaugh, Mrs. Dan 263, 265
Middaugh, Mical 146
Middens 22, 127, 195, 253
Midge larvae 3
Milk-vetch, alpine 26, 219
timber 26
Milkweed 9, 128
Milkwort, sea 22, 31, 44
Millepedes 257
Miller Creek (Yukon) 217
Milroy, Kay 125-129, 194, 197-198
Mimulus (see Monkey-flower)
Mimulus Creek 196, 229
Miner’s lettuce, Siberian 35, 182, 201
Mink 83, 154, 243
Minto (Town of) 211
Mission 24, 94-95, 111, 124, 214
Mistletoe 100
Mistmaiden, Sitka 125, 188, 258
Mitlenatch Island 171, 177, 260, 301
Mitrewort sp. 8
Brewer’s 189
five-stamened 189, 220
Mock orange 22, 37, 182
Mockingbird, northern 134, 173, 199, 276, 279, 283
Moir, Kathy 208
Mole, coast 33, 83
Molyneaux, Betty 291
Monashee Mountains 106
Monkey flower sp. 1, 56, 190
chickweed 180
mountain 190, 281
pink 56, 148, 189
yellow 31, 33, 82, 181, 190
Montia, small-leaved 1, 180
Moody, Ed 79, 129, 134, 159, 246277, 285, 291
Moon, 184, 204-205, 228
Moonwort 202
Moore, Miss 83
Moorecroft Church Camp 82, 151
Moose 203
Moran dam 252
Morels 34
Morgan, Frances 22, 62, 77
Morris, W. A. (Bill) 154, 183
Moses Coulee (Washington) 175
Mosquitoes 147, 196
Moss, sp. 2, 4, 6, 30, 32, 37, 61, 147, 181, 187, 202, 218, 252
hair 6, 13
haircap 94
Mnium 13, 36
sphagnum 6, 15, 62
Moss, Buss 310
Moth, ermine 64
tiger 64
Moth Hunt 63
Mount Robson Provincial Park 301
Mount Seymour Provincial Park 132, 272, 297-298
Mountain Access Committee 141, 151,
263, 298
Mountain-ash, sp. 25, 29, 35
Sitka 6, 180, 189
Mountain-avens, white 220
Mountain-heather sp. 34
four angled 219
hybrid 188, 219
pink 6, 34-35, 188, 219, 231, 281
white 6, 34-35, 188, 219, 231, 281
yellow 188, 219, 281
Mount Abbott 68
Arrowsmith 321
Baker 25, 54, 97, 102, 165, 195, 209
Eiffel 196
Garibaldi 1, 5, 56-57, 85, 106
Kobau 153
Mamquam 25, 56
Plinth 208
Robson 302
Seymour 7, 69, 71, 124, 127, 132, 236, 279, 284, 306
Tatlow 259, 260, 302, 314
Waddington 302
Wheeler 126
Mouse, deer 41, 128
field 252 (vole)
jumping 83
White-footed 128
Mud Bay 119, 253, 299
Mud Creek 146
Muir, A. (Allister) 120, 139
Mulberry, 232
Munday, W.A. Don 119, 236, 302
Phyllis 119, 124, 196, 302
Munday Park 254
Municipality of Langley 245
Munro, Alec 99, 174, 196
Bill 108-109
Dave 41-42, 58
Murre, common 41, 80, 149, 158, 171, 296
Murrelet ancient 158, 160, 167, 244, 277, 285
marbled 33, 149, 158, 171-172, 215, 296
Mushroom ‘lore’
Rules for eating 13
‘Old Wives Tales’13
‘the foolproof four’ 34, 57
Mushroom 36, 40, 69
Agaricus 34
Amanita 13, 34, 57, 64 muscaria 45
plavorubescens 45
Amanitopsis vaginata 41, 89
Armillaria 40-41, 45, 70
mellea 41, 45, 70
ponderosa 90
bell mushrooms 45
bird’s nest fungus 46
black velvet stem 45
bleeding stem 45
Boletus 40
chrysenton 90
Bovista 46
Bracket fungus 34, 36
Candlewick 46
Cantharellus 34, 40, 45, 89, 134
aurantiacus 45
cibarius 34, 45, 89
tubaeformis 89
cauliflower fungus 41, 90
chantarelle 45, 57, 64
Chroogomphus tormentosus 90
Clavaria 34, 46
Clitocybe 45
lyophyllum 45
pseudoarmillariella 45
Clitopilus 45
prunulus 45
clod fungi 40
clustered 45
Collbia comatus 34, 57
micaceus 46
Coprinus comatus 57
micaceus 46
Cortinarius 34, 41, 45, 90
Cyathus 46
doubtful stropharia 45
dryad’s broom 34, 46
dryad’s saddle 34
earth star 46
edible 33-34
elf cap 40, 89
elf ’s saddle 41, 46
Entoloma 45
fairy-ring 34, 57
false chantarelle 41
fawn coloured 45
fly agaric 45
Ganoderma 34, 41
Geaster 41
triplex 46
Gomphidius glutinosa 46
tormentosa 46, 90
green stained 46
hayfield 34
Hebeloma 90
Helvella 34, 40, 46, 90
lacunose 46, 90
honey 41, 45, 70
Hygrophorus 34, 45
eburneus 89
Hypholoma 34, 90
fasciculare 45
Ink (inky) cap 40, 46
Inocybe 45, 90
Inrolled 45
Laccaria 34, 45, 90
amenthstina 45, 90
laccata 45, 90
Lactarius deliciosus 90
lignyotus 90
Laetiporos sulphureus 34
Lentinus 40, 45
Lepiota 34, 45
Leptonia 45
Lycoperdon 46, 57
Many-headed 45
Marasmius 57
oreades 34, 57
Meadow 45
Morels 34
Mycena 34, 41, 45, 89
haematopus 45
Oyster fungus 41
Paxillus atrotomentosus 45
involutus 45
Pegtop mushroom 46
Pholiota 34, 45-46
aggericola 45
Pleurotus 34, 40-41, 45
cervinus 45
porrigens 45, 89
Pluteus cervinus 45
Psailiota 34, 45
Psilocybe 34
Puffball 33-34, 46, 57
Russula 34, 40-41, 45, 89
Shaggy-mane 34, 57
Sparassis 41, 90
Stropharia 34, 40
aeruginosa 46
ambigua 45
Sulphur tuft 90
Tremella 34
Tricholoma 34
Varnished bracket fungus 34
Velvet Stem 45
witch’s butter 34
Xerophalina campanella 45
Xylaria 46
Muskett, Mr. 192
Muskrat 16-17, 42, 105, 154, 213, 252
Musqueam Reserve 2, 12, 19, 36, 43, 51,
195, 253
Mussel 14, 39, 104, 222
Mustard, glossy 182
tower 31, 270
Mycology 89
Myna, crested 24, 27, 37-38, 71, 115, 150,
Myotis, yuma 7
Myres, M.T. 88, 166
Mystery Lake 69, 237
Nagoonberry 220
Nakimu Caves 67-68
Nanaimo Field Naturalists 93
Nannyberry 232
Nanoose Bay 81-82
Nasmith, Dr. 208
National Collection of Nature Photographs. 120
National Fitness Council 118
National Museum of Canada 120, 217
National Parks 297
Natural History surveys 137
Nature Houses 108-109 119, 131-132, 141,
151, 230, 240
Nature Interpretation Programs 132
“Nature West Coast” 163, 179, 185, 309
Neild, J.Y. (Jack) 118, 123, 141, 194
Nelson Creek 157
Nemaia Valley 259-260, 302
Nemophila, great basin 37
small-flowered 37
Nereocystis 14, 39
Nest records (see B.C. and Pacific Nest
Record Schemes)
Nettle, stinging 51
Neve, Mr. 62
New Westminster 55, 128-129, 212-213,
225, 300
New Westminster School Board 212
Newson, V. (Verna) 77-78, 150, 162, 277, 291, 306
Newt, rough-skinned 182, 234
Newton, Don 152
Ney, C.S. (Charlie) 203, 205, 209, 212, 221, 227-228, 237, 251, 260, 269, 279, 288,
301, 305
Ney Award 203
Nicomekl River 22, 216
Nicomen Island 24, 124
Nighthawk, common 80, 114, 258, 284, 314
Night-heron, black-crowned 74, 75, 77, 89
Night School Courses 273
Ninebark, pacific 26, 28, 84, 181-182
Nitnat Lake 288, 297
Nitnat Triangle 297
Noaxe Lake 194, 210
North Arm Jetty 173, 225
North Burnaby 183, 283
North Okanagan Naturalists 104, 148, 154
North Pender Island 72-73
North Thompson River 253
North Vancouver 5, 40, 77, 89, 93, 97, 117, 134, 139, 160, 173, 185, 225, 240, 274,
279-280, 282-283, 299
North Vancouver Centennial Committee 240
North Vancouver Parks Department 240
North Vancouver Trails Group 185
Northshore Hikers 162
Northwest Territories 303
Norton, Gloria 282, 291
Nucella lamellose, (See Dogwinkle,
Nudibranch, sea lemon 22, 39
Nutcracker, Clark’s 89, 105, 108-109, 112,
114, 257, 271, 313
Nuthatch, pygmy 115, 157
red-breasted 108, 112, 150, 247, 271, 292
white-breasted 115, 258, 283
Nye, Doris 110, 116
Nymphs, dragonfly 9, 214
Oak, Garry 73, 82, 92, 168
Oak Street Bridge 150
Ocean Park 22, 31, 38, 253
Ocean spray 13, 180
Ochre 39
Oil-bird 238-239
O’Hara Lake 115
Okanagan Lake 288
Lakeshore Park 153
River 74
Old Relay Mine 146
Oldsquaw 43, 48, 70, 77, 79, 136, 158, 184,
266, 291
Oldaker, R.F. (Frank) 109-110, 127, 137
Oliver 114, 196
Olympic Games 155
Omineca 106
100 Mile House 115
Onion, wild 33, 35
mountain 231, 281
nodding 8, 181, 219
Olympic 281
Ootsa Lake 25
Operation Wood Duck 226
Opossum 11, 184, 318
Orache 31
silvery 270
Orchid, (see also rein-orchid, bog-orchid,
coralroot, fairy-slipper, lady’s-slipper)
phantom 1
rattlesnake (see Rattlesnake-plantain)
Orcutt, Lowell 150, 157, 160, 167-168, 265-
Oregon Fish & Game Commission 311
Oregon-grape 181, 204, 257
dull 180
tall 253
Oriole, Baltimore 169
Bullock’s 101, 105, 114, 117, 157,
255, 276, 284
Ornithology 4, 62, 99, 107, 140, 154, 161,
167, 182, 198, 205, 215, 254
Osoyoos Historical Society 74
Osoyoos Lake 74, 255
Osprey 110, 112, 154, 295, 312-313
Ottawa Field Naturalists Club 119
Ovenbird 169, 173
Owl, barn 2, 246, 279
great horned 149, 169, 252, 313-314, 317-319
long-eared 78, 207, 247, 279, 284, 292-293
pygmy 114, 159, 173, 247, 292
saw-whet 277, 280, 317
screech 247, 292, 314, 317
short-eared 20, 48, 75, 149, 159, 175, 184, 207, 224, 247, 280, 292-
293, 314
snowy 48, 159, 161, 182-183, 200, 247, 269, 274, 283, 286, 292,
299, 314
spotted 27, 168
Owl-clover sp. 31-32, 44
Oystercatcher, black 41, 93, 295
Pachena Bay 183
Pacific Biological Station 51, 135
Pacific Flyway 154
Pacific Great Eastern Railway (P.G.E.) 153
Pacific Nest Record Scheme 88, 123, 162, 166, 173, 185, 237, 265, 271, 282, 300
Pacific salmon (see Salmon)
Paintbrush, (Indian) sp. 8, 17, 25, 85, 124, 146, 148, 180
scarlet 189
small-flowered 189
Paleobotany 40
Palisade Range 40
Panorama Ridge (Garibaldi) 85-86
Panarama Ridge (West Vancouver) 140,
Panther Peak 193
Paradise Meadows 171
Paradise Valley 180
Parks (see by individual name)
Parks Branch 132, 141, 170, 171, 230
Partridge, gray 114, 169
chukar 168
Partridge-foot 189, 282
Pasqueflower, western 125, 148, 189, 195
Passage Island 284
Patricia Bay 92
Patterson Park, 283
Pavilion Lake 8, 19, 193
Pea, beach 31, 33-44
yellow 180
Peace River Parklands 168
Peachland 151, 155, 157
Pearce, Dr. Joseph 195
Peardonville 72
Pearly everlasting 94, 187
Pearse, Theed 199
Pearson, Win 94, 152, 194, 208, 268, 314
Peavine sp. 73
Peatfield, G. 274
Pelagic Birding Trips 294, 300
Pelican, American white 59, 199
Pelly Mountains 125-126
Plateau 125
Pemberton 19, 111, 153, 208
Penn, Ernest 263
Penstemon, sp. 8, 24, 201, 257
Davidson’s 100, 190
shrubby 25
small-flowered 190, 220
woodland 231, 281
Penticton Natural History Club 118
Periwinkle (snail) 21, 222
Periwinkle (flower) 36
Petrified wood 259
Phacelia, silky 187, 188, 219
thread-leaved 125
varileaf 201
Phalarope northern (red-necked) 105, 157, 184, 200, 277, 284, 295,
red 295
Wilson’s 116, 157, 169, 182, 283, 314
Pheasant, ring-necked 6, 16, 28, 38, 71, 75,
80, 92, 121, 136, 149, 158, 246, 256
Phelps, Dan 145
Philip, J. 254
Phillips, R.W. (Roy) 150, 247, 279, 282-
283, 293, 306
Phlox, sp. 100, 181
alpine 17
spreading 189
Phoebe, sp. 80
eastern 168
Say’s 114, 123, 168, 199, 201
Phoenix Mine 74
Pholiota 34, 46
Photo Duplicate File B.C. Vertebrates
246, 286-287
Photographic Competition 298, 301, 304
(see also Roy Edgell)
Picket, Billy 77
Piddock 39
Pigeon, band-tailed 5, 38, 80, 84, 114, 154,
159, 183, 274, 283, 296
Pika 105
Pilsbury, R.W. (Dick) 3, 38, 61-62
Pinder-Moss, Mrs. H. (Pindy) 120, 178-
179, 194, 278
Pine lodge pole 23, 37, 52, 94, 180
ponderosa 187, 196, 257-258
shore 23
white 85
whitebark 17, 52, 85, 187, 190, 220
Pineapple weed 32
Pinedrops 231, 281
Pinesap 188
Pintail, northern 12, 42, 46, 48, 50, 59, 68,
70, 75, 77, 79, 90, 113, 149, 158, 166,
200, 207, 216, 225, 247, 266, 295
Pioneer Mine 147
Pipit, American (water) 27, 71, 75, 112, 114, 142, 158, 175, 183, 200,
Sprague’s 169
Pipsissewa 181, 187, 231
Pitt Lake 110, 117, 123, 134, 138, 299
Pitt Meadows 116, 123, 129, 134, 140, 246, 266, 274,
276-277, 283-285, 291, 299, 306-307
Pitt Polder 110, 142
Pitt River 101, 117, 124, 276
Placer River 203
Plantain, ribwort 201
rattlesnake 5, 6, 73, 82, 180
sea (seaside) 22, 31, 44
Plectritis, long-spurred 73
Pleurotus 34, 40, 45
Plommer, Connie 35
Plommer, J.J. 4, 5, 15, 17-18, 22, 28, 35, 39,
40, 91, 192-193
Plover, American golden 217, 277, 283, 285, 300
black bellied 20, 27, 66, 70, 79, 159, 200, 225
semi-palmated 167, 276, 295
upland 285
Plum River 125
Pocket gopher sp. 105
Point Atkinson 22, 84, 193, 195, 240, 309
Point Grey 2, 15, 101, 144, 151, 196, 253, 267
Point Reyes Bird Observatory 215
Point Roberts 51, 54, 102, 113, 134, 139, 142,
158, 167, 182-184, 199, 216, 224, 244,
262, 266, 269-271, 277, 283, 285-286
Poison Ivy 257
Pokeberry 232
Polson, (John E. ?) 292
Polychaets (see worms)
Polysiphonia 13
Pond-lily sp. 226
yellow 3, 6, 50, 181-182, 214
Pondweeds 214
Poorwill 105, 168
Porcupine 24
Porphya 13
Port Coquitlam 190, 258, 259
Port Moody 29, 117
Portage Mountain Dam 220
Porter, Prof. S.C. 145
Powell Lake 288
Poynter, Allen/Helen 140, 142-143, 146,
153, 225, 284-285, 299, 307, 311,
Precious, Norman 77, 111,262, 308
President’s Reports
1962-63 121
1963-64 130
March 1965 140
1965-66 151
1967 162
1967-68 185
Prince George 26, 51, 156, 262
Prince’s pine 17, 25, 181, 187
Princeton 133
Proctor, Sharon 269
Prospect Point 28
Provincial Museum 19, 41, 45, 58, 96, 130,
170, 205, 229-230
Provincial Parks Branch (see B.C. Parks and/or Dept. Recreation and Conservation)
Psailiota 34
Ptarmigan, rock 127
white-tailed 108, 112, 271
Puffballs 33-34, 57
Puffin, tufted 41, 296, 300
Pullen, N.F. (Dick) 132-133, 141, 193, 199,
Pump Peak 69, 192
Purssell, Norman (Norm) 51, 100, 134, 141, 154, 197-198, 272, 298
Pussytoes sp. 201
rosy 187
racemose 218
Pyrola (See Wintergreen)
Quail, California 92, 114
Queen Charlotte Airlines 84
Queen Charlotte Islands 127, 203
Queen Elizabeth Park Arboretum 91, 135,
Queen’s cup 6, 17, 24, 34, 125, 187, 201
Quesnel 26
Quiniscoe Lake 52
Rabbit, (see cottontail and/or Hare)
Raccoon 24, 27, 33, 92, 184, 318
Racey, Kenneth 69, 127, 192
Radioactivity 227-228
Radium Hot Springs 249
Rae, W.S. (Bill) 50, 277, 280, 283-284, 291,
299-300, 306-397
Ragweed 22
Ragwort (see Butterweed & Groundsel)
Rail, sora 169, 274, 277
Virginia 16, 93, 168, 173, 182, 280, 291
Rainbow Meadows 153
Rainy River Valley 193
Random Bird Notes 216
Raspberry, (see also Bramble)
Arctic 220
black 84, 201
dwarf red 187
flowering 232
wild 232
Rattlesnake, western 74, 105
Rattlesnake-plantain sp. 5-6, 73, 82, 180,
Raven, common 41, 108, 115, 136, 150, 190, 271, 296, 313
‘one-legged’ 108
Redcedar, western 12, 73, 187, 231
Redhead 114, 169, 183, 199-201, 206, 244,
Redpoll, common 150, 161, 206, 267, 280
Redshank, spotted 244, 246, 285
Red Spagetti (algae) 39
Redstart, American 114, 116, 168, 257
Redstone 26
Reifel, George 75
(See also George Reifel Lodge)
Reifel Waterfowl Refuge 152, 158-159,
164, 168, 170, 183, 195, 215, 268, 274-
275, 285-286, 291, 293, 306
Rein-orchid, green 6, 34
white 125, 189, 219
Relay Creek 146-147
Retfalvi, Dr. Lazlo 88
Rhododendron sp. 82, 175-176, 194
Pacific 61, 163
white 6, 24, 29, 35, 188, 219, 231, 281
Richmond 255, 274, 277, 279-280, 284
Richmond Dump 283
Richter Scale 249
Ring Creek 56
Riverview 182
Roadkills 282
Roberts Bank 179, 185, 277
Roberts Point (Saanich) 51, 93
Roberts, Stan C. 218, 275
Robertson, Ian 285
Robertson, T. 150
Robin, American 8, 12, 16-17, 19-20, 27, 35-
37, 42-43, 61, 68, 71, 75, 77, 79-80, 83-
84, 92, 110, 112-113, 115, 121, 123,
140, 150, 158, 238, 252, 255, 271, 292,
296, 307, 313
‘albino’ 307-308
Rock cress 73, 85, 147, 201
Lyall’s 188
Rock weed 38
Rocky Mountain Trench 106, 262
Rodgers, John 206, 255, 285, 307
Rogers, Bernard (Bernie) 47, 52, 58, 66, 194
Rogers Building 244
Rogers, Mrs. 63
Role of Naturalists in Conservation 252
Ronayne, John & family 19, 111, 112
Rose, sp. 189
baldhip 25, 201, 319
briar 181
dwarf 180
multiflora 232
Nootka 22, 33, 180, 201, 319
pasture 232
wild 84, 257
Rose of Sharon 8
Rosebay, Lapland 194
ROSS Committee 254, 303
Ross, Rosamond 80, 93, 120, 139, 140
Rosy finch, gray-crowned 108, 112, 114
Hepburn’s 58
Rouse, Dr. Glen 208, 212
Royal Bank monthly letter 118
Royal B.C.Museum 19, 41, 45, 58, 96, 130, 170, 174, 205, 230 (see also B.C. Provincial Museum)
Royal Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals (see S.P.C.A.)
Royal Society of Canada 146
Rudrud, Bower E. 310
Rush (family) 31
Russula 34, 40, 45, 89
Rust 6
Ryder, Glen 200, 274, 276, 285, 293
Ryder lake 88
S.P.C.A. 244, 300
Sagebrush 8
Sagewort, mountain 187, 219
Salal 37, 50, 108, 181, 255
Salamander, northwestern 3, 61, 84, 182
Salmon sp. 82, 135, 172, 249, 253
pink 135
Salmonberry 13, 27, 30, 36, 41, 94, 124, 180-
Salmonella 235
Salsify, common 270
yellow 8, 125, 257
“Saltchuck” 316
San Andreas Fault 250
San Fransisco Bay 243
San Juan Islands 97
Sanderling 149, 200, 295
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