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DAU-DoD Decision Support Systems(PPT
Senior IAMD Systems Engineer, DoDAF资料全收集
Programming Phase • Strategic Portfolio Review (SPR): The Military Departments, USSOCOM, the JS, and Defense Agencies develop their proposed programs based on the guidance provided in planning, programming and fiscal guidance and SPRs. • Allocate resources to support the roles and missions of the Military Departments • and Defense Agencies. • Translates planning decisions & guidance contained in the DPG (and Congressional guidance) into a detailed allocation of time-phased resource requirements which include forces, personnel, and funds. • Gives the SECDEF and the President an idea of the impact that present day decisions will have on the future defense posture. • SECDEF issues one or more Resource Management Decisions, which summarize • the program decisions of the current cycle

  1. Budgeting Phase • Scrub budget year - Prepare defensible budget. • Components develop detailed Budget Estimate Submissions (BES) for the budget year of the programs approved during the Programming phase IAW the DPG. • Culminates with the issuance of Resource Management Decisions (RMDs), consideration of Service Secretaries’ Major Budget Issues (MBIs) and the submission of the President’s Budget

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