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Enclosure 1: ACATs and Compliance Requirements

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DAU-DoD Decision Support Systems(PPT
Senior IAMD Systems Engineer, DoDAF资料全收集
Enclosure 1: ACATs and Compliance Requirements • TABLE 1: Definitions and threshold dollars for program designation • ACAT I: MDAP • 1D = DAE (AT&L) as Decision Authority • 1C = Head of Component/CAE as Decision Authority • ACAT IA: MAIS (1AM = DAE/AT&L as Decision Authority and 1AC = Component) • ACAT II and ACAT III (CAE/Designee as Decision Authority) • NOTE: CAEs may request reclassification of an ACAT I or IA program to a lower category • TABLE 2: Statutory and Regulatory Milestone/decision Point Requirements • TABLE 3: APBs, Breaches and Deviations • TABLE 4: Statutory Program Breaches and Change Definitions • TABLE 5: Recurring Program Reports • TABLE 6: Exceptions, Waivers, and Alternative Reporting Requirements • TABLE 7: Cost and Software Data Reporting Requirements • TABLE 8: EVM Requirements • TABLE 9: Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA) Compliance Management 35

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