Sps supplement Rough Draft-endi2011 Alpharetta 2011 / Boyce, Doshi, Hermansen, Ma, Pirani

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DoD CP – 2NC Solvency

Military procurement is the only way to jumpstart the civilian market for SPS

The Space Review 7, (Taylor Dinerman, “Solar power satellites and space radar” http://integrator.hanscom.af.mil/2007/July/07262007/07262007-16.htm, July 16, 2007) Herm

The first steps in such a program would be to begin work on an experiment to prove that power transmission in space via laser is possible. Already lasers are being used for communications in civil and military applications; taking this one step beyond to encompass power should be within the state of the art. At the same time the US Defense Department and NASA could begin joint work on a new generation of high-capacity power systems for future spacecraft. The power management and thermal control needs of a spacecraft that will carry a human crew to Mars may not be all that different from those of an SPS or an SR satellite. The bulk of the development work on the radars themselves can be left until later in the program. Meanwhile, the US could profitably study less ambitious space radar programs such as Canada’s Radarsat. Launching one or two modest technology development satellites over the next five or ten years would be a helpful way to set the stage for a new SR program. In the long term, say, by around 2010, the GMTI radar could be replaced and supplemented by an Air Moving Target Indicator (AMTI), which would need even more power. Instead of using a single large antenna or multiple smaller ones on the same spacecraft, a future stealthy SR could use radars on multiple satellites. Formation flying is now commonplace and coordinating multiple beams from two or three satellites in different orbits should not be that hard. The biggest problem will be to prove to Congress that the technology is ready for prime time. Almost all of America’s major military space programs are too far along to effectively incorporate the lessons of China’s ASAT test. SR, due to repeated budget cuts, is the great exception. Other satellite programs that could be modified to incorporate the needs of the new space warfare requirements include the T-SAT Transformational Communications project and the possibly the NRO’s problem-plagued Future Imagery Architecture (FIA). The stealthiness and robustness of all these programs, or their successors, would benefit from being able to draw electricity from a set of SPSs in GEO. The solar power satellites themselves would not necessarily have to be owned by the US government. They could be built privately based on a contract that promises that the Defense Department would buy a given amount of power at a predetermined price. This would be similar to the “power by the hour” contracts that are sometimes signed with jet engine manufacturers or the privately-financed initiative that the British RAF has established with a consortium for a new squadron of Airbus refueling tanker aircraft. In GEO an SPS is a large and conspicuous target. UA realistic new space architecture would have to find ways to give both active and passive protection to such valuable assets. At the same time, these measures must not detract from the commercial profitability of the operation. The Civil Reserve Air Fleet system is a possible model; airlines buy some planes that are modified for possible military use in an emergency and the government compensates them for the extra weight they carry while in normal commercial use. Space solar power is, in the long run, inevitable. The Earth’s economy is going to need so much extra power over the next few decades that every new system that can be shown to be viable will be developed. If the US were to develop space solar power for military applications it would give the US civilian industry a big head start. As long as the military requirements are legitimate, there is no reason why this cannot be made into a win-win outcome.
Military procurement reduces financial risk to the commerical industry

NSSO, 7 (National Security Space Office, Report to the Director, “Space-Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security; Phase 0 Architecture Feasibility Study” October 10, 2007, http://www.nss.org/settlement/ssp/library/final-sbsp-interim-assessment-release-01.pdf) Herm
UIncentives would help. These could includeU loan guarantees, availability of balloon loans (where interest payments are deferred until the SBSP system is operational), transferable tax credits, subsidies similar to those already in existence for other alternative energy sources, Uenergy pre‐ Upurchase agreements, Uand/or tax holidays on the sale of the power. The commercial sector needs to see profit potential within a reasonable time frame. Electric utilities understand the need for large amounts of capital for infrastructure development. This can be acceptable as long as the payback is large and for an extended period. The payback period and rate of returns must be attractive after the amortization of the infrastructure costs. Public/private partnerships are a possibility but may not be needed. UAs strictly commercial SBSP Ucorporations develop the confidence in the technologies and in the business case, they would Uprefer to proceed without government intervention or partnership. Having the government as a Uguaranteed customer for the power would reduce the risk for a commercial SBSP enterprise and Ucould help with the availability and terms of financings.
Plan violates public law – the DoD must develop alt sources of energy installation

Ramos 2k – US Air Force Major, Thesis submitted for the AIR COMMAND AND STAFF COLL MAXWELL Air Force Base (Kim, “Solar Power Constellations: Implications for the United States Air Force,” April, http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA394928) Herm

Solar power satellites may affect terrestrial Air Force operations. One terrestrial application for solar power satellites, or the technologies associated with them, involves unmanned aerial vehicles. Unmanned aerial vehicles are used during contingencies to supplement satellite and piloted (manned) aerial reconnaissance coverage. The unmanned aerial vehicle may be powered by a wireless power transmission, which would increase its endurance. In another area, one of the core competencies of the Air Force is agile combat support, which involves reducing the footprint of deployed forces. The use of solar power satellites to supply the power at deployed locations would reduce the logistics tail by eliminating generators and the support equipment and supplies associated with them. The third area concerns public law. Public law requires the Department of Defense to develop and encourage alternative sources of energy for installations. As an alternative to electricity generated from fossil fuels, solar power satellites fit the bill admirably. Terrestrially, solar power satellites or the technology associated with them enable long duration unmanned aerial vehicles, which receive power through wireless power transmissions, allow for logistical improvements, and assist the Air Force in complying with public law.
Military procurement key

Dolman, 5Professor of Comparative Military Studies at the US Air  Force’s School of Advanced Air and Space Studies (Everett C., “U.S. Military Transformation and Weapons in Space,” 9-14-05, http://www.e-parl.net/pages/space_hearing_images/ConfPaper%20Dolman%20US%20Military%20Transform%20&%20Space.pdf) Herm

No nation relies on space more than the United States—none is even close—and its reliance grows daily. For both its civilian welfare and military security, a widespread loss of space capabilities would prove disastrous. America’s economy, and along with it the world’s, would collapse. Its military would be obliged to hunker down in defensive crouch while it prepared to withdraw from dozens of then-untenable foreign deployments. For the good of its civilian population, and for itself, the United States military—in particular the United States Air Force—is charged with protecting space capabilities from harm and ensuring reliable space operations for the foreseeable future. As a martial organization, the Air Force naturally looks to military means in achievement of its assigned ends. And so it should.

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