Stakeholder consultation relating to non-francophone students enrolled in minority French language schools in pei parents, teachers and school leaders

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Support at School

Some French schools offer extra support, called "francisation", to help students acquire the language & culture and catch up to francophone peers. Please choose one response for each of the following questions.

To your knowledge, does your school offer francisation services?



Don't know


If offered, how did you find out about the francisation offered?



School Board


Other ______

Source of information:

School Experience

The following questions examine factors about your school and your choice of school.

Select YOUR main reason for choosing this school for your family. Choose ONE answer onlyPlease give your main reason, not the reason of other parent

  • French language for future employment

  • French as a second language

  • Family heritage

  • Cultural emphasis

  • Location/proximity of school

  • Smaller class sizes

  • Greater availability of academic supports

  • Greater access to music, arts and drama

  • Greater access to plays, shows and authors

  • French education was preferred by other parent

  • Other:

Note YOUR level of agreement with each of the following statements

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

Don't know or Not applicble

I feel welcome at the school

There should be staff members at the French school who speak English with non-francophone parents

I feel awkward visiting the school

I would like to get involved in activites that take place at school

I make sure my child has supplies and a quiet space for homework

I do NOT attend meet the teacher night because I do not understand what is said in French

French is important for my child's future employability

French is important for my child because of our family background

Teachers should use some English in class to help my child learn French

The francisation provided at the school has been very helpful.

I registered my child at a francophone school so he/she could acquire French culture as well as French language proficiency.

I have considered moving my child (children) to the English school system

I feel uncomfortable at social, cultural,or sporting events (e.g. birthday parties) where others are speaking French

I am satisfied with how the school communicates with me to keep me up-to-date on my child’s progress.

The school should enforce a French-only policy for students

The school has provided helpful tips or strategies to aid me in supporting my child/children with homework

I feel unable to help my child with school work at home because it is in French

We have access to someone who can help our children with French

I believe parents should be involved in thier children's education

Student achievement depends on effort and work

I have some influence and control over my child's learning

Student achievement depends on the child's ability

Parental Involvement and Experience
Please indicate YOUR frequency of participating in the following activities.The number of times per YEAR


1 time

2-3 times

4-5 times

6 or more times

I attend meet the teacher night at the school

I attend parent-teacher interviews

I volunteer at school

I participate in fundraising for the school

I am in contact with the school via notes, calls or visits

Our family does activities in French in the community (e.g. museum, theatre, music, community center, etc.)

Our family goes to the library

I ask for updates on my child’s progress at school

We discuss the value of education with our child

We discuss reasons why learning French is important with our child

Weekly Involvement
Please indicate the frequency of YOUR involvement with the following activities.The number of times per WEEK


1 time

2-3 times

4-5 times

6 or more times

I read to/with my child in French

I help my child improve his or her French vocabulary.

I praise my child for his or her efforts at school

I do activities in French with my child at home (games, crafts, etc.)

I assist my child with homework.

We use French radio, TV, or computer for French language activities

Use of English at school
When do you use English to communicate at the school? Choose ALL that apply.

  • with teachers

  • with school principal

  • with other staff

  • with my child

  • with other students

  • with other parents

  • never

Do you think English should be used at school with non-francophone students?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure

Please add any other information that would describe your experience as a non-francophone parent with a child or children attending a francophone school.


Please answer these questions if you are NOT participating in the focus group discussion or if you are completing the survey on-line

ONLINE: What do you need as a parent to be able to help your child or children while in the francophone school?
ONLINE: What could help your child or children improve school achievement?
ONLINE:What could help your child or children improve French language ability?
If you are willing to do an individual interview, please leave your name and contact information here. Include your phone number, email, and preferred time to be contacted. This information will be separated from the data collected in this survey to maintain your anonymity.
Thank you for participating in our study. We encourage you to participate in our focus group discussion and individual interviews.
Appendix B

Focus group interview questions for NF parents

  1. Let’s start with your decision to put your child in this school.

When and for what reasons did you choose a francophone school?

PROBES: (MOTIVATIONS-BELIEFS/EXPERIENCE) How did you/do you feel about the choice? Who made the choice of the French school? What was the decision making process like? What information did you seek or get?

  1. What do you see are the main benefits for your child attending this school?

PROBE: Any benefits for you as parents?Motivations to remain at this school?

  1. Have there been difficulties or challenges for you as a PARENT with a child at the francophone school? How has this made you feel? How does your child feel? Any difficulties and how do you deal with them?

PROBES: homework, communication. Some parents say they find it extremely difficult and are not able to help their children or connect with the school, other parents have said they feel able to help in different ways and it has been an enriching and good experience.

  1. Given the challenges and benefits, OVERALL how would you describe your experience? PROBE: POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE or both?

  1. Have you receivedextra French support -francisation- you can tell us about?

PROBE: Please describe your experiences with any services for your children to help them catch up to their peers in French language and culture at school? Please tell us about any services that helped at home?

  1. Tell us how you have been involved in your child’s education at home and at school? PROBE: what could help you as PARENTS help your kids at home? To be more involved at school?

  1. AND FOR THE KIDS what other supports do they need? PROBE -Who should provide the support? What could the school do to help?

  1. How do you see the role of English? Is there a need for use of English?

PROBE: your opinions… English explanations for PARENTS .Communication from home to school? Needed? Useful? Why or why not. How about communication amongst parents, social events, Kids/with teachers/VP/ Kids using English….in classroom. In hallways, playground?

  1. Do you foresee your child completing grade 12 in the French school system? Why or why not?

  2. Is there anything else we need to know about your experience as a NF parent with a child in the French school?

Appendix C
Individual interview with parents

  1. CHOICE (BELIEFS-motivation/EXPERIENCE-process and feelings)

What aspects did you consider before choosing this school? Why French? (ease- location, culture-heritage, size, academic support; employability)

When did you make the choice? (Preschool )

Who did you talk to about it? Did you research it? What did you know about the school and the French system before choosing the French school?

Any worries about the choice before or after choosing the French school?

  1. EXP/ How was the experience from point of view of a parent of registering, beginning school, changing to intermediate?

  2. EXP/beliefs What is your opinion of the school? The French school board?

  3. EXP/INV What interactions have you had with the school since beginning at this school? Any changes in involvement as the children age and move to higher grade and school?(meet the teacher, interviews, parent meetings, helping at home with homework, reading)

  4. EXP/INV How do you feel and how are you involved when it is time for – open house/meet the teacher night? How do teachers communicate? - Attend a home and school meeting

  • Attend parent-teacher interviews

  • Attend a French social or cultural event to which parents are invited

  • Attend school special events like Christmas party/concert

  • Talk to staff or teacher about a concern

  • Attend sporting or large multi-community French events

  1. INV/EXP What activities would I see your family doing in French at home and how often(outside of school hours)? How much French can you speak, understand and read? How much are you involved in helping with homework? How do you feel when you want to help with school work?

  2. INV What activities, if any, would I see your family involved with in French in the community? Do you see these as important, why or why not? How do you feel about participating in French social activities?

  3. EXP/OBST What challenges have you experienced as a parent of a child in a French school? (communication, homework, motivation) Any suggestions for extra support that would help you?

  4. EXP/BEL What advantages have you perceived about the French school?

  1. How effective is the communication between home and school for you?

How could communication be improved from school to non-francophone parents?

  1. What would be an ideal policy for the French school for best possible communication and involvement with parents who are non-francophone?

  1. Do you believe parental involvement is important for child’s education? How do you live this and show this?

Appendix D
School Leaders Questions, le 27 février 2013

  1. Comment définissez-vous la francisation? Comment décrire un programme de francisation bien développé et bien défini? Quels sont les différents but d’un programme de francisation?

  1. Comment évaluez-vous le degré de connaissances au niveau de la commission scolaire (enseignants, autres leaders, parents, élèves, commissaires de la commission scolaire)?

  1. Quel degré de besoin avez-vous dans vos écoles pour la francisation?

  1. Quelles différences avez-vous remarquées avec a) le progrès académique des élèves non-francophones? b) l’engagement des parents non-francophones?

  1. Qu’est-ce que vous remarquez au niveau de l’identité culturelle de vos élèves non-francophones comparés aux élèves francophones?

  1. Comment traiter la langue dominante ou maternelle des élèves dans ce processus de francisation? Y a-t-il un rôle?

  1. Avez-vous des suggestions pour des pistes de recherche relatives à la francisation?

  1. Quels sont les autres enjeux dont on doit tenir compte vis-à-vis de la francisation?

Appendix E
Focus Group Interview Questions for Teaching Staff

  1. Quel pourcentage des élèves dans vos classes proviennent des familles non-francophones?

  2. Pourquoi et comment est-ce que les familles non-francophones envoient leurs enfants à une école française?

  3. Quels défis ou avantages avez-vous remarqué associés avec la fréquentation des élèves non-francophones dans vos écoles? Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait déjà dans vos écoles pour appuyer les parents et les élèves non-francophones?

  4. .Comment définir la francisation? Êtes-vous au courant de la francisation et comment? Est-ce qu’il y a une connaissance au niveau de la commission scolaire? Développement professionnelle? Est-ce que la francisation fait partie de vos planifications et plans de leçons/ activités à l’école?

5. Comment est-ce qu’une programme de francisation, bien défini et bien développé pourrait attirer les ayants-droit aux écoles minoritaires comme les vôtres?

6. Quel degré de besoin avez-vous dans vos écoles pour la francisation?

  1. Comment est-ce que les parents non-francophone aident présentement leurs enfants-quels types d’engagement voyez-vous à l’école et à la maison? Comment peuvent-ils mieux aider leurs enfants?

  2. Quelles suggestions/renseignements sont offertes aux parents pour aider leurs enfants (francisation)? Comment est-ce que ces suggestions sont faites?

  3. Est-ce que vous croyez que c’est le role de l’école d’aider et Comment est-ce que l’école peut aider les parents non-francophones à appuyer les enfants?

  4. Avez-vous remarqué des différences avec le progrès academique en comparant les élèves francophones et non-francophones? Ou des différences avec une présence reduite ou augmenté des parents?

  5. Qu’est-ce que vous remarquez au niveau de l’identité et culture de vos élèves non-francophones comparé aux élèves francophones?

  6. Expliquer pour nous vos politiques et perspectives à propos du rôle de l’anglais dans votre école et dans le processus de francisation? Expliquez aussi pourquoi ce sont vos politiques et perspectives. Expliquez comment l’anglais est reçu dans votre école?

  7. Avez-vous des problèmes ou des solutions à offrir avec l’anglais?

  1. Comment est-ce qu’on peut mieux servir les besoins des familles non-francophones/ Des écoles avec les familles non-francophones? Qui a cette responsabilité? L’école ou qui?

  1. Quelle autre information voulez-vous partager à propos de vos observations des familles non-francophones qui envoient leurs enfants à une école française?

1 Right holders are determined by Article 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which allows individuals to be schooled in their minority language, where the numbers warrant (Rocque, 2008).

2Francisation means giving extra support for French language, identity, and cultural development to bring non-francophones to a level similar to their peers in school( including activities such as: French camps, French courses, family evenings, and parent workshops or parent partners to offer guidance (CMEC, 2002, p.9).

3 EV refers to the strength of the French language and culture in the community as measured by social status , demography (population), and institutional support (education, media) (Giles, Bourhis & Taylor, 1977).

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