Summitwind farm grant and roberts counties, south dakota

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Public Participation

Public involvement is one of the most important requirements of the NEPA process, especially for enabling the affected community to guide the scope of the NEPA analyses to be conducted.

Western and the Project proponent have consulted with several federal, state, local, and tribal agencies during the creation of this document. Western and the Project proponent invited local tribal officials to a meeting at the Dakota Magic Casino in Hankinson, North Dakota to discuss the Project and the scope of the EA on February 11, 2014. In addition, the Project proponent held a public scoping meeting on February 12, 2014 in Summit, South Dakota. A Public Scoping Report is attached as Appendix A of this EA.

The public had the opportunity to comment upon the draft EA document. Comments were open to be received until December 29, 2014. A summary of comments received on the draft are included as Appendix B.


    1. Geology and Soils

This section evaluates the geological and soil resources in the vicinity of the proposed Project. The analysis presented in this section is supplemented by a Desktop Geological and Geotechnical Study prepared by Haley & Aldrich, Inc.
      1. Existing Conditions

        1. Regional Project Settings

The proposed Project encompasses approximately 11,616 acres in Grant County in the northeastern corner of South Dakota. The Project area is located in the Northern Glaciated Plains ecoregion in the Central Lowlands physiographic province (EPA 2013). The Central Lowlands province is characterized by a generally flat to gently rolling landscape composed of glacial drift and other glacially-deposited materials (WAPA 2013).

The Project area is situated on the Coteau des Prairie (Coteau), a regionally-extensive flatiron-shaped upland plateau that resulted from several advances and retreats of glacial ice lobes and rises from the surrounding Central Plains lowlands (DWNR 1986). The Coteau is approximately 100 miles wide, nearly 200 miles long, rises about 1,300 feet above the surrounding eastern lowlands drained by the Minnesota River, and rises about 700 feet above the James River lowlands located to the west, forming a regional hydrogeological divide between the two river basins (Gilbertson 1990).

Ground surface elevations across the Project area range from approximately 1,180 to 2,050 feet above sea level, with the more elevated portions of the Project situated along a southwest-to-northeast trending spine of a glacial moraine belt that generally forms the Project area borders to the northeast. From the moraine ridge, Project area elevations generally decrease and slope downward both to the southeast and to the northeast directions.

        1. Geological Setting

Bedrock directly below the Project area is the Pierre Shale bedrock, the youngest bedrock unit in the region, part of a thick succession of undifferentiated Late Cretaceous-age marine and non-marine sedimentary rocks comprised of sandstones, marls, limestones, and shales (Gilbertson 1990). The Project proponent does not expect to encounter shallow bedrock as part of the excavation or construction of the Project.

According to South Dakota’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), beginning about 2 million years ago, continental glaciers extended generally southward across North America and covered eastern South Dakota several times. The South Dakota DENR claims that as each ice sheet advanced, it transported large volumes of rock debris frozen into the lower layers of ice. Glaciers with a very thick and heavy ice sheet scoured and smoothed off the terrain whereas thin glaciers overrode obstacles. As the ice melted, sediment called glacial drift was left behind. The majority of the geology in Grant County was created by Illinoian glacial sediments.

The Coteau plateau landform was constructed by these successional glacial ice advances and retreats which deposited layers of glacial tills and other glacial moraine deposits up to 700 feet thick in southern and western Grant County (Gilbertson 1990). The Project area is situated on three geomorphic areas reflecting different types of glacial till deposits or glacial moraine deposits.

The Toronto Till Plain on the western edge of the Project area is estimated to be 50 to 120 feet thick. It is characterized by broad, rounded hills separated by numerous stream valleys that lead to the Big Sioux River. The Toronto Till contains characteristic Cretaceous-age rock fragments and is overlain by an estimated 5 feet of loess soils, which are generally considered unsuitable for foundation support of wind turbine structures.

The Bemis Moraine Complex makes up the majority of the Project area and is composed of a narrow ridge (moraine) and an eastern belt of the related ground moraine (Gilbertson 1990). It is characteristically covered in cobbles and boulders, a factor influencing the ease of excavation. The kame and kettle topography found behind the moraine has few streams and closed depressions flanked by boulder-strewn ridges and low, somewhat linear hills (Gilbertson 1990).

The northeastern edge of the Project area is located on the Altamont-Gary Moraine Complex, a very stony glacial moraine surface littered with potholes, most of them filled with lakes (Gilbertson 1990). Ground surface elevations decline from west to east, and local relief varies by 75 to 80 feet. The glacial moraine till at the surface is about 100 feet thick (Gilbertson 1990).

        1. Soils

Soil formation results from the complex interactions between geologic material, climate, topography, vegetation, organisms, and time. The classification of soils is based on their degree of development (into distinct layers or horizons) and their dominant physical and chemical properties. Mollisols are the predominant soils in South Dakota and the proposed Project area. These soils have developed from loess parent materials and are commonly very dark-colored, organic-rich, mineral soils that are found in the plains of North and South Dakota and northern Montana. Mollisols are base-rich throughout and highly fertile. These soils typically develop under grasslands; however, some have formed under a forest ecosystem. These soils are typically present in subhumid to subarid climates that have a moderate to pronounced seasonal moisture deficit and are mainly used as cropland, pasture, or rangeland.

Soil associations in the Project area were derived from the United States Department of Agriculture National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) on-line Soil Survey Geographic Soils Data (SSURGO) mapping tool (NRCS 2013). Soil associations consist of major and minor soil units which provide a broad perspective of the soils and landscapes in an area. The following three soil associations are located within the Project area:

  • Forman-Buse-Aastad Association – This association developed on a glacial moraine and consists of deep well-drained and moderately well-drained loamy soils on uplands. Slopes range from nearly-level to hilly; they are steeper along the sides of entrenched drainageways. There are sloughs and closed depressions throughout the association. In some areas within the association, few-to-many stones are scattered on the ridgetops. In many areas, the drainage pattern is poorly defined, but can be well-defined in areas of rolling-to-steep soils associated with entrenched drainageways. Aastad soils are subject to flooding.

  • Renshaw-Fordville-Devide Association – This association formed on glacial outwash plains and glacial moraines in uplands and terraces and consists of somewhat excessively drained to somewhat poorly drained loamy soils of variable thickness. The association is nearly level to moderately steep and is formed over sand and gravel substrate. The slopes are predominantly nearly-level to gently undulating, and are steeper on the moraines and on side slopes of drainageways. Slopes are well-defined along the larger drainageways.

  • Vienna-Lismore Association – This association makes up the majority of the Project area. Formed on upland glacial till plains, this association generally consists of deep well-drained and moderately well-drained, nearly-level to strongly-sloping silty soils. The landscape consists of gentle rises that have long smooth slopes leading to small drainageways. Slopes are predominantly nearly-level to moderately sloping, but they are strongly sloping in areas adjacent to entrenched drainageways. In some places, a few closed depressions dot the landscape. The drainage pattern is well defined.

        1. Paleontological Resources

Based on the geology and depth-to-bedrock below the Project area, the possibility of encountering paleontological remains or fossils during Project development is considered unlikely. Fossils most commonly appear in sedimentary rock formations. As the Pierre Shale bedrock is inferred to be several hundred feet below the ground surface, it is unlikely to be impacted during Project construction.
        1. Geological Hazards

The potential geologic hazards that could be significant at wind project sites include seismic ground shaking, ground rupture, liquefaction, slope instability subsidence and settlement, and expansive soils These hazards are described in detail in the Desktop Geological and Geotechnical Study and summarized below.

Based on the United States Geological Survey Quaternary Fault and Fold database, there are no recognized or mapped Quaternary faults in proximity to the Project area. Similarly, based on the United States Geological Survey’s National Seismic Hazard Maps, there is a low risk of ground shaking due to seismic activity within the Project area. The peak horizontal acceleration, expressed as a percentage of acceleration due to the force of gravity with a 2 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years, is 0.0 to 0.02, which is considered insignificant ground shaking. Ground rupture, a break and planar slip within soils, and liquefaction, a loss in shear strength resulting in the soil acting like a liquid, typically result from earthquakes and seismic events.

The major determinants of slope stability are: slope angle; soil or rock structure; topography; precipitation; overall landslide susceptibility; and previous landslide incidences (WAPA 2013). Because the Project is located in relatively flat areas of generally low relief, slope instability is not likely to be a significant hazard.

Ground subsidence and settling can be caused by: deep, collapsible soils; seismic activity; karst features; hydrocompaction from withdrawal of groundwater or hydrocarbons; or underground mining. Because the underlying soils at the Project are dense glacial tills and glacial moraines, subsidence and settling is considered unlikely. Additionally, expansive soils, which are soils that can shrink and swell in response to changes in moisture, have not been noted in the Project vicinity.

Since better wind conditions are present at higher elevations and wind turbines are generally placed outside of floodplain areas, flooding is not a likely hazard.

      1. Potential Impacts of the Alternatives

Wind energy development would have a number of impacts on soils in and around the Project area, most of which relate to the effects of ground-disturbing activities. Impacts to bedrock are unlikely for this Project and therefore potential impacts to bedrock are not discussed.

The Project proponent expects the majority of impacts on soil resources to occur during the construction phase of the Project when there are ground-disturbing activities. Common impacts include soil compaction, soil horizon mixing, wind erosion, water erosion, sedimentation, and soil contamination. These impacts could affect other resources such as air, water, vegetation, and wildlife.

As noted in the final UGP Wind Energy PEIS, site characterization activities would be of short duration and would not require significant site modifications. The Project proponent would implement best management practices (BMPs) and mitigation measures to reduce soil compaction and control soil erosion and surface runoff to ensure that impacts would be negligible and would contribute to the success of future reclamation efforts.

Construction of a typical wind facility would result in impacts on soil resources in an area equivalent to the total area for all components (e.g., wind tower foundations, cable trays or trenches, control building, equipment storage areas, conditioning facilities, substations, roads, and temporary workspace areas). Direct adverse impacts of ground-disturbing activities relate mainly to the increased potential for soil compaction, soil horizon mixing, erosion, sedimentation of nearby lakes, rivers, and streams, and soil contamination. The degree of impact depends on site-specific factors such as soil properties, slope, vegetation, weather, and distance to surface water. Erosional gullies formed on excavated land and the increased drainage may also contribute to soil erosion into natural drainages. Compaction by vehicles or heavy equipment reduces infiltration and promotes surface runoff. Soil erosion due to wind is also increased by ground disturbance. Ground disturbance and soil erosion rates would be potentially high during construction, but relatively local and temporary. Erosion rates and runoff potential are naturally lower at project sites located on relatively level terrain and in arid climates.

Because native tallgrass prairie is one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world, the Project proponent has minimized potential Project impacts by locating as many Project facilities as possible on cropland and previously farmed land.

After construction, the Project proponent would implement proper BMPs and mitigation measures to stabilize soil conditions during Project construction. Once the Project area is stabilized, adverse impacts are expected to be small because O&M activities would not substantially increase the potential for soil disturbance. By implementing BMPs and mitigation measures to reduce soil compaction and control soil erosion and surface runoff during the O&M of the Project, the Project proponent would reduce soil-related impacts to negligible or low levels.

Decommissioning would involve ground-disturbing activities that could increase the potential for soil disturbance. Ground disturbance and soil erosion rates would be potentially high during decommissioning (though less than during the construction phase), but would be temporary and local. Erosion rates and runoff potential are naturally lower at project sites located on relatively level terrain and in arid and semiarid climates. By implementing BMPs and conservation measures to minimize disturbance, the Project proponent would reduce soil-related impacts during decommissioning to negligible or low levels.

Overall, temporary impacts to geology and soils would be negligible. Only 1.92 percent of the approximately 11,616 acre Project area would be impacted during construction. Permanent impacts to geology and soils would be even smaller, impacting less than 0.24 percent of the Project area. Furthermore, by implementing the conservation measures from the final UGP Wind Energy PEIS during construction and operations, the Project proponent would prevent any significant environmental impacts to the project area.

The No Action Alternative would have no direct impact to geology or soils. However, selection of the No Action Alternative could potentially cause the Project proponent to reconsider an alternative interconnection, which could result in greater impacts to geology and soils.

      1. Proposed Conservation Measures

The Project proponent has adopted conservation measures for the Project, as applicable, from the final UGP Wind Energy PEIS. The main objective of the mitigation measures for soil resources is to preserve the health and functioning of Project area soils by minimizing or controlling the ground-disturbing activities that cause impacts to the soil. Preserving the pre-construction condition of Project area soils is an essential step in reducing impacts on other important resources, especially water quality and vegetation.

The Applicant would prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and seek coverage under the NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for General Construction Stormwater Discharges. The SWPPP would include an erosion and sediment control plan. The Project proponent would base erosion-control measures on an assessment of site-specific conditions and would minimize the extent of disturbed areas, stabilize disturbed areas, and protect slopes and channels in the Project area. Measures to control sedimentation would focus on retaining sediment on-site and implementing controls along the Project perimeter.

Prior to construction, the Project would require the completion of geotechnical engineering and hydrology studies that characterize site conditions related to drainage patterns, soils (including erosion potential), vegetation, surface water bodies, land subsidence, and steep or unstable slopes. Many of the mitigation measures mentioned in the final UGP Wind Energy PEIS would be contained in the SWPPP and the other plans and permits required for the Project.

The conservation measures for soil resources from the final PEIS include:

  • Avoiding placement of wind energy facilities in areas with unsuitable seismic, liquefaction, slope, subsidence, settling, and flooding conditions.

  • Using existing roads and disturbed areas to the extent possible.

  • Siting new roads to follow natural land contours avoiding excessive slopes.

  • Siting new roads to avoid stream crossings and wetlands and minimize the need to cross drainage bottoms.

  • Surfacing new roads with aggregate materials, wherever appropriate.

  • Restricting heavy vehicles and equipment to improved roads to the extent practicable.

  • Controlling vehicle and equipment speed on unpaved surfaces.

  • Conducting construction and maintenance activities when the ground is frozen or when soils are dry and native vegetation is dormant.

  • Stabilizing disturbed areas that are not actively under construction using methods such as erosion matting or soil aggregation, as site conditions warrant.

  • Salvaging topsoil from all excavation and construction activities to reapply to disturbed areas once construction is completed.

  • Disposing of excess excavation materials in approved areas to control erosion.

  • Isolating excavation areas (and soil piles) from surface water bodies using silt fencing, bales, or other accepted appropriate methods to prevent sediment transport by surface runoff.

  • Using earth dikes, swales, and lined ditches to divert local runoff around the work site.

  • Reestablishing the original grade and drainage pattern to the extent practicable.

  • Reseeding disturbed areas with a native seed mix and re-vegetate disturbed areas immediately following construction.

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