Habitat: Savanna (Larsen, 1991). In West Africa mainly in the southern part of the Sudan savanna but, to a lesser extent, also in Guinea savanna (Larsen, 2005a).
Habits: Small colonies inhabit groves of trees infested with the food-plant. Males perch on the top of these trees, making occasional vigorous flights. Females mostly keep to the interior of the crowns of these trees, searching for oviposition sites. On very hot days both sexes shelter among the leaves of the larval foodplant (Larsen, 2005a).
Early stages:
Seth-Smith, 1938 (larva and pupa, ex northern Ghana).
Larval food:
Loranthus species (sensu lato) (Loranthaceae) [Seth-Smith, 1938; Ghana].
Tapinanthus bangwensis (Loranthaceae) [M. Newport teste Larsen (2005a); Gambia].
Iolaus (Iolaphilus) menas menas Druce, 1890
Iolaus menas Druce, 1890. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 5: 29 (24-31).
Type locality: Cameroon: “Atlantika-Gebirge: Hassere Djengle [Adamawa (Larsen, 2005a)]”. Larsen (2005a) states that the type locality may be in present-day Nigeria.
Distribution: Cameroon (north). Apparently known only from the holotype. The female is unknown (Larsen, 2005a).
Common name: Schultze’s sapphire.
Habitat: Probably dry savanna (Collins et al., 2003).
Early stages: Nothing published.
Larval food: Nothing published.
Iolaus (Iolaphilus) henryi (Stempffer, 1961)
Iolaphilus henryi Stempffer, 1961. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Afrique Noire (A) 23: 88 (88-101).