Phase 3: Manufacturing of Tractors and the entry of the Private Sector It was realised in the s that it was absolutely necessary for the integration of the public and private sectors to achieve the national objective of development. A healthy competition was required so neither the consumers nor the national economy would suffer. This resulted in the reorganisation of several existing units alongwith the addition of new undertakings in the public and private sectors. Awami Autos was renamed the Pak-Suzuki Motor Company Ltd, to commence the progressive manufacture of Suzuki vehicles, including cc passenger cars. The manufacturing of Fiat was assigned to the new joint venture of the company, the Al-Ghazi Tractors Ltd, under the management of the Habib Group Republic motors Co. It became a joint venture under private sector management. Another plant by the name Ghandhara-Nissan was sanctioned to undertake the progressive manufacture of trucks. Three new plants were setup in the private sector with two more units established, side by side under PACO to manufacture automotive castings and wheels. The two wheeler industry went through the same pattern of development.