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Consumption of Parts for New Vehicles

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Consumption of Parts for New Vehicles
Replacement Demand for Parts
Imports of Parts
Turnover of Domestic Parts Manufacturers
* excluding tyres and batteries
Similarly, estimates of turnover of non-PAMA or APMA manufacturers of motorcycles are not available. The prices of motorcycles of such manufacturers are estimated at 37 percent less than that charged by Atlas Honda. Given numbers sold from APMA data this has enabled determination of the sales of motorcycles. Overall, the estimated turnover in
2009-10 indifferent sub-sectors is given in Table 2.7. The turnover of
OEMs aggregates to Rs 234 billion, with car sales having a share of 52 percent, followed by motorcycles at 25 percent, tractors at 26 percent and buses/trucks at 7 percent. Sales of imported CBUs are not included in these magnitudes. Total sales by assemblers in 2009-10 are equivalent to almost $3 billion. As opposed to this, the turnover by domestic auto parts is derived as Rs 168 billion, equivalent to $2 billion.

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