Technological platform “Medicine of the future”

Photonic 6. Innovative laser, optical and optoelectronic technologies – photonics

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6. Innovative laser, optical and optoelectronic technologies – photonics

1. Name.

Full title: «Innovative laser, optical and optoelectronic technologies – photonics ".
Short title: "Photonics"

2. Organization-Coordinator: Laser Association (non-profit non-governmental scientific and technical organization, which unites institutions and enterprises of domestic laser-optical branch). Address: Vvedensky str., 3, build 1, Moscow, Russia, tel.: 495/333-00-22, fax: 495/334-47-80,

e-mail:, website:

3. A brief description of the alleged problems and the main results of the creation of this technology platform.

Currently, laser-optical and optoelectronic technologies, which are usually combined by the term "photonics" (highlighting the fact that they are based on the emission (absorption) of photons, or manipulating the photon flux) have become one of the drivers of innovations for the world economy.

Today it's difficult to specify the area of human activity where these technologies would not give a powerful effect - from basic research to show business. Meaningfully to technical progress and economic modernization implementation of modern photonics is analogous to the electrification in the beginning of the last century. Developed countries are making active efforts to accelerate the development of photonics branch as high-tech industry.
Global photonics market is now about 420 billion dollars a year, its growth rate – 8,6% per year. Russia, with its extensive scientific and industrial potential in the field of photonics, unfortunately, is significantly inferior to the developed countries on the scale of its practical use. It causes the country significant economic losses and slows its modernization. At the same time, numerous examples of the organization by our compatriots in the last 10 years, the successful laser-optical enterprises and highly efficient production of modern photonics abroad, various examples of photonics developments in some domestic defense enterprises indicate the presence in Russia of a large technological advance, as well as talented inventors and managers which are necessary for the successful development of the national laser-optical industry, opto - and photoelectronics, photonics in general.
Coordination is needed, support of promising developments, training of the necessary personnel and creation of the necessary infrastructure for continued dialogue between creators and users of photonics.
To solve these problems in Russia the Technology Platform "Innovative laser, optical and optoelectronic technologies - photonics" (abbreviation: TP "Photonics") was organized.
This Technology Platform should develop a strategic plan of action that provides: 1) the rapid learning to handle modern efficient photonic technologies in all sectors of national economy,

2) production in Russia the laser-optical and optoelectronic technology in accordance with the projected needs, 3) training of specialists that can effectively use photonics in various areas of its applications. Following the adoption of this program and its incorporation into the framework of the State industrial policy TP should assist in carrying out tenders for projects under the strategy adopted and implementation of projects that will win these tenders. In addition, the TP should conduct ongoing monitoring of the photonic industry and demand for its products from other industries, should forecast the development of photonics and its markets, should submit proposals for the correction and development programs of laser-optical technologies implementations.

With the right strategy and the formulation of economically reasonable projects TP will stimulate the flow of investment into the laser-optical industry from both companies – users participating in the TP and financial institutions - as it takes place in the European Union.
Another important task of TP - the development of mutually beneficial international cooperation - with the technological platform "Photonics21" of the European Union, with colleagues in China and other countries. Active involvement of business structures and industrial enterprises and institutions of the CIS countries into such cooperation should be achieved.
TP "Photonics" mission, the main results of its activities will be:

  • increasing innovation activity, flexibility and competitiveness of domestic manufacturing industries as a result of its modernization with usage of laser and optical equipment,

  • large scale introduction of photonics, laser and optical technologies in the national health care, agriculture, communications, transportation, environmental monitoring and other critically important for the country industries with a significant increase in their technical and economic capabilities, productivity and environmental security.

  • development of laser and optical industry in Russia to a level that ensures its dominance in the Russian and CIS laser markets, import substitution in terms of laser equipment, and active participation in the global laser market and technological independence of the country in laser-optical field.

  • transformation of the domestic photonics into the industry branch, stimulating innovations in the Russia economy, attractive to investors, enjoying support from the State.

Estimates show that under such circumstances as proper organization of the technological platform activity and availability of support from the State the volume of Russian market of photonics products may increase in 4-5 years up to 40-50 billion rubles per year, exports - up to 10-12 billion rubles per year

4. Brief description of markets and sectors, which are supposed to be influenced by technology, developed under the TP "Photonics".

Laser-optical and optoelectronic technologies are now the base for communications and telecommunications systems, information recording, storing and processing equipment, microelectronics. They entered the industry standards of material processing and diagnostics of products in many engineering industries, have become crucial for the development of special traffic management systems, in light engineering and ecology monitoring, provide new opportunities for diagnosis and treatment of diseases in medicine, etc. TP "Photonics" will focus on the development of production and the broad practical utilization of the following products:

  1. Laser processing equipment - for cutting, welding, marking, modification of the surface layer of materials, etc. This is one of the fastest growing sectors of the global laser market (production laser cutting machines are growing by an average of 10% per year for the past 15 years - it is 10 times higher than for traditional machine tools). Russian companies produce more than 250 models of such equipment, but the modern world standards, strictly speaking, today serves not more than a third of these models. At the same time, the objective need for such equipment in the real sector of the domestic economy is very large. It requires powerful efforts to saturate the domestic market by laser equipment of own production. Russia has a large backlog in industrial fiber lasers, laser surface hardening of metal, etc.), It should be realized urgently.

  2. Optical communications equipment (fibers, transmitters, receivers, DWDM systems with appropriate software, diagnostics hardware). Domestic developers occupy here the leading position on a number of devices (fiber amplifiers, DWDM - systems, etc.), but because of weak demand for this technique at home and aggressive marketing policy of the foreign producers its production and use in Russia are growing poorly.

  3. Laser-optical and optoelectronic equipment for medicine. Such equipment is now widely and to great effect used to diagnose and treat diseases in all areas of medicine. Russia has a powerful scientific schools in the area of ​​laser medicine and extensive experience in development and production of medical laser technology, a number of achievements in developing such technology are well known in the world (laser apparatuses for ophthalmology, photodynamic therapy, dentistry and plastic surgery, diagnostics of capillary blood flow, development of medical equipment with semiconductor and fiber lasers, etc.). Wide usage of this technology in the national health care is restricted, above all, the shortcomings of Russia's system of buying new high-tech medical equipment. Entering the global market is constrained by domestic firms weakness, developers of this technique in Russia are small businesses. Rapid development of production of this type of equipment should give a very large economic and social effects, but coordination needed.

  4. Lasers and optoelectronic information systems for special applications. This group includes a variety of devices created at the time for military applications, but today are becoming more common in the civilian sectors, as well as in security systems - laser gyroscopes, rangefinders, detectors of trace amounts of substances, airborne traffic control system, the system of pattern recognition, security systems and much more. Russia has unique achievements in this field, for many types of devices keeps the world level of development, but our representation on the world markets of this equipment is small. The direct dependence of the quality of weapons systems in a modern army from the level of laser information systems used demands on developing this sector of the national laser-optical industry, increasing the use of its opportunities for domestic needs and for export as well.

  5. Light emitting diodes (LED) and lighting systems based on them. Production of this technology is growing rapidly in all developed countries due to the acute need to reduce energy consumption. Domestic manufacturers still lag behind the world's highest level of quality parameters and price and do not provide the required production volumes. Rapid and vigorous development of this sub-sector of domestic photonics is needed, which seems quite feasible by the availability of active scientific schools, which owns many pioneering developments in this area, and attention to the problem of energy saving in the State. Such a development requires, above all, pragmatic cooperation of manufacturers of lighting equipment with the developers of LED and investment to the creation of a modern technological base for mass production of LEDs.

  6. Laser-optical equipment for agriculture and veterinary medicine. Russia has a unique development in the field of laser agrotechnologies, laser biostimulation of plants (it increases productivity, enhances drought tolerance and disease resistance of plants), the use of low-intensity laser radiation for the treatment and prevention of cattle, poultry and pigs disease. All these laser techniques have passed extensive testing that confirmed their high efficiency, but their large scale development in the country is hindered by general poverty and low innovation activity of agricultural enterprises, as well as counteraction of producers of chemical fertilizers and pesticides for agriculture, pharmaceutical products for veterinary use. Manufacture of laser products for agriculture and veterinary medicine in Russia should give a sighificant economic and environmental effect and ensure an active export.

  7. Apparatus for technical measurements and diagnostics, including systems of industrial process control and environmental monitoring. Such equipment, which provides non-contact distance measurement of technical parameters (size, speed and acceleration, flow rates vibration, etc.), express - diagnostics of mixtures and alloys compositions, surface conditions, deviations of movements and geometrical forms from the set, and much more - from setting directions for installation large-sized objects to the analysis of nanoparticles and implementation of machine vision, is manufactured today in a wide variety. Without such equipment, in essence, it is impossible to ensure the quality of industrial production, and in a number of industries - in the nuclear industry, chemical industry, etc. - where distance and high accuracy are required, laser and optical technology are simply irreplaceable. Development and production of such technology occupy a substantial part of the global photonics market, being actively demanded in production facilities and research laboratories. Russia has a big technological advance in this area, pioneering a number of developments (for rail transport, for example). It is necessary to actively use this potential and to modernize the domestic industry.

  8. Laser radiation sources. Currently, the most rapidly developing are semiconductor and fiber lasers and solid-state lasers with diode pumping as well, but many other types of lasers are demanded at the world market too. The main directions of improving laser sources are efficiency and service life increasing while reducing prices, expanding the spectrum of available wavelengths and generation regimes. Maintenance of laser sources and light emitting diodes production in Russia is precondition of photonics survival as a viable domestic industry.

  9. Optical materials, components and units. Along with the laser sources form the fundamental basis of photonics. Available in a wide variety of types, sizes and functions. The main task of the Russian manufacturers of these products is to maintain competitiveness by continuously reducing prices and improving product quality, development of nanotechnology control of optical materials and components characteristics.

  10. Detectors and receivers of optical radiation sensors are developed in a wide variety - from the counters of single photons to power meters for multi-kW level. Some domestic developments are rather good - thanks to strong science schools and the demand for this technique by the manufacturers of special equipment - but at the world market the share of Russian producers is very moderate.

Scope of use of photonics, laser and optical technologies covers all economic sectors - mining and processing industry, transport, communications, agriculture, and health care, defense and other. Developing or even maintaining current levels of any of these sectors requires the use of modern photonics, therefore the development of this industry is, as already noted, one of the main directions of scientific and technical progress in industrialized countries. Long-term attractiveness of photonics markets are guaranteed, many of its applications listed above essentially have no alternatives. Russia urgently needs this industry to modernize its economy. The import of the latest laser-optical and optoelectronic equipment for a long time will be significantly limited, because most of such equipment is included in the international list of dual use equipment. Established Technology Platform "Photonics" is to provide the country own efficient photonics industry and give the opportunity to preserve the competitiveness of the real economy.

5. A brief description of the expected measures of the State support for the development and use of technologies, suggested by the technology platform "Photonics".

The most important measures of the State support seem to be as follows:

  • Determination of medium - and long-term priorities of scientific-technological and industrial policy.

  • Creation of legislative basis for stimulation of innovation activity

  • Improving conditions for the introduction of advanced technologies by supporting domestic enterprises and organizations that, develop such technologies and modernizy their equipment, by the adoption of the priority measures program in the area of photonic technologies in Russia and ensuring its implementation.

  • Improvement customs and tariff regulation mechanisms in order to reduce the cost of products of Russian manufacturers of photonics at the expense of decreasing custom fees for the import of industrial components.

  • Improvement of technical regulation system to accelerate the process of practical development of new technical solutions and new designs that became available with use of photonic technologies.

6. Description of the major activities the technological platform for the coming year

The main stages of formation and functioning of the Technology Platform "Photonics" are:

Stage I (2011) - formation of TP as a standing structure, determination of its interaction with the federal executive bodies and professional associations (unions) representing the economic sectors most in need today in a laser-optical technologies, as well as funds supporting financially the domestic high-tech. Signing of appropriate agreements.

Phase II (2011) - monitoring the needs and demand for photonics in the regions of Russia and the preparation of TP proposals for priority actions in the practical development of economically and socially beneficial laser-optical technologies, ensuring the country equipment needed. Transfer these proposals to the Government Commission on High Technologies and Innovations.

Stage III (2012) – making the project of national strategic program of development of photonics and its involvement in modernizing the economy, improving health, providing technological independence in critical areas for national defense, etc. Determination of the most promising R&D works and infrastructure projects for the industry. Matching the program developed with the Government bodies.

Stage IV (2012-2020 years) - active participation in implementing an adopted strategic program in a mode of public-private partnership. Regular correction of this program according to the results of continuous monitoring of the situation at the domestic and global photonics market, as well as domestic laser optical industry.

Very limited time allotted for the first 3 stages, is explained by the fact that the relevant work has long been carried out in the Laser Association and the necessary experience is available there.

7. The structure of the technological platform, the composition of its participants.
The main structural element of the technological platform is the working group. TP "Photonics" has 11 working groups:

► "Component base of photonics"

Organization - Coordinator: State Optical Institute named after S.I. Vavilov,
St. Petersburg
► "Education and training in the field of photonics and its applications"
Organization - coordinator: National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, St. Petersburg
► "Laser technology and techniques in the industry"
Organization - coordinator: JSC "Center of shipbuilding and ship repair technology", St. Petersburg
► "Photonics in medicine and life sciences"
Organization - coordinator: A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
► "Laser information systems for special applications"
Organization – coordinator: R&D Institute "Polyus" named after M.F. Stelmakh, Moscow
► "Laser Information and Communication Technologies"
Organization - coordinator: JSC "Rostelecom", Moscow
► "Optoelectronic modules and systems"
Organization - coordinator: JSC "SPA "Alpha", Moscow
► "Applications of optoelectronic technologies"
Organization - coordinator: Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Moscow
► "Photonics in agriculture and natural resources use"
Organization - coordinator: Michurinskiy State Agrarian University, Michurinsk
► "Photonics in geodesy and navigation"
Organization - coordinator: JSC "SPC " Systems of Precise Instrument-making", Moscow
► "Photonic nanotechnologies"
Organization - coordinator: A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersburg
These working groups included representatives from nearly 100 organizations and enterprises from 21 regions of Russia.

Among the participants of the Technological platform "Photonics "- "Scientific-Production Concern "Optical Systems and Technologies" of State Corporation "Russian Technologies", JSC" United Shipbuilding Corporation ", JSC "National Institute of Aviation Technology ", JSC" Rostelecom ", State Research Center of Laser Medicine, Scientific-Production Concern" Systems of Precise Instrument – making" of the Federal Space Agency, State Scientific centers - "Institute of Experimental Physics "and " TRINITY "of JSC "Rosatom", 15 R&D institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 12 leading technical universities of Russia, more than a dozen major scientific-production amalgamations (SPA) and design offices (DO) and dozens of small and medium-sized innovative enterprises.

Secretariat of the technological platform was organized on the basis of the Laser Association. Experts Council of the Platform uses the Collegium of CIS countries National Experts on Lasers and Laser Technologies. Coordinating Committee of the Technology Platform is composed as follows:               
Chairman of the Coordinating Committee:
Vladimir N. Vasiliev, Rector of the National Research University "ITMO" (St. Petersburg), Coordinator of the Working Group (WG) "Education and training in the field of photonics"
                       Committee members:
Viktor M. Belokonev, Deputy General Director of JSC "SPA "Alpha" (Moscow), Coordinator of the WG "Opto-electronic modules and systems"
Ivan M. Bortnik, President of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises of Scientific and Technical Sphere (Moscow)
Sergey G. Garanin, Deputy General Director of Russian Federal Nuclear Center All-Russia Institute of Experimental Physics " (Sarov)
Vladimir D. Gorbach, General Director of JSC "Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Technology Center" (St. Petersburg), Coordinator of the WG" Laser technology and techniques in the industry "
Andrey G. Zabrodsky, Director of A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Science (St. Petersburg), Coordinator of the WG "Photonic nanotechnologies

Alexander A. Kazakov, Director of R&D Institute "Polyus" named after. M.F. Stelmakh (Moscow), Coordinator of the WG "Laser information systems for special applications"

Nikolai A. Kvochkin, Rector of Michurinsk State Agrarian University (Michurinsk), Coordinator of the WG "Photonics in agriculture and natural resources use"
Ivan B. Kovsh, President Laser Association (Moscow), Head of the Technological Platform Secretariat
Vladimir N. Krutikov, Deputy Head of the Federal Agancy on Technical Regulation and Metrology (Moscow)
Mikhail A. Lobin, General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "S.I. Vavilov State Optical Institute" (St. Petersburg), Coordinator of the WG "Component base of photonics"
Nicholai N. Mashnikov, Director of Center at Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (Moscow), Coordinator of the WG "Application of optoelectronic technologies"
Viktor V. Nikitin, Director of Departament in JSC "Rostelecom" (Moscow)
Alexey A. Fomichev, professor at the Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, Chairman of the Technological Program Expert Council.
Artem E. Shadrin, Acting Director of the Departament in the Federal Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (Moscow)
Victor D. Shargorodsky, General Designer of "JSC" SRC "Systems of Precise Instrument - making" of Russian Space Agency (Moscow), Coordinator of the WG" Photonics in geodesy and navigation "
Ivan A. Shcherbakov, Director of A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of Russian Academy Science (Moscow), Coordinator of the WG "Photonics in medicine and life sciences"

8. Prospective areas of cooperation with foreign companies and organizations.
Technological Platform "Photonics" is open for mutually beneficial international cooperation at the level of the Platform, at the level of individual organizations - participants of this Platform and its working groups.
Participation of foreign partners in joint projects, which will be organized within the framework of a strategic program of R&D works and innovative projects is strongly encouraged. TP "Photonics" is interested in information exchange in part of the organization of education and training specialists in photonics and its applications, in part of certification of products, development of technical standards. Foreign partners are invited to participate in the international specialized exhibition "Photonics", held annually at the Moscow Expocentre. This exhibitions has a great deal of attendees from all branches of the real economy sector in Russia.

7. Russian LED Technology Development

Brief description of objectives and expected results of the technology platform

The main objectives of the technology platform are:

  • Establish an advanced level LED industry and some related industries

  • Ensure the competitive world-class R&D in LED lighting

  • Ensure the effective interaction between the leading Russian academic schools of semiconductor electronics, manufacturing companies, state-financed and private venture investment funds for expediting development and application of new LED technologies and products

  • Integrate efforts between the governmental authorities, academiс and manufacturing organizations to ensure the technological, legal, financial, administrative and informational basis for the sustained development of LED industry

  • Build up demand in LED technologies and shape the civilized market

  • Scale up export of LED products.

The technology platform performance results as expected:

The implementation of this Technology Platform will enable to maintain Russia’s priority in LED technologies, to establish a new export-oriented industry based on a powerful national scientific reserve.

Also, the development of LED industry will make it possible to maintain and develop one of the fundamental national scientific schools, start practical commercialization in Russia of original fundamental R&Ds that have been funded and implemented using the government funds for many decades (fundamental research in semiconductor light had been carried out in the USSR since 1930s, including at the Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS since 1950s).

Country-wide use of LED lighting will ensure drastic power cost reduction for lighting, which is estimated at up to 18-20% of all generated power consumption. Saving on construction of power generation facilities will result in at least 124 billion roubles and save over 2.5 GW of power. At the same time, it will ensure conservation of nonrenewable natural resources that serve as fuel for power generation, as well as lower the load on the power generating facilities and reduce CO2 emission to the atmosphere. And the released power generating capacity can be used in other industries or exported.

It is worth emphasizing the expected sharp cost reduction for the related power generation infrastructure due to much lower requirements (to 10 times) to power consumption at the same amount of light.

If LED light is used everywhere, it will enable the application of self-sustaining photovoltaics systems, comprising LED lamps, energy storage, and solar modules or small wind turbines having a net zero energy consumption. Such technologies in return improve the quality of life and make living more comfortable.

Brief description of markets and economy segments, which the technologies from the technology platform are expected to impact

LED market as a whole

In 2010, the main LED market was the mobile market, which currently consumes approximately 40% of all the LEDs produced. Despite of all the new mobile devices appearing at the market, e.g. gadgets and tablet computers, this segment practically has no growth potential due to LED price constantly going down. LED market growth is expected in TV set TFT segment, where a great number of manufacturers started to move from classical light to LED. This growing trend, however, is expected to slow down by 2014-2015 due to a complete replacement (when all the TV sets produced will be with LED light only), as well as due to gradual entry of still expensive organic LEDs (OLEDs) to market.

However, by 2014, the screen light market will reach the maximum and amount to a half of the total LED market.

OLED-based screens have a much better contrast than TFT screens with LED light but now OLEDs absolutely yield to LEDs in the competition due to price and durability. The status can change as the OLED technology develops by 2015-2016 and OLEDs can become strong rivals to LEDs in this segment by 2020.

Along with the TFT screen light, good growth rates is typical of ambient light with its current LED market share of 12-14%.

Automobile segment will show little growth as white LEDs are started to be used as low and high beam, where they will replace existing lamps.

As for the LED grades, low current LED sales will go down and at the same time, 350mA and above high-brightness LED segment is expected to grow quite quickly. This growth will primarily be due to active application of LEDs in ambient (including street) lighting.

Forecast LED market performance

Base (medium) case is based on the assumption that after 5% market sinkage in value terms in 2009, the market will regain. First, (in 2011) this will be a recovery of 15-20% per year. Then the growth rates will keep staying at 10-12% per year in money terms.

The main application area is currently the manufacture of mobile devices (40%), primarily, mobile phones. In the future, this trend is expected to change due to phone market saturation. However, in the mid term, this segment will still grow due to other mobile devices, namely smartphones, МРЗ-players, laptops, GPS-navigators, and digital cameras. In relative terms, the segment’s weight can go down to 20% by 2020, not due to its drop though but due to rapid progress of other segments (primarily, displays). LED lighting and automobile application is going to be relatively stable.

Russian LED market

LED market in Russia is estimated to total about 1% of the world market, which amounted to 1,200 million roubles or over 50 million US dollars in 2008.

Even at the backdrop of the world market’s rapid growth, Russian LED market was evolving twice as more slowly. The market growth rate in 2001-2003 approximately amounted to 20-25% but went down to 10-12% in 2004-2008.

List of segments which the technologies from the technology platform are expected to impact

The main segments to be influenced by LED technologies are as follows.

1. As for the lighting devices based on LED technologies, the main customers will be from the housing and utilities sector and transport (including automobile industry), and vehicles and transportation (to the extent of street and highway lighting, public transport, vehicles, and other segments using LED lights).

2. As for the different mobile electronic devices and large screens – primarily, electronics, IT, transportation, services (including hotels, food service industry).

3. As for allied sectors – electronic industry, chemistry – primarily, phosphor chemistry, silicone coatings and lenses, as well as novel ceramic materials for substrates. As for OLEDs – immediately in fabrication of polymer LED materials.

At the same time, LED evolution in illumination engineering will give impetus for development of several medium-tech industries, e.g. metalwork, special plastics.

Key events in establishing and maintaining activity of the technology platform for the nearest year

  1. Involve as many stakeholders as possible to TP

  2. Work out and implement managerial solutions that ensure the TP performance, including the regulation of the participants’ interface

  3. Shape the TP organizational chart

  4. Identify various possible funding sources for TP performance

  5. Have a number of discussions (workshops) involving authority and business representatives, assigned to coordinate the most efficient funding mechanisms of TP performance

  6. Develop and implement а campaign plan to promote the TP in Russia and abroad

  7. Develop recommendations for forming a regulatory and legal framework for TP performance

  8. Review Russian and foreign strategic documents setting the priorities and development goals in hydrocarbon processing

  9. Identify long-term priorities of scientific and technological development of LED engineering and strategic goals of TP development

  10. Build a road map for achieving TP objectives (hereinafter the RM).

  11. Develop and start implementing a pilot of strategic R&D program setting forth the mid- and long-term priorities in conducting R&D, align the mechanisms for scientific and production cooperation.

A short-term goal of the Technology Platform performance is to develop in 2011-2012 a LED prototype emitting an over 200 lm light beam at 1 W and commercialize such a LED before 2014 yearend at the latest. The 2012 objective is to create a 250 lm/W LED prototype (at 1 W).

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