2. Co-ordinators: JSC “Concern “Morinformsistem-Agate”, JSC «United Shipbuilding Corporation», JSC “Concern “Morskoe podvodnoye orugiye – Gidropribor”
3. The basic technological directions realised within the technological platform:
Technologies of the marine robotised systems:
Research and development of uninhabited underwater vehicles (robots);
Research and development of an underwater infrastructure for the marine robotised systems;
Research and development of operating structures, navigating maintenance and communication, information handling methods;
Technologies of rescue operations to make use of automatic systems;
Research and development of a complex of mobile and hardware-software means for tests on location of new samples of marine equipment and the robotised systems.
· Technologies natural resources development of the World ocean:
Research and development of the automated extraction and raw materials transportation;
Research and development of a complex of means for underwater-subglacial drilling of borehole;
Research and development of underwater pipelines and communication lines of new generation;
Research and development of the automated processes of reproduction of bioresources;
Research and development of the automated control of populations of marine organisms;
Research and development of marine bionics technologies.
· Information technologies and systems for development of the World ocean:
Research and development of the remote (automated) methods of the analysis of a status of the oceanic environment, including space communication facilities;
Research and development of the mobile and automated complexes for underwater tests;
Research and development of deep-water fixed installations, including underwater neutrino telescopes and power plants;
Research and development of systems and means of the automated control of underwater engineering procedures;
Research and development of new technologies of underwater connection and communications.
Research and development of marine engineering (perspective shipbuilding):
Research and development of manned devices and systems;
Research and development of new systems of marine transportation of hydrocarbonic raw materials;
Research and development of new methods and technologies of marine geophysical researches, including specialised vessels building;
Use nanotechnology for research and development of perspective vessels and the marine engineering.
The contact information on the co-ordinators of a technological platform «Ocean Development»
The name: JSC “Concern “Morinformsistem-Agate”
The address: 105275, Moscow, shosse Enthusiastov, 29
The contact person: Kobylyansky Valery Vladimirovich, the deputy of the general director on innovative development
The contact information: phone: +7(495)673-74-29; a fax: +7(495)673-41-30,
e-mail: info@concern-agat.ru, website: concern-agat.ru
The name: JSC «United Shipbuilding Corporation»
The address: 191119, St.-Petersburg, street Marata, 90
The contact person: Forafonov Sergey Nikolaevich, the vice-president
The contact information: phone: +7(812)494-17-42, a fax: +7(812)494-17-43,
e-mail: info@oaoosk.ru, website: oaoosk.ru
The name: JSC “Concern “Morskoe podvodnoye orugiye – Gidropribor”
The address: 194044, St.-Petersburg, Bolshoy Sampsonievsky avenue, 24
The contact person: Osipov Vadim Alfredovich, the general director
The contact information: phone: +7(812)542-01-47, a fax: +7(812)542-96-59,
e-mail: info@gidropribor.ru website: gidropribor.ru
28. Environmental development technology
A brief description of the alleged problems and main results of the technological platform development
The main objective of the technological platform development is formation of the mechanism for improving the efficiency and competitiveness of the Russian Federation economics on the basis of coordination of science, government, business and society efforts in implementation eco-efficient and energy-efficient Russian technologies, solving the accumulated environmental problems, and ensuring environmental safety.
This goal is to be achieved by solving the following tasks:
development and implementation of technologies providing, along with increase of efficiency and resource saving, reducing the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment and human health, as well as healthier environment and quality of life;
formation of a technological base to eliminate the consequences of the accumulated negative impact on the environment, ensuring environmental safety of large energy and infrastructure projects;
elimination of the gap between the national and foreign technologies in this field, ensuring their competitiveness in the global and national markets;
increase the innovative activity of enterprises, including that based on the mechanisms of applied research coordination on the pre-competitive stage, which are created within the technology platform, joint usage of high tech research and laboratory equipment, forming sustainable partnerships with leading research and educational organizations;
concentration of public funding for research and development, taking into account their level of demand from business, in order to achieve maximum effect from the respective state programs focused on the improving the economy’s competitiveness and increasing the volume of co-financing of high-technology projects, attracted from non-budgetary sources;
eliminating the risk of duplication of research funded from different sources, creating the conditions for combining different sources of funding of joint innovative projects;
significant expansion of capacity for effective technology commercialization, in particular, through creating opportunities for estimating the demand for innovative products and to attract private sources of financing investment projects of innovation orientation.
Operation of the technological platform should provide significant contribution to the long-term socio-economic development and technological upgrading, including:
solving significant problems in the field of environmental protection and ensuring of environmental safety, development of up-to-date systems of monitoring and forecasting natural and man-induced emergencies, as well as negative climate changes;
technological modernization, introduction of advanced environmentally efficient technologies and significant increase of the competitiveness of individual industries and sectors of the economy taking into account environmental factors ("green growth"), the expansion of high-tech exports;
increasing efficiency and reduction of resource-commodity of primary sectors, formation of additional repartition and enhanced recycling;
developing complex of "breakthrough" technologies, which determine the possibility of formation of new markets for high technology products (services), in the first place:
developing the high tech market of environmental services (MES) and the recycling industry, founding new high-tech companies, expansing small and medium-sized businesses working in production of environmental goods and services, improving conditions for its growth;
additional inflow of private (including foreign) investments in development of advanced technologies, development of high-tech environmentally friendly and safe productions.
Technological trends, implemented under the technology platform
Environmentally friendly manufacturing technologies
technologies that reduce/exclude the use and formation in the manufacturing processes dangerous substances and materials;
technologies and systems of water treatment and gas purification, icluding development of environmentally friendly chemicals for air purification, implementation of special materials, catalysts, special absorbers for air filtration systems;
technologies of utilization of new insulating materials for protection of surface and ground waters from technogenic and anthropogenic impacts;
technologies for controlling emissions and reduce the carbon intensity of production using market mechanisms for carbon finance.
Technologies that provide environmentally friendly waste management, including the elimination of previously accumulated environmental damage
technologies for utilization and recycling various types of solid domestic waste, with obtaining from them secondary raw materials and end product;
environmentally friendly resource-saving technologies and equipment for recycling production waste to produce products and materials for mass application, as well as valuable components;
technologies for utilization and processing of food industry and agriculture wastes to produce secondary raw materials and finished product;
technologies and equipment for processing and disposal of materials and raw materials containing hazardous and extremely hazardous pollutants, including the waste of oil refining industry, medical and extremely toxic wastes;
technologies for ensuring the environmental safety of landfills and facilities in waste management of production and consumption patterns, including particularly toxic;
technologies of reclamation of dumps, tailings, landfills, areas of marine and inland waters, including those contaminated with oil and oil products, and, in particular, cleanup of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation of chemical and radioactive contamination.
Technologies and systems for monitoring, assessing and predicting the environment state, natural and technogenic emergencies, negative consequences of climate change, including innovative ways of instrumental pollution control
technologies and systems of assessment of the state and dynamics of the resource of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, restore the resource potential of areas with high anthropogenic load;
technologies and systems for environmental monitoring and forecasting a state of the environment in large industrial cities and especially protected areas;
technologies and systems for environmental monitoring (observation) of coastal zones, water bodies, groundwater, and for forecasting components of the environment the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation on the basis of multi-purpose Russian space system "Arctica";
technologies for instrumental control of emissions / discharges of pollutants into the atmosphere, water bodies, soil;
technologies for obtaining, transferring and using information about the environment and its change using various means of obtaining the necessary information: surface, aerial, satellite;
technologies and systems for early detection and prediction natural and technogenic emergencies;
technologies of environmental risk management associated with development of offshore oil and gas fields in marine aquatoria, including ice-covered areas;
technologies of formation and updating the cadastre of territories and the water areas with the highest level of environmental risk;
technologies and systems for preventing cross-border negative impacts on the environment;
technologies and systems for monitoring the environmental impacts of climate change, including processes in the permafrost.
Technologies of rational nature management, ensuring environmental safety and new environmental standards of life
environmentally friendly energy saving technologies that are used to ensure compliance with environmental quality standards taking into account the natural features of the territories and water areas including specially protected areas, as well as environmental management;
technologies for monitoring and prediction of the negative impact of weather and climate changes, radioactive components, toxic substances of man-made and natural origin and their combination on public health, including the creation of a modern system of assessment and forecasting of these factors harmful effects on public health and demographic indices.
Brief description of markets and sectors that are expected to be influenced by the technologies, developed under the technology platform
The long-term attractiveness of target markets for products of the technology platform is caused by world tendencies tightening of environmental requirements for products, works and services not only in developed countries but also in countries with developing economies. Experts estimate the global market for environmental goods as quite capacious (as a minimum of $ 1.4 trillion euro) and one of the fastest growing. According to forecasts by 2020 the global market of these products will more than double (up to 3.1 trillion. euro) and the proportion of "green" economy, for example, in 2020 the GDP of the Federal Republic of Germany's will have risen by 14%.
According to expert estimates, the annual volume of environmental services in Russia is from 600 billion to 2 trillion rubles. While the market considered is composed of two spheres (accordingly to EU classification, developed in the framework of negotiations on Russia's accession to the WTO) – so-called "Green", representing a range of services, related to the assessment and conservation of biodiversity, and "Brown", which includes a wide range of commercial products, such as industrial plants, technologies, equipment, reagents, services on preparation of various environmental documentation.
The main consumers of the technological platform are a very wide range of companies, whose activity is associated with the natural environment, production of environmentally-friendly products, environmental protection, resource-saving machines and technological equipment, and many others.
Due to the adopted in OECD countries strategy "green growth" modernization is expected to jump in development and implementation of eco-efficient technologies at the most attractive markets, resulting in outdated technologies that do not take into consideration these factors become less competitive.
In the field of ecological and natural resources monitoring the most advanced technologies are required, that are based on the use of autonomous automated means of control. Besides, the transition to the adopted by EU mechanism of indicators of best available technologies requires the use by enterprises and controlling bodies the modern means of instrumental control of emissions, discharges, that form waste;
Development and implementation of the mentioned above technological directions of the technology platform implementation will facilitate the formation and development of the market for environmental goods and services, the creation of small and medium-sized enterprises, specializing in providing services in waste recycling, recultivation of contaminated land, etc. The development of technologies for environmental safety and a new valuation of the environmental impact will contribute to the development of environmental insurance and auditing.
4) List of Participants of the technology platform
The Federal Bodies of legislative power:
The Russian Federation State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Ecology
The Federal Bodies of Executive Power:
The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
The Minister of the Russian Federation on affairs of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Hydrometeorological Service of the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Defense)
Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring
The business sector:
Open Joint Stock Company «Gazprom»
«Russian Technologies» State Corporation
Open Joint Stock Company «Oboronservis»
Open Joint-Stock Company «RusHydro»
Open Joint-Stock Company «Oil Company «SURGUTNEFTEGAS»
OJSC «Joint-Stock Company for transportation of oil «Transneft»
Open Joint-Stock company «Rosneft Oil Company»
Open Joint Stock Company «Concern «Oceanpribor»
Open Joint Stock Company «Concern PVO «Almaz-Antey»
Open Joint Stock Company «Corporation «Roshimzaschita»
Open Joint Stock Company «Siberian Coal Energy Company»
Open Joint Stock Company «Mineral and Chemical Company»EuroChem»
Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Rosmorport»
Closed Joint-Stock Company «Russian Copper Company»
Limited Liability Company «Podzemgazprom»
«Applied Technologies Company» Limited Liability Company
Limited liability company «The Pure World M»
Limited Liability Company Scientific-Production Company «RINEKO»
Limited Liability Company «ECOCOM»
Limited liability company «Bureau of the five experts»
Limited Liability Company «Femta»
Investment companies and funds, public institutions of development:
Non-profit organization the Foundation for Development the Centre of new technologies development and commercialization (the Skolkovo Fund)
The Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Consulting and engineering companies
Ernst & Young (CIS) B.V., Branch in Moscow
Public organizations and associations
1. All-Russian public organization «Russian Geographical Society»
The Public Chamber of Russian Federation (Inter-Commission Working Group for Modernization of Industry)
The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg Association of Recycling
The World Wide Fund for Nature
Closed Joint-Stock Company «International Innovation Consortium «Pure World »
The All-Russia Trade Association of Employers «Russian Engineering Union»
All-Russian branch association of employers «Ecosphere»
Russian Regional Environmental Centre
Moscow representative office of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Russian State Hydrometeorological University»
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University»
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «National Research University «The Higher School of Economics»
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University»
Saint - Petersburg State Mining Institute (Mining University) named after G.V. Plekhanov
State educational institution of Higher Professional Education «Tver State University»
State educational institution of Higher Professional Education «Friendship University of Russia»
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Far Eastern Federal University»
State educational institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint - Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation»
State educational institution of Higher Professional Education «Tyumen State University»
Cheboksary Polytechnic Institute (branch) SOU VPO «Moscow State Open University»
Federal State budget institution of Higher Professional Education «The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation»
Federal State budget institution of Higher Professional Education «Volga State Academy of Water Transport»
State budget institution of Higher Professional Education «Northwestern State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov» under the Ministry of Health Care and Social Development
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
«Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky» under the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Federal State budget institution of Higher Professional Education «Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S.P. Korolyov» (National Research University)
Federal State budget institution of Higher Professional Education «Stavropol State University»
Federal State budget institution of Higher Professional Education «Nizhny Novgorod State University of Civil Engineering»
Institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences:
Saint-Petersburg Scientific-Research Center for Ecological Safety RAS Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems, Kola Science Centre RAS -
The General Physics Institute named after A.M. Prokhorov RAS
Space Research Institute RAS
O.Yu. Schmid Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS
A.N. Severtsov's Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS
Institute for Monitoring Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS
A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of RAS
Institute of Geography RAS
Institute of Applied Physics
A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology FEB RAS
Research centers and institutions:
Limited Liability Company Scientific-Research Institute of Natural Gases and Gas Technologies GAZPROM VNIIGAZ
Limited Liability Company «TyumenNIIgiprogaz»
Federal State Institution «Scientific Research Centre for resource saving and waste management»
Limited Liability Company «Scientific-Technical Center for innovative recycling technologies»
Federal State Institution of Science «North-West Scientific Center of Hygiene and Public Health»
Autonomous Institution of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District – Ugra «High-Tech Industrial Park»
Northern Scientific-Production Association for Marine Geological Prospecting «Sevmorgeologiya»
Federal State Unitary Scientific and Production Company for Marine Geological Prospecting «SEVMORGEO»
Federal State budgetary research institution «Research Institute of Aerospace Monitoring «AEROCOSMOS»
State unitary enterprise of Moscow «Ekotechprom»
East European Turf Institute (Instorf) Tver State Technical University
Ltd. «Venture projects Exchange of the sixth technological system»
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