Bibliography and Abbreviations [indexed; new additions are preceded by a "+"]
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Downey, Granville. A History of Antioch in Syria, 1961, Chapter 2. "The Christian Community at Antioch from Apostolic times to A.D. 284," [n.155]
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__. 'Buch' and 'Buchhandel' in Pauly-Wissowa, Real Encyclopädie [2]
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+Fowler, Donald 1995. "Martial and the Book," Ramus 24: 31-58. [see White 1996]
Galiano ii [n.113, with Wilcken]
+Gamble, Harry Y. The New Testament Canon: Its Making and Meaning. New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 1985.
+__. Books and Readers in the Early Church: A History of Early Christian Texts (New Haven: Yale UP 1995)
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Goodspeed, E..J. suggested that the collection was the work of the slave Onesimus, placed the event soon after 85 C.E., [n.168]
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+__. "Book-Scrolls at the Beginning of the Second Temple Period -- The Transition from Papyrus to Skins", Hebrew Union College Annual 54 (1983), pp. 111-122.
+__. "More Concerning Book Scrolls in Pre-Exilic Times", Journal of Jewish Studies 35 (1984), pp. 84-85.
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+__. "The Codex, the Pinax and the Wooden Slats", Tarbiz 57 (1988), pp. 151-164 [Hebrew with English abstract]
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+Hurtado, Larry W. The Earliest Christian Artifacts: Manuscripts and Christian Origins (Grand Rapids 2006)
Ibscher, H. 'Der Codex' in Jahrbuch der Einbandkunst 4 (1937) 3-15 [nn.10-11, 129]
+Immerwahr, Henry. 1964. Book Rolls on Attic Vases. In Classical, Mediaeval and Rennaissance Studies in Honor of Berthold Louis Ullman. Roma.
+Immerwahr, H. "More Book Rolls on Attic Vases," ANTIKE KUNST 16 (1973) 143-147.
IVRA = Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico (Italy)
+Jakab, Attila. Ecclesia alexandrina: Evolution sociale et institutionelle du christianisme alexandrin (IIe et IIIe sie\cles) (Christianismes antiques 1; Bern 2001)
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__. 'Ancient and Medieval accounts of the "Invention” of Parchment,' California Studies in Classical Antiquity 3 (1970) pp. 115-122 [n.9]
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+__. Bookrolls and Scribes in Oxyrhynchus (U Toronto 2004) [coins term "voluminology"; review by Silvia Barbantani in Classical Review 56 (2006) 485-488; review by Efrosyni Stigka in Classical World 100 (2006) 67-69; review by S. A. Stephens, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2005.01.04]
+Jones, A. The Astronomical Papyri from Oxyrhynchus (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society 233; Philadelphia 1999). Nos. P.Oxy. 4133—4300a.
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+Katz, Peter. "The Early Christians' Use of Codices Instead of Rolls," JTS 46 (1945) 63
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+Kilgour, Frederick G. 1998. The Evolution of the Book (Oxford).
Kleberg, Tönnes. Buchhandel und Verlagswesen in der Antike (Darmstadt, 1969 [1967?]), especially "Exkurs über die Buchherstellung und die Formen des Buches in der Antike" (69-86) [02-03]
Knox, John. who suggested that the collection was the work of the slave Onesimus, placed the event soon after 85 C.E. [n.165]
+Koenen, Ludwig. "Ein Mo"nch als Berufsschreiber: Zur Buchproduktion im 5/6 Jahrhundert." Pp. 347-354 in Festschrift zum 150 ja"hrigen Bestehen des Berliner A"gyptischen Museums (Berlin 1974)
Koep, L. Das himmlische Buch in Antike und Christentum, 1952 [n.24]
+Kotsifou, Chrysi. "Books and Book Production in the Monastic Communities of Byzantine Egypt." Pp. 48-66 in.Klingshirn and Safran
+Klingshirn, W. E. and L. Safran (eds.). The Early Christian Book (Washington DC: Catholic University of America 2007)
+Kramer, Johannes. "Antike Kanonbildung." Pp. 3-36 in W. Dahmen et al. (eds.), Kanonbildung in der Romanistik und in der Nachbardiziplinen (Romanistik Kolloquium 14; Tuebingen: Gunter Narr Verlag 2000)
+Krieg, W. 1974. ed., Kleine Schriften zum antike Buch- und Bibliothekwesen (Cologne)
Lassus, Jean. ‘Antioche à l’époque romaine: Christianisme’ in Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.8 [[date]] [n.152]
Lefort, Th. "??" Muséon 66 (1953) 16 sq., quoted in Roberts, op. cit., p. 61, n.4. [148]
+[LDAB] Leuven Data Base of Ancient Books (online at
Lewis, Naphtali. Papyrus in Classical Antiquity (Oxford, 1974) [05]
__. L'Industrie du Papyrus dans l’Egypte gréco-romaine (Paris, 1934) [05]
__. ??, Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 11 (1974) 49-51 [n.34]
Lieberman, S. Hellenism in Jewish Palestine, 1950, Appendix III, 'Jewish and Christian Codices' [nn.159-160]
Lowe, E. A. C.L.A., 10 [nn.84-85]
__. 'Codices Rescripti: a list of the oldest Latin palimpsests with stray observations on their origin,' Palaeographical Papers 2, pp. 480-519 [17, n.49]
Lührmann, D, in ZNTW 72 (1981), pp. 216-26 [n.116]
Marinates, Minos, i, p. 40; [Marinates, Sp. 'Some General Notes on the Minoan Written Documents.' In Minos, \ (1951), 39 ff.] [n.22]
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+Marshall, A. J. 1976. "Library Resources and Creative Writing at Rome," Phoenix 30: 260-
McCown, C. C. 'Codex and Roll in the New Testament', Harvard Theological Review 34 (1941) 219-250 [nn.1, 141]
__. ‘The earliest Christian books' in The Biblical Archaeologist 6 (1943) 21-31 [n.1]
+McKitterick, Rosamond. The Carolingens and the Written Word (Cambridge University Press 1989 )
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Montevecchi, O. La Papirologia, 1973, pp. 360-363 [69]
Moule, C. The Birth of the New Testament, 3rd ed., 1981 [n.141, p. 63]
+Mratschek, Sigrid. "Codices vestri nos sumus: Bu"cherkult und Bu"cherpreise in der christlichen Spa"tantike." Pp. 369-380 in Hortus litterarum antiquarum, Festschrift fu"r Hans Armin Ga"rther zum 70 Geburtstag, ed. A. Haltenhoff and F.-H. Mutschler (Heidelberg 2000)
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Pack, Roger A. The Greek and Latin Literary Texts from Greco-Roman Egypt (University of Michigan Press, 1st edition 1952, 2nd edition 1965, here referred to as Pack-1 and Pack-2) [03 & passim -- add Pack-Mertens]
Petrie, Flinders. Objects of Daily Life [n.28]
__. see also Bell
Pope, M. Annual of the British School at Athens 55 [1960] 201 [n.22]
Posner, E. Archives in the Ancient World [n.34]
Reed, R. Ancient Skins, Parchments and Leathers (Seminar Press, 1972) [5,8]
__. The Nature and Making of Parchment, 1975 [[publ??]] [n.8,21]
Regemorter, B. Scriptorium 12 (1958) 177 ff. ('Le codex relié à 1'époque néo-Hittite' [n.23]
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+Resnick, Irven M. "The Codex in Early Jewish and Christian Communities." Journal of Religious History 17 (1992) 1-17 [well researched, with argument for "theological" considerations]
Roberts, Colin H. The Codex. Proceedings of the British Academy 40 (1954) 169-204 [passim]
+__. "Early Christianity in Egypt." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 40 (1954) 92-96
__. Manuscript, Society and Belief in Early Christian Egypt [n. 103]
Robinson, J. A. T. Redating the New Testament, 1976 [nn.140, 146, 150]
+Rossum-Steenbeek, Monique van 1998. Greek Readersí Digests? Studies on a Selection of Greek Sub-literary Papyri (Leiden) [rev. BMCR 98.6.29, Teresa Morgan].
Rudberg, G. Neutestamentlicher Text und Nomina Sacra, Uppsala, 1915 [n.164]
Sabbe, E. 'Papyrus et parchemin au haut moyen age,' Miscellanea historica in honorem Leonis van der Essen 1 (1947) 95-103.[n.18]
+Saenger, Paul 1997. Space between Words: The Origins of Silent Reading (Stanford: expands and supersedes his article, "Silent Reading: its Impact on late Medieval Script and Literacy" in Viator 13 [1982] 367-414.)
Sage, Evan T. "The Publication of Martial's Poems," Trans. Am. Phil.Ass. ... (1919) [n.40]
Sanders, H. A. "The Beginnings of the Modern Book: the Codex," University of Michigan Quarterly Review 44.15 (Winter 1938) 95-111 [02, n. 34 & passim]
__. 'Codices Librariorum,' Classical Philology 29 (1934) 251-252, [n.34]
Santifaller, L. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Beschreibstoffe im Mittelalter mit besonderer Berucksictigung der papstlichen Kanzlei, 1953, [nn.133, 135, 139]
Schönbauer, E. Ivra: Rivista Internazionale di diritto Romano e Antico 12 (1961) 117-161 [nn.88, 95, 97]
Schubart, W. Das Buch bei den Griechen und Römern (2nd ed., Berlin, 1921; 3rd ed., by E. Paul, Heidelberg and Leipzig, 1961, adds some illustrations, but omits the notes of the 2nd edition) [01 & passim]
+Seider, Richard. Pala"ographie der lateinischen Papyri (Stuttgart 1972)
+Sider, David. The Library of the Villa dei Papiri at Herculaneum (Malibu CA 2005)
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Skeat, T.C. 'Two notes on Papyrus: 1. Was re-rolling a papyrus roll an irksome and time-consuming task?' Scritti in onore di Orsolina Montevecchi, 1981, pp. 373-376. [[republished in Elliott ..]] [n.127]
__. 'The Length of the Standard Papyrus Roll and the Cost-advantage of the Codex', Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 45 (1982) 169-75 [reprinted in Elliott...]]. [nn.14, 121]
__. The Cambridge History of the Bible, vol. 2 [57, n.151]
__. "The Origin of the Christian Codex." Zeitschrift fu"r Papyrologie und Epigraphik 102 (1994) 263-268
+Small, Jocelyn Penny. Wax Tablets of the Mind: Cognitive Studies of Memory and Literacy in Classical Antiquity (Routledge 1997) [partial copy online]
Hermann von Soden [n.164]
+Starr, R.J. 1987. "The Circulation of Literary Texts in the Roman World," CQ 37: 213-23.
+_____ 1990-91. "Lectores and Book Reading," CJ 86: 337-343.
+__. `The Used-Book Trade in the Roman World,' Phoenix 44(1990)
Ste Croix, G.E.M. de. 'Greek and Roman Accounting' in Studies in the History of Accounting, ed. A. C. Littleton and B. S. Yamey (1956) 41-3 [n.32]
+Stephens, S.A. 1988. "Book Production," in M. Grant and R. Kitzinger, eds., Civilization of the Ancient Mediterranean. Greece and Rome, vol. 1 (New York) 421-36.
+Tov, Emanuel. "Copying a Biblical Scroll," Journal of Religious History 26 (2002) 189-209 [col ##, dots, etc.]
+__. Scribal Practices and Approaches Reflected in the Texts Found in the Judean Desert (Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 54; Brill 2004)
Treu, Kurt. "Christliche Papyri VI" and "...VII," in Archiv für Papyrusforschung 26 (1978) 149-159, and 27 (1980) 251-258 [[update needed]] [38]
+__. "Die Bedeutung des Griechischen fuer die Juden im roemischen Reich" ["What Greek meant for Jews in the Roman Empire"] in KAIROS 15 (1973) 123-144 (ET by W. Adler and RAK)
+Trobisch, David. Paul’s Letter Collection: Tracing the Origins (Minneapolis: Fortress. Press, 1994)
Turner, Eric G. The Typology of the early Codex (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977) [01 & passim]
__. Greek Papyri: an Introduction (Oxford 1968); paperback with supplementary notes 1980 [02 & passim]
__. "The Terms Recto and Verso: the Anatomy of the Papyrus Roll" (Actes du XV\e Congrès International de Papyrologie, ed. J. Bingen and G. Nachtergael; Papyrologica Bruxellensia 16), 1978, pp. 27-32 [n.55]
+__. Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World (revised and enlarged by Peter Parsons; Bulletin Supplement 46, Institute of Classical Studies: London 1987)
+__. Turner, E.G. 1954. Athenian Books in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B.C. London.
Uebel, F. Literarische Texte unter Ausschluss der Christlichen in Archiv für Papyrusforschung, 21 (1971) 170-182 [36]
van Haelst, Joseph. Catalogue des Papyrus Littéraires Juifs et Chrétiens (Paris, 1976) [03 38 & passim]
+__. "Les Origines du Codex" in Blanchard, 11-35
+Van der Valk, H. L. M. "On the Edition of Books in Antiquity" [especially Martial], Vigiliae Christianae ?? (1957) 1-10
+Van Sickle, J. 1980. "The Book-Roll and Some Conventions of the Poetic Book," Arethusa 13: 5-42.
Wattenbach, W. Das Schriftwesen ins Mittlealter, 3rd ed., 1896 [n.134]
Wendel, C. Die griechisch-römische Buchbeschreibung verglichen mit der des Vorderen Orients, 1949 [n.23]
+White, Peter. 1996. "Martial and Pre-Publication Texts," EMC 40 n.s. 15: 397-412 [see Fowler 1995]
Wieacker, F. Textstufen klassischer Juristen (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, Phil.-hist. K1., 3. Folge, Nr. 45 (1960), especially § 4, 'Rolle und Codex, Papyrus und Pergament' [02 et passim, n.125]
Wilcken, U. [40, n.113]
+Williams, G.D. 1992. "Representations of the Book-Roll in Latin Poetry: Ovid, Tr. 1.1.3-14 and Related Texts," Mnemosyne 45: 178-89.
Willis, William H. "A Census of the Literary Papyri from Egypt," Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 9 (1968) 205-241 [36]
+Wipsycka, Ewa. "Remarques sur les lettres prive/es chre/tiennes des III-IVe sie\cles: a propos d'un livre de M. Naldini" [see above]. Journal of Juristic Papyrology 18 (1974) 203-221.
+__. E/tudes sur le christianisme dans l'E/gypte de l'antiquite/ tardive (Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 52; Rome 1996).
+__. Les papyrus documentaires concernant l'E/glise d'avant le tournant constantinien: Un bilan des vingt dernie\res anne/es (Atti del XXII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia [Florence 2001] 2; 2001) 1307-1330 [a survey of the pre-Constantinian papyrological documentation of Christianity published in the previous 20 years, with bibliography]
Zahn, Theodor. Geschichte der neutestamentlicher Kanons 1 (Berlin, 1888 or 1881??) [02, n.165]
Zucker, F. Review of K. Ohly's Stichometrische Untersuchungen (...) Gnomon 8 (1932) 384 [04]
Zuntz, G. the archetype of the Pauline corpus was produced, possibly in Alexandria, about 100 C.E.; Preferences in Monte, loc. cit. [n.168]
[[various authors??]] Testi recentemente pubblicati: Testi letterari greci in Aegyptus 51 (1971) 227-30; 52 (1972) 163-8; 53 (1973) 160-4; 54 (1974) 206-9; 55 (1975) 275-9; 57 (1977) 202-47; 58 (1978) 225-87; and 60 (1980) 233-65 [36]
[[author?]] Iraq 16 (1954) 65, 97-99; 17 (1955) 3 20 [n.23] [[M. E. L. Mallowan, "The Excavations at Nimrud (Kalhu)," Iraq 16 (1954) 98-107; Margaret Howard, "Technical Description of the Ivory Writing-boards from Nimrud," Iraq 17 (1955) 14–20]
Marx, Fr. (not accessible to us) [n.24] [Rheinische Museum für Philologie. Hrsg. v. Fr. Marx. Neue Folge, Band 74, 3. Frankfurt a.M. 1925. 110 p].
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