Arbiter’s Committee (ACO)
Many of the playing and tournament rules changes will affect how Tournament Director’s do their jobs as well as some inaccuracies observed by the Qualifications Commissioner, it was decided to devote the remainder of Day 2 discussing the Arbiter’s Committee (ACO). The Arbiter Committee has been relatively stagnant in the past three years and the Arbiter’s Manual is out-of-date.
The following general tasks and responsibilities of the committee were outlined:
Revise the Arbiter’s Manual to reflect current policies and procedures.
Redefine the role of TD/IA
Establish standard and consistent lines of communications between TDs and TCs.
Propose/create a qualification ladder from a beginning TD to a certified IA with considerations of training and testing included.
Establish a periodic training and communication standard for all TDs.
Re-assess the present TD list under new guidelines.
Develop automated TD monitoring/assessment of performance.
Recognizing the importance of this committee and the responsibilities, the United States Federation proposed that Dr. Dennis Doren assume leadership of the committee.
Dennis was present at Congress and provided a brief personal introduction.
With full EB support, Congress gave Dennis a show of appreciation and welcome to the ICCF team.
Dennis has started to assemble the ACO team with members from the present committee as well as others who have shown interest and experience.
Rating Commissioner
Dear friends,
Since last year’s Congress, four rating lists were published, on time. Currently I am working on the list 2014/4, which will be published on September 15 and will be valid from October 1, business as usual, no problems but I want to mention one significant improvement, which was realized shortly after the Congress in Krakow:
Special rating system for Chess960
The Congress in Krakow decided to set up a special rating system for Chess960. Chess960-Tournaments started from 01/01/2014 onwards can and should be created as rated. So far, this was 27 groups in ICCF and 3 national events.
With rating list 2014/3, we had already six players with a published 960 rating (based on at least 12 results). 109 players at that time had evaluated results. Since a few days, these lists can be seen and downloaded from the server. With rating list 2014/4, the numbers will surely grow.
Maintaining Players’ Database
Historically ICCF had no catalogue of players; this was the task of the national federations. For the introduction of the rating system in 1988, Nol van t’Riet collected a list of 8.752 players who played in rated tournaments and he published a paper list with 2.353 players. The rating software required at that time a dbase-table which was continuously extended in the following years and for the first time completely published with Eloquery in 1995 (with 22.876 players). It was always the task of the RC to maintain this table.
In 2004, it became mandatory to have this table on the ICCF webserver as a requirement for creating tournaments. It was imported from Eloquery (with 31.990 players). New entries could be created by Tournament Organizers, but had always to be confirmed by the RC. With the increase of server tournaments and the administration of postal tournaments on the server, this task became more and more time consumable and awkward. Until the end of 2011, the number grew to 39.349 players.
Since 2012, the server allows everybody in the world to sign up for the ICCF server. These entries are more or less carefully checked by the national delegates or zonal directors, accepted or rejected, and finally confirmed or removed by the RC. Today we have now 43.858 names in the database.
Since the last Congress, 2.874 persons used the signup possibility. 978 of them were rejected, 1.896 were confirmed and got a password. I am sure that there are a lot of them who do not really intend to become active and play. Currently the server does not offer a possibility to identify those groups of “uninterested guests”. However, we should have such a feature and a concept to clean our database from time to time.
In my opinion, there is no need to give Congress a share in this matter. It is still the task and authority of the RC in cooperation with the Service Committee. However, I would be interested in the opinions of delegates and officials. My current idea is to remove names who did not register within 6 months after they got a password and to remove names that did not start play within two years after their registration. Of course, players with results in historic tournaments will not be removed.
Looking forward to seeing you in Sydney!
Amici sumus
Gerhard Binder
ICCF Ratings Commissioner
Congress voted unanimously to approve the Ratings Commissioner report and recommendations.
Gerhard provide a supplementary report, which is provided below.
Some new statistics to the Chess-960-Ratinglist
25 players with published rating (12 and more results)
from 11 countries
10 from Russia
1082 results evaluated
151 players with at least 1 result
from 34 countries
amongst them 5 GM, 18 SIM, 11 IM
29 ICCF tournaments / groups, 2 from Europe, 5 national
Players’ interest in these rating lists seems to be low – so far no comment, no query, no complaint.
Players’ database – Signup procedure
Since last Congress (8/2013)
3150 Signups
from 111 countries
2085 accepted and password sent (not known how many of them have registered)
1065 rejected by delegates / zonal directors
no answer / no interest
271 not our member
258 of them from India (only 28 from India were accepted)
Not included which were deleted after 35 days or because of fakes or duplicates by me ( ca. 500). They leave no track in the system or in my mails.
Need: Statistics about the activity of these new players.
Identify a group of „uninterested guests which got a password and did not register or who registered and did not start a tournament.
Send a reminder mail every three months.
Delete not registered after 6 months, not playing after two years.
Import of old tournaments
In 2013, all in Eloquery available title tournaments were imported, total number was 1,103. Norms achieved from these tournaments were not checked yet, although registered in the player’s profile by the QCs Neil and Mariusz, it’s a long-lasting and difficult task and appropriate features on the server to facilitate it will be available soon..
Recently we imported 2,055 ICCF nontitle tournaments with 20,348 entries and 60,000 of 98,261 results (not all due to a misunderstanding between Martin and me). We will complete this soon.
Some more tournaments are available and will be imported gradually:
1,351 zonal tournaments
297 regional team tournaments
1,000 national tournaments
438 friendly matches.
This would complete information about rated tournaments from 1993 and the details in rating history. With this action, Eloquery will definitely become superfluous.
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