American Psychiatric Association (2014). Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health And Development Disorders Of Infancy and Early Childhood: DC:0-3R. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association.
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Dishion, T. and Stormshak, E. (2006). Intervening in Children's Lives: an Ecological, Family-centered Approach to Mental Health care. Imprint Washington, DC : American Psychological Association
Essau, C. (2006). Child & Adolescent Psychopathology: Theoretical and Clinical Implications. London; New York: Routledge
Kazdin, A., Weisz J. (2003). Evidence-based Psychotherapies for Children and Adolescents. New York : Guilford Press.
Kirmayer, L., Groleau, D. Guzder, J., Blake, C., & Jarvis, E. (2003). Cultural Consultation:A model of Mental Health Service for Multi-cultural Societies. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 48 (3), 145-153
McAuley,C., Pecora, P. & Rose, W. (2006). Enhancing the Well-being of Children and their Families through Effective Interventions: International Evidence for Practice. London. Jessica Kingsley.
Remschmidt, H., Belfer, M., Goodyer, I. (2004). Facilitating Pathways: Care, Treatment andPrevention in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Berlin: Springer
Roth, A. & Fonagy, P. (2005). What Works for Whom? A Critical Review of Psychotherapy Research (2nd edn) .New York: GuilfordPress.
Wenar, C. (2000). Developmental Psychopathology. McGrawHill.
(More specialised readings for each topic area will be recommended)
Version No:
Amended By
Commencement Date
Associated Programme Codes
Module Code
Pre-requisite Module codes
Co-Requisite Modules code(s)
Subject Code
NFQ Level (CPD)#
DT576 & DT577/2
Module Title
Employment Law
School Responsible:
Languages, Law and Social Sciences
Module Overview:
A thorough appreciation of Employment Law is crucial to the effective management of any multi-person organisation. Building on the Contracts and Torts modules, this module serves to equip the student with knowledge and understanding of the core principles, concepts and rules of Irish Employment Law, with particular reference to the statutory framework under which the employer-employee relationship is regulate and to the role of the manager as employer or employer’s agent.
Module Aim
The core aim of this module is to assist students in identifying best model practices in relation to matters of employment and industrial relations as they affect the modern working environment. This module seeks to examine the key features of Irish and European Union law applying to the Employer/Employee relationship, the legal implications of that relationship, the contractual obligations and the duties and liabilities in tort arising between Employer and Employee as well as the range of statutory rights and duties that apply to this relationship. It aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of Irish Employment Law, with particular reference to the role of the manager as employer. Amongst other things, the module will scrutinise the influence of Ireland’s membership of the European Union and the particular relevance of the Constitution of Ireland to employment law. The module will also focus on the law applicable to the conduct of industrial relations and the resolution of workplace disputes, as well as the law applicable to the termination of employment.
This module comprises 10 ECTS credits. Students will be expected to attend lectures for one and a half hours per week in each module together with tutorials lasting one hour per module approximately once every fortnight.
Learning Outcomes (LO): (to be numbered)
For a 5ECTS module a range of 4-10 LOs is recommended
To provide an understanding of the key elements of Employment Law
Explain the difference between a contract of service and a contract for services. Examine a contract of employment to ensure it complies with statutory obligations. Identify and interpret the express and implied terms of the contract of employment
Explain and comment upon the effect of membership of the European Union has on the relationship between Employer and Employee
Name and describe the main institutions and functionaries of the Employment redress system outlining the composition, functions and powers of each venue, with particular reference to the division and separation of jurisdictions.
Outline and comment upon the main features of fundamental Employment protection legislation
Appraise the reasons for, the policies behind and the background to the several rules and doctrines of Equiality Law in a variety of contexts
Demonstrate an ability accurately to identify legal issues in various scenarios so as to engage and instruct legal advisors in the relevant area of law, with a view to preparing legal strategies and solutions thereto.
Outline and comment upon the various forms of employment redress within the workplace from an employer and employee’s perspectiv guaranteed by common law and the Constitution.
Recognise the circumstances in which an employment contract may be terminated and recognise patterns which may give right of redress to an employee under wrongful, unfair and equality based dismissals.
Identify circumstances of Bullying, Harassment and Victimisation within the workplace, critically evaluate the remedies and necessary actions to prevent such circumstances arising, and learn how to pursue cases in the Employment Redress system.
Identify and locate available and relevant sources and materials to assist in the solution of legal problems in a variety of contexts (particularly where such problems are unanticipated or have not been considered by the student on previous occasions).