Collection of all the data related to planning and implementation. Organising the final project.
Determination of the current morphological, geological, hydro geological structure of the area.
A temporary changing will occur at the project area. But after finishing the operation, top of the landfill area (lots) will closed and covered with soil.
Project budjet
Consulting Company;
After care use is not known causing difficulties in planning
The after-care-use of the sites should be decided in advance.
It is not considered as a separate cost item.
Consulting Company;
Notification and Worker Safety
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The local construction and environment inspectorates and communities have been notified of upcoming activities
The public has been notified of the works through appropriate notification in the media and/or at publicly accessible sites (including the site of the works)
All legally required permits have been acquired for construction and/or rehabilitation
All work will be carried out in a safe and disciplined manner designed to minimize impacts on neighboring residents and environment.
Workers’ PPE will comply with international good practice (always hardhats, as needed masks and safety glasses, harnesses and safety boots)
Appropriate signposting of the sites will inform workers of key rules and regulations to follow.
Criteria / specifications to be incorporated into bidding and contract documents.
Consulting Company;
Construction contractor
Destruction of natural landscape (relief, soil cover, vegetation, eco-systems, habitats and wildlife) on the main work-site.
Character of impact:
immediate drastic changes of landscape at the construction sites;
Mitigation strategy - prevalence of preventive measures:
Optimal site selection and alignment option (no valuable landscapes, ecosystems,
Pre-entry survey and prevention of damage to fauna. No biorestoration required. Only reinstatement of the wind breaking plantation.
Elaboration and implementation of the Sanitary protection zone landscaping plan and design;
Top-soil storage and use for reinstatement and landscaping long-term (remediation): – see mitigation strategy for operation phase
Landscape plan and project costs has been included in project costs;
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
(Contractor is responsible to implement the mitigation measure.
MED(PIU) is responsible to monitor and supervise the activity.)
Earthworks may immediately trigger intensive erosion during construction and drastic increase of sedimentation
Mitigation strategy: prevention through implementing temporary antierosion measures – temporary drainage, biomatting or geo -textile cover, berms etc.
• Limitation of earth moving to dry periods.
• Protection of most susceptible soil surfaces with mulch.
• Protection of drainage channels with berms, straw or fabric barriers.
Installation of sedimentation basins
Criteria / specifications to be incorporated into bidding and contract documents.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Topsoil losses due to improper storage and handling
Topsoil Protection
The topsoil will not be handled by Contractor when the following conditions are observed:
• The topsoil is frozen;
• The site is experiencing persistent rainfall;
• The topsoil is saturated;
Topsoil Storage
The storage of topsoil in stockpiles, no more than 2m high with side slopes at a maximum angle of 450, will take into consideration the following:
• storage locations that prevent the stockpiles being compacted by vehicle movements or contaminated;
• Segregation from subsoil stockpiles;
• No storage where there is a potential for flooding;
• No storage at less than 25m from streams, subject to site specific topography.
Topsoil erosion prevention measures:
• installing erosion matting over the stockpiles if further surface compaction and/or seeding fails.
• protect the stockpiles from flooding and run-off by placing berms or equivalent around the outside where necessary.
Reinstatement of Topsoil
Topsoil removed from the landfill site will be used for reinstatement of the topsoil in the adjacent construction sites affected by the project activities.
Topsoil will be reinstated separately from subsoil, with care taken to avoid mixing of the materials.
Included in the project construction/ supervision budget
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Immediate Impact: Fresh road cuts may immediately trigger intensive erosion during construction and drastic increase of sedimentation
Mitigation strategy: prevention through implementing temporary antierosion measures – temporary drainage, temporary sediment catchments etc.
Protect susceptible surfaces with fabric. Establishment of retention ponds to reduce sediment loads before water enters streams
Criteria / specifications to be incorporated into bidding and contract documents.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Soil and water contamination during construction by oil, grease, fuel and paint at the Construction sites and equipment yards.
Collect and recycle lubricants.
• Avoid accidental spills through good practice.
• Avoid refueling near watercourses (50m);
• Vehicle maintenance, cleaning, degreasing etc will be undertaken in designated areas of hard-standing, not over made ground.
Maintenance points will not be located within 50m of any watercourse, well or dry gorge.
• The storage of potentially polluting materials, refueling and maintenance of mobile plant within 50m of all watercourses/water bodies, dry riverbeds and within designated wetlands and aquifers will be prohibited.
• Ensure proper maintenance of equipment and fueling of the vehicles and machinery. Check vehicles (leaking of fuel etc.) and refueling equipment
• Use absorbent pads and/or straw at refueling stations to minimize spill impacts
• Immediately remove polluted ground
• Soiled ground and absorbents will be removed, stored and treated as hazardous waste.
• Isolate concrete, earthwork and other works from water courses by using sealed formwork;
• Equipment and storages will be isolated and guarded to prevent pollution due to cases of stealing or vandalism.
• The personnel involved in the handling of fuel, hazardous and nonhazardous waste will undergo specific training in: fuel and lubricant handling procedures, waste management
Criteria / specifications to be incorporated into bidding and contract documents.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Poor sanitation and solid waste disposal in construction camps and work sites (sewerage, sanitation, waste management)
Provide adequately located and maintained latrines and waste disposal facilities
All waste from the construction site will be disposed of in accordance with Azerbaijan environmental regulations and at sites approved by the MENR of Azerbaijan. Special contractors having permits for waste disposal will be used.
The personnel involved in the handling of hazardous and non-hazardous waste will undergo specific training in waste handling , waste treatment and waste storage.
Burning of waste on any construction site is forbidden.
Criteria / specifications to be incorporated into bidding and contract documents.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Impact of construction wastes at the construction sites. Disposal of excess soil and rock.
Provide for disposal facilities agreed with the MENR of Azerbaijan.
Allow local communities to utilize any excess rock, which may be left following reuse.
For the rock disposal licensed borrow pits could be used. Rock disposal pits used for final disposal must meet the MENR requirements for Inert Landfills. All waste from the construction site will be disposed of in accordance with local environmental regulations and at sites approved by the Baku City Executive Power (BCEP).
Hazardous wastes (contaminated rags; oil residue, paints etc.) will be disposed as agreed with MENR.
The personnel involved in the handling of hazardous and non-hazardous waste will undergo specific training in waste handling , waste treatment and waste storage
Criteria / specifications to be incorporated into bidding and contract documents.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Air pollution from vehicle operations during construction in populated areas - notably Great Baku areas or densely settled rural areas. Local dust.
Emissions and noise will be mitigated through:
o Adherence to engine maintenance schedules and standards to reduce air pollution.
All vehicles and engines will be checked and repaired in case of need to eliminate increased emission due to damaged parts. All vehicles shall be maintained so that their noise and emissions do not cause nuisance to workers or local population.
o Vehicle refueling will be undertaken so as to avoid fugitive emissions of volatile organic compounds through the use of fuel nozzles and pumps and enclosed tanks (no open containers will be used to stored fuel).
Mitigation measures against dust will include:
o Periodically water down or lightly oil temporary roads.
o Wet or cover trucks carrying stone/ sand/ gravel;
o Haul materials in off peak traffic hours.
o The construction site will be watered as appropriate.
o Apply sheeting of construction materials and storage piles;
o Provide protective equipment to workers as necessary.
Included in the construction/rehabilitation cost.
Criteria / specifications to be incorporated into bidding and contract documents.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Potential indirect impact of the increased quarrying activities on ichthyofauna, groundwater and landscape
Control validity of licenses. (The license is given with description of exploration limits and reinstatement commitments).
Control of vehicle operations. Avoid traverse of watercourse. Exclude leakage of oil or fuel. Check the condition of vehicles.
It is not considered as a separate cost item.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Construction and After-Care
The potential impacts related to the construction and operation of the camp could be summarized as follows:
• Potential damage of topsoil
• Contamination related to fuel storage and fuelling operations
• Sewerage related contamination
• Waste management
Proper waste management.
• Organize sewerage according standards.
• Pollution prevention strategies: proper organization of fueling, waste management;
• Proper storage of topsoil
• Reinstatement of topsoil and vegetation cover;
Included in the construction/rehabilitation cost.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Impact of stagnant water bodies in borrow pits, quarries, etc. suited to mosquito breeding and other disease vectors.
Remove all created pools till spring-time. Reinstate relief and landscape.
Included in the construction/rehabilitation cost.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Impacts on archaeological sites and remnants
Permanent monitoring during land clearance and excavation activities.
Stoppage and suspension of construction activities in case of archaeological findings. Completion of required archaeological works before restarting construction activities. Conservation of remnants
Not known at design stage
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Hazardous driving conditions where construction interferes with pre- existing roads.
Provide in design for proper markers and safety signs on roads, including lights. Instruct the drivers
It is not considered as a separate cost item.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Lanscaping and establishment of sanitary protection zone;
Final Reinstatement and Long-term Anti-erosion Measures
All the work sites (except permanently occupied by the facilities) should be reinstated to its initial conditions (relief, topsoil, vegetation cover). So far as very limited woodcutting and bush clearance is required for the highway upgrading, preservation of top-soil is sufficient for reinstating the natural grass vegetation cover. However, antierosion planting and special planting programme for landscaping should be implemented.
Included in the construction/rehabilitation cost.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Planning and Construction
Toxic / hazardous waste management
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All hazardous substances separated from the sites during waste transportation/disposal and held temporarily will be kept in tanks having information about waste content, characteristics and processing rules.
In order to prevent dissipating of those capacities, leakage of filtrates from the tanks they will be placed in hermetic containers.
Hazardous waste has to be transported by the organizations having a license for this type of activity.
Elimination/processing of hazardous waste has to be carried out by the organizations having a license for this type of activity.
Paints containing toxic components, leaden-based paints and solvents will not be used at the sites.
Included in the construction/rehabilitation cost. It is not considered as a separate cost item.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Instability of the capping / dump due to the presence of voids.
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Before final capping and rehabilitation, waste should be compacted as much as possible to minimize instability due to the presence of voids. Bulky waste that was improperly buried or protrudes from the edges of filled areas may need to be removed and disposed of correctly.
Included in the construction/rehabilitation cost. It is not considered as a separate cost item.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Water migration contributes to leachate, causes instability, creates pollution etc.
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Proper capping and vegetation as described in Section 5.
Included in the construction/rehabilitation cost. It is not considered as a separate cost item.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
The gas emissions to atmosphere causes risks and pollution
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Proper capping and gas collection/ control system should be implemented.
Included in the construction/rehabilitation cost. It is not considered as a separate cost item.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Moisture within the cap must remain sufficiently stable to prevent cracking or other deformation.
Site caps must ensure that water infiltration through the cap is no more than 75% of the anticipated seepage rate through the landfill liner.
Included in the construction/rehabilitation cost. It is not considered as a separate cost item.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
The capping layer must be shaped to allow lateral drainage.
Steep slopes must be battered with the overall gradient being a maximum of 1 vertical to 3 horizontal.
Included in the construction/rehabilitation cost. It is not considered as a separate cost item.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Instability of the site due to early application of capping and vegetation
Final capping and re-vegetation should be applied only after deposited refuse has settled and the area has become stable.
Included in the construction/rehabilitation cost. It is not considered as a separate cost item.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Encrustation occur at the gas drainage layer
To prevent encrustation, the calcium carbonate content of the layer should not exceed 10% by weight.
Included in the construction/rehabilitation cost. It is not considered as a separate cost item.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Cracking in the clay cap
A clay cap should not be left exposed for prolonged periods of time, as this will probably lead to cracking, which will increase infiltration rates. Clay will need to be replaced if cracking or desiccation occurs
Included in the construction/rehabilitation cost. It is not considered as a separate cost item.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Excess drainage cause restricted growth of vegetation as well as cracking of the cap.
A drainage layer comprised of coarse sand, pebbles or gravel directly above the clay layer will allow more rapid shedding of water and will reduce percolation through the cap. The drainage layer should be designed so that sufficient moisture remains in the final layer to support vegetation and prevent the cap from drying out and cracking. Water balance calculations incorporating local rainfall data should be used to confirm that these parameters will be met.
It is not considered as a separate cost item.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Compacted top soil restricts vegetation growth
Loose tipped soils will encourage deeper roots, providing wind stability, water and nutrient availability, and most importantly shoot growth.
It is not considered as a separate cost item.
Contractor, MED(PIU),
Supervise and monitor Engineer;
Surface Water contributes to leachate
A proper surface water drainage system to be established
Included in the construction/rehabilitation cost.
Contractor /PIU
Restricted disposal of leachate accumulated in leachate tank cause operational and environmental problems
Proper solutions for each specific site may include treatment; or transport to a treatment plant; or recycling by watering the cap.
Included in the construction/rehabilitation cost.
Contractor /PIU
Emissions to water, emissions to the atmosphere, and protection of land use and local amenity after site closure/rehabilitation.
A proper maintenance program should be implemented to avoid any such risks.
Included in the budget of the next technical service
TS/waste management operator; municipiality
Large number of birds act as disease vectors
Increasing the number of cover up layers
Included in the budget of the next technical service
TS/waste management operator; municipiality
Lack of a methane collection system causes a fire hazard
Using a gas torch to burn off the generated gas
Included in the budget of the next technical service
TS/waste management operator; municipiality
The landfill and its operational facility may be aesthetically unpleasing
Placing a buffer zone around the site
Included in the budget of the next technical service
TS/waste management operator; municipiality MENR
Unauthorized dumping
The site should be secured to prevent unauthorized dumping.
Included in the budget of the next technical service
TS/waste management operator; municipiality MENR