The spirit of jezebel, the mystery of iniquity and The strong delusion editor: The Ineffable, Unbegotten Creator yahuah

The author is noticeably pro-Greek, portraying

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The author is noticeably pro-Greek, portraying Zeus as simply another name for YAHUAH and while worshipping idols is criticised, together with Greek sexual ethics, the argument is phrased in such a way as to attempt to persuade the reader to change their habits, rather than just to attack them. Indeed, the manner in which the author concentrates on describing Judaism, and particularly its temple in Jerusalem, in glowing terms, seems designed to proselytise. However, the main concern seems to be to argue for the superiority of the Greek Septuagint text over any other version of the Hebrew Bible.

Early philological analysis proved the letter was a forgery. In 1684, Humphrey Hody published Contra historiam Aristeae de LXX. interpretibus dissertatio, in which he showed that the so called "Letter of Aristeas" was the late forgery of a Hellenized Jew, originally circulated to lend authority to that version. The dissertation was generally regarded as conclusive, although Isaac Vossius (1618-1689), who had been librarian to Queen Christina of Sweden, published an angry and scurrilous reply to it, in the appendix to his edition of Pomponius Mela.

Eleazar ben Azaria was the Nasi for a short time, when Raban Gamaliel (Saul’s teacher) was removed from his position. According to the lore, he was eighteen when he was appointed.

This Rabbit-Hole just goes deeper and deeper into a downward spiral of evil leading straight to the pit!

Eleazar ben Azaria or Eleazar was a Mishnaic teacher of the 4th generation, frequently cited in rabbinic writings without his patronymic. He was of priestly descent, rich, and acquired great fame as a teacher of traditional law. Eleazer ben Shammua was a disciple of Akiba, but owing to the Hadrianic proscriptions of Jewish observances, was not ordained by him. After Akiba's death, however, ‘R. Judah ben Babaordained Eleazar, together with Rabbi Meïr, Jose ben alafta, Judah bar Illai, and Simon bar Yoai, at a secluded spot between Usha and Shefar'am (Mysterious? We will try to decipher what was going on later under the heading ‘Usha and Shefar’am’). The ordainer was detected in the act and brutally slain, but the ordained escaped, and eventually became the custodians and disseminators of Jewish tradition. Eleazar, though still very young, was elevated to that office by the deliberate choice of his colleagues. He did not, however, occupy it for any length of time, for the Sanhedrin reinstated Gamaliel. He was retained as vice-president nevertheless, and it was arranged that Gamaliel should lecture three (some say two) Sabbaths, and Eleazar every fourth (or third) Sabbath.
Whilst on a journey to Rome, in company with Gamaliel, Joshua, and Akiba, he journeyed to Rome. Neither the object of the journey nor the result of the mission is stated, but that affairs important as pressing were involved is apparent from the season at which the journey was undertaken: they celebrated Sukkot aboard the ship. (More juicy secrets for Dan Brown…..)
This Eleazar had a shared control it seems of the Mishnah! His companion in these undertaking’s was yes …Gamaliel – SAUL’s teacher! So Rome then not only had the new influence of Saul working for them to the Gentiles but Saul’s partner’s in crime, the ‘Talmud loving’ Pharasees! The Serpent-seed is rife!

The Mishnah (Hebrew משנה, "repetition") is a major source of Rabbinic Judaism's religious texts. It is the first recording of the oral law of the Jewish people, as championed by the Pharisees, and is considered the first work of Rabbinic Judaism. The Mishnah was redacted around the year 200 CE by Yehudah Ha-Nasi (יהודה הנשׂיא / "Judah the Prince"). Rabbinic commentaries on the Mishnah over the next three centuries were recorded mostly in Aramaic (Oddly; largely the language of Antioch!) and were redacted as the Gemara. The Mishnah and the Gemara together form the Talmud.

The false Edomite Jews of Revelations were at least at that time in controlling both Judaism and Christianity! Has this rabbit-hole of evil gone deep enough yet?
Eleazar eventually presided over a college to which large numbers of students were attracted, among whom are named Joseph or Issi ha-, and the compiler of the Mishnah, R. Judah I; thus, while his name does not appear in rabbinic lore as often as the names of his colleagues at the ordination, Eleazar had an ineradicable (Meaning – Incapable of being eradicated) influence on the development of the Talmud (Link to article on the Talmud: ). Abba Arika styles him ‘the most excellent among the sages’. His disciples once requested him to tell them whereby he merited unusual longevity? (Mysteries, don’t you love em? My guess is that was a indwelt by an entity! Let’s face it, anyone who had that much too do with the Satanic Talmud has got to be influenced by pure evil! Tangent end).
Lucius of Cyrene Remember him?
Acts 13. 1-3: ‘In the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul.

Usha and Shefar'am
So what was all the secrecy about when the high priest Eleazar was ordained? His own teacher that ordained him even died for it, it was such an offence! It’s quite clear that their were two separate groups that were vying for control over the writing’s of ‘the Mishnah’, as that would give them control of the very foundations of Judaism.
Usha: (I fully recommend the online Wikipedia again).

Usha was a city in the Western part of Galilee. It is noteworthy because in the 2nd Century (c. 135), the Sanhedrin, or rabbinic court, was moved from ‘Yavne(Center District of Israel in Israel) in Judea to Usha (, and then from Usha back to Yavne, and a second time from Yavne to Usha. The final settlement in Usha indicates the ultimate spiritual supremacy of Galilee over Judea, the latter having become depopulated by the war of Hadrian. Usha was also important because one of the pupils of Rabbi Akiba resided there, including Judah ben Ilai, whose original home was in Usha.

The plot thickens.

Interestingly there is a Goddess called Ushas, Sanskrit for ‘dawn’, is a Vedic deity. She is the chief goddess (sometimes imagined as several goddesses, Dawn’s) exalted in the Rig Veda. She is portrayed as a beautifully adorned, sexually attractive young woman riding in a chariot. She is the daughter of Dyaus ‘Heaven’. Dyaus - His origins can be traced to the Proto-Indo-European sky god Dyeus, who appears in Greek as Zeus, in Latin as Jupiter, in Slavic mythology as Div, and Norse mythology as Tyr. In other words – Tammuz/Mardon/Molech etc, a.k.a the DEVIL!

The Hebrew Bible refers to Yavne as Yavne'el (Joshua 15:11), a border city between the tribal allotments of Dan and Judah. The Romans called the city Iamnia. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakkai moved the Sanhedrin to Yavne. Shortly thereafter, the ‘Council of Yavne’ met there, whence Rabbinical Judaism emerged.
The Council of Yavne or Council of Jamnia refers to a hypothetical Proto-Rabbinic council under Yohanan's leadership, that was responsible for defining the canon of the Hebrew Bible. Heinrich Graetz introduced the notion in 1871; based on Mishnaic and Talmudic sources, he concluded that there had been a Council of Jamnia which had decided the Jewish canon sometime in the late 1st century. This became the prevailing scholarly consensus for much of the 20th century. However, from the 1960s onwards, based on the work of Jack P. Lewis, Sidney Z. Leiman, and others, this view came increasingly into question. In particular, later scholars noted that none of the sources actually mentioned books that had been withdrawn from a canon (Edit: Enoch, Jasher etc maybe?), and questioned the whole premise that the discussions were about canonicity at all, asserting that they were actually dealing with other concerns entirely.

They were onto something for sure! So yet deeper this hole goes…

Albert C. Sundberg, Jr. writes in "The Old Testament of the Early Church" Revisited 1997:

Are there alternatives to Jamnia (or later Usha)? As we have seen, it was at Jamnia that the tradition says the Hillelites gained the ascendancy over the house of Shammai. It was the school at Jamnia that became a substitute for the Sanhedrin of Jerusalem. It was at Jamnia that the third section of the Hebrew canon was first named. It was the Jamnia decisions that, while not "official," came to be generally accepted in ‘post-destruction’ Judaism (i.e, the Jewish rebellion of 70AD). It may be that we have followed too quickly after Lewis in his attack upon Jamnia in order to foster his belief in a Hebrew canon from pre-Christian times. But that case, as we have seen, is confounded by numerous difficulties. With the time of canonization of the Hebrew tripartite canon now probably fixed between 70 and 135 C.E., and as a triumph of the Hillelite Pharisee in post-destruction Judaism, what alternatives are there to Jamnia as the venue?

Shammai (50 BCE30 CE) was a Jewish scholar of the 1st century, and an important figure in Judaism's core work of rabbinic literature, the Mishnah. Shammai was the most eminent contemporary and the halachic opponent of Hillel, and is almost invariably mentioned along with him. Shammai's school of thought became known as the House of Shammai (Hebrew: Beit Shammai‎), and Hillel's was known as the House of Hillel (Beit Hillel). After Menahem the Esene had resigned the office of Av Beit Din (or vice-president) of the Sanhedrin, Shammai was elected to it, Hillel being at the time president. After Hillel died, around in 20 CE, Shammai took his place as president but no vice-president from the minority was elected so that the school of Shammai attained complete ascendancy, during which Shammai passed 18 ordinances’, in conformity with his ideas. The Talmud states that when he passed one of the ordinances, contrary to the opinion of Hillel, the day ‘was as grievous to Israel as the day when the [golden] calf was made’. (Edit: well it’s not like we can trust the Talmud crowd is it!). The exact content of the ordinances is not known, but they seem to have been designed to strengthen Jewish identity by insisting on stringent separation between Jews and gentiles, an approach that was regarded as divisive and misanthropic by Shammai's opponents.

He was just trying to sort the wheat-from-the-chaff most likely! Manahem no doubt told him of the Kazar/Edomite ‘false-bloodline’ Jews that were trying to take over Judaism!

Hillel's grandson Gamaliel succeeded the position of president after Shammai in the year 30, but the Sanhedrin would remain dominated by the house of Shammai until around 70. A ‘voice from heaven’ is said to have nullified the legality of the rulings of the house of Shammai, which is why Rabbinical Judaism follows Hillel.

So not only do the House of Hillel jump on the Destruction of the Temple as a golden oppurtunity, they declare that the lightning that YAHUAH sent to destroy the temple was a sign for another reason! (I.e; Now the temples of the Living Father were to be in mankind and Yahushua had done away with the need for mediators and Priests amongst mankind! For we now have a High Priest and mediator in Yahushua Messiah! They simply did not want to lose control of their ‘religion’!

So we should by now be getting a pretty good idea of what was going on earlier in that ‘secluded spot between Usha and Shefar'am’, during the ordination of Eleazar. It was a fight for control of Judaism. Can any other conclusions be drawn from all this?
Shefar'am: Going to this web page will reveal the Mosaic’s in the temples of Antioch. Pure Talmudic evil. Pictures of Cain, Pan, Lilith, the All-Seeing Eye, Sammael/Lucifer etc.
Not only that but did you recollect seeing Gamaliel yet again, Saul’s Teacher! Hillel's grandson!
If this is not enough proof for any church-going Christian, the fact that the churches beloved Apostle Paul, was in it real deep with the Heads of Rome, Masters of the Satanic Talmud - the Pharasees. He was a bosom buddy with King Herod, Hillel no doubt, Lucius of Cyrene, Joshua ben Hanani was a leading tanna of the first half-century following the destruction of the Temple, Akiba ben Joseph (Before Eleazar was ordained), Barnabus …oh Barnabus who are you really Barnabus?
Saint (Cough cough!) Barnabas was an early Christian mentioned in the New Testament. His Hellenic Jewish parents called him Joseph but when he sold all his goods and gave the money to the apostles in Jerusalem, they gave him a new name: Barnabas, which means huios parakleseos, ‘son of exhortation’, or 'man of encouragement.' (Well let’s face it, he was onto a winner and stood to gain far more like the position of Bishop of Milan!).

Saint Barnabus’s day is Celebrated on June 11th the day of such thing’s as the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC (Just thought that’d be interesting?). Also the day of the goddess Eos (Semiramis, Queen of Babylon) was, in Greek mythology, the Titan goddess of the dawn (Surprise surprise). Thus Eos, preceded by the Morning Star, is seen as the genetrix of all the stars; her tears are considered to have created the morning dew..bla bla bla. This is a link to a lovely picture of Eos holding up her slain son Memnon (Who is……...yes you guessed it Tammuz, after Shem chopped him up into 14 pieces).

So if anyone honours June 11th, you are taking part in the Roman ceremony called Matralia in honor of Mater Matuta Semiramis, Queen of Babylon! Anyone who pays homage to the Statue of Mary holding her baby Tammuz, is paying homage to the same Queen! It’s especially obvious as a lot of the time she is represented as being black! Miriam the virgin mother of Yahushua was not black.
Barnabus the man: Barnabas is called an apostle. In Acts 14:14 of these translations, he is listed ahead of Paul, "Barnabas and Paul," instead of "Paul and Barnabas;" both men being described as apostles. Whether Barnabas was an apostle became an important political issue, which was debated in the Middle Ages.
Barnabas is one of the first prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch (Acts 13:1] Just like Yahushua warned us all, many False Prophets and Teachers shall arise!) Luke speaks of him as a ‘good man’ (11:24 Well he would wouldn’t he!). He was born of Jewish parents of the tribe of Levi. His aunt was the mother of John, surnamed Mark (Colossians 4:10), widely assumed to be the same Mark as the person traditionally believed to be the author of the Gospel of Mark (It wasn’t). He was a native of Cyprus, where he possessed land (Acts 4:36, 37), which he sold, and gave the proceeds to the church in Jerusalem. When Paul returned to Jerusalem after his conversion, Barnabas took him and introduced him to the apostles (9:27] Of course he did….they were mates with Herod); it is possible that they had been fellow students in the school of Gamaliel (Well well, here we go again!)

The prosperity of the church at Antioch (Well of course it is) led the apostles and brethren at Jerusalem to send Barnabas there to superintend the movement. He found the work so extensive and weighty that he went to Tarsus in search of Paul to assist him. Paul returned with him to Antioch and labored with him for a whole year (Acts 11:25, 26). At the end of this period, the two were sent up to Jerusalem (AD 44) with the contributions the church at Antioch (Of course they did. They only had to act and look poor if they even did that?) had made for the poorer members of the Jerusalem church (11:28-30).

Shortly after they returned, bringing John Mark with them, they were appointed as missionaries to Asia Minor, and in this capacity visited Cyprus and some of the principal cities of Pamphylia, Pisidia, and Lycaonia. With the conversion of Sergius Paulus, Paul begins to gain prominence over Barnabas from the point where the name ‘Paul’ is substituted for ‘Saul’; instead of ‘Barnabas and Saul’ as heretofore we now read ‘Paul and Barnabas’. Barnabas stood in closer relation to the Jerusalem church than Paul. Having returned to Antioch and spent some time there, Paul asked Barnabas to accompany him on another journey. Barnabas wished to take John Mark along, but Paul did not, as he had left them on the former journey (Hmmm I wonder what happened there then?). The dispute ended by Paul and Barnabas taking separate routes. Paul took Silas as his companion, and journeyed through Syria and Cilicia; while Barnabas took his younger cousin, John Mark, to visit Cyprus

Mark the Evangelist (Greek: Μάρκος -1st century) is traditionally believed to be the author of the Gospel of Mark and a companion of Peter (It is not the same, as that would make Mark a false gospel as well. They are more likely getting confused with either John Mark bishop of Byblos or Mark Bishop of Apollonia). He also accompanied Paul and Barnabas in Paul's first journey. After a sharp (I’ll say) dispute, Barnabas separated from Paul, taking Mark to Cyprus (Acts 15:36-40). Later Paul calls upon the services of Mark, the cousin of Barnabas, and Mark is named as Paul's fellow worker. He is also believed to be the first patriarch of Alexandria by both the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Coptic Orthodox Church, and thus the founder of Christianity in Africa. His evangelistic symbol is the winged lion. In Egypt, Mark the Evangelist is said to have performed many miracles, and established a church there (Coptic Orthodox Church), appointing a bishop (Anianus of Alexandria), three priests, and seven deacons.

Simon the Pharisee or Simon the Zealot
Is an interesting guy. He was like an avenging priest in the Temple. The zealot element in the original apostle group (Yahushua’s 12) was disguised and overwritten to make it support the assimilative Pauline Christianity of the Gentiles.

Silas or Silvanus was a leading member of the first Christian community in Jerusalem and later became a companion of Paul in his first missionary journey to Antioch, and also in Paul's second missionary journey to Galatia. Silas is listed as a co-author or co-sender of Paul's First and Second Epistle to the Thessalonians. He also served as Peter’s scribe, as 1 Pet. 5:12, indicates that Silas wrote the First Epistle of Peter. He is currently commemorated in the Calendar of Saints of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on January 26 with Timothy and the Apostle Titus (Cough cough) and separately on February 10 by the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

The 72 were a fake school of false prophets and ravenning wolves that were set among the flock! They have been tearing up Christendom for over 1900 yrs now! That’s why it was called the ‘Beginning of Sorrows’! All can break free of their bondage and lies by earnestly seeking Yahuah in the name of Yahushua.

Ok that’s enough…It’s all just one big happy family of Control-freak bullies; that work directly for Satanic forces in order to destroy the Gospel of the Kingdom! To HIDE THE TRUTH ! About WHO we ARE! WHO our Heavenly Father REALLY IS and WHAT he is REALLY like!
And the really hard part for most to accept will be that it was our Heavenly Father that allowed it all to happen to test his bride!
However the ‘gentle’ testing is soon to be over! The Church has had it’s two thousand yrs or so. It’s crunch time folks and we are right on the edge of the ‘Great Tribulation’. That will be the end of the ‘Beginning of Sorrows’ and the end of ‘Gentleness’ for the Apostate Church!
Is anyone really prepared to take such an utterly enormous risk with their eternal Spirits!? It Life or Death people….life or death! Anyone who now knows full well as they have been reading this and is aware now that they are indeed under the ‘Strong Delusion’, can simply pray the deepest forgiveness for not testing the spirits in the churches these last Centuries. It took me a while…and it was emotional, it will be all of those thing’s and more. Let the true Yahushua teach you the Gospel of the Kingdom, and give you your new secret name! Don’t you desire to eat of the ‘hidden manna’ or ‘the Bread of life’? He will test the depth of your sincerity and the true intent of Heart! Don’t forget Yahuah has had to put up with millions of church-goers blaspheming his name by speaking in tongues and worshiping devils in his stead!
Thankfully, he is long-suffering and patient but it’s running out folks! So don’t waste your time faking it! Loads of vain blabbering’s into the air are useless too! YAHUAH has had enough of them from the churches as they curse and blaspheme the Holy Ghost! How many millions upon millions of prayers have unwittingly been redirected to our worst enemies! BAAL – ISHTAR and MITHRA!
Any church-goer simply owes it to themselves to beg Yahashua to show you them the truth and lift your soul out of deceptions and away from the seducing spirits of the enemy!
I have no power or influence in any way, shape or form. Please just ask Yahushua to lead you and if you don’t get anything, try calming your mind and shouting out for him in your mind like I did. Heh…it worked for me right? Our flesh likes to hear fleshly sounds, but our spirits yearn to hear the Father of Spirits!
On we go then with this ‘Gospel of Grace’ nonsense! Don’t you think that if there were such a thing that Yahushua would have mentioned it to his ‘12’ true Apostles?
Acts 20. 24: ‘But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.
1 Corinthians 10. 23: ‘All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not’.
It’s that kind of deceptive teaching that encourages ‘Christendom’ to break the Holy Sabbath and ignore all of Yahuah’s festivals.
Acts 28. 30a: ‘And Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and received all that came in unto him, Preaching the kingdom of God,…
Yahushua’s ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’ is only mentioned 4 times, 3 of them in Matthew 4 v23, ch9 v35, ch24 v14 and once in Mark 1 v14.
Rome attributes to Saul 121 mentions of ‘grace’ in the New Testament. Compared to the 38 times grace is mentioned in the Old Testament. Don’t you think that’s trying overly hard to drum into Christendom’s minds and hearts a new message? The New World Order calls it a ‘Psy Op’. Coca-Cola would call it advertising! (I could be a couple out in the NT count but feel free to check via a bible search websites).
Galatians 2. 21: ‘I do not frustrate the grace of God (He is talking about his gospel): for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.
Galatians 3. 13: ‘Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: …‘
Galatians 5. 18: ‘But if you be led of the Spirit, you are not under the law.
Saul/Paul wants us to ignore all Laws of the Creator! Now who do you know of that would possibly benefit from such a thing?
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