The theology of the balaam oracles: a pagan diviner and the word of god

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MacKintosh, C. H. Notes on the Book of Numbers. Reprint of 1880 ed. Neptune, N.J.: Loizeaux Brothers, Inc. , Publishers. [ n. d. ]

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Inter-Varsity Press, 1968. Pp. 217-318.

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Noth, Martin. Numbers: A Commentary. Translated by James Martin

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Saxe, Grace. Studies in Numbers and Deuteronomy. Revised by Irving

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Snaith, Norman H. (ed. ). The Century Bible: Leviticus and Numbers.

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_________. "Jethro, Hobab and Reuel in Early Hebrew Tradition (with Some

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Quarterly, XXV (1963), 1-11.

_________. "The Oracles of Balaam." Journal of Biblical Literature,

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________. "Some Important Recent Discoveries: Alphabetic Origins

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Alden, Robert L. "Ecstasy and the Prophets." Bulletin of the Evangelical

Theological Society, IX (Summer, 1966), 149-56.

Allegro, J. M. "The Meaning of nophel in Numbers xxiv 4, 16." The

Expository Times, LXV (1953-54), 316-17.

_________. "The Meaning of the Phrase setum ha’ayin in Num. XXIV 3,

15. " Vetus Testamentum, III (January, 1953), 78-79.

Allis, Oswald T. "Albright's Thrust for the Bible View," Christianity

Today, III (May 25, 1959), 7-9; III (June 8, 1959), 12-14.

Amaya, Ismael E. "The Bible and God's Revelation in History." Journal

of the Evangelical Theological Society, XIV (Spring, 19711),


Andersen, F. I. "W. F. Albright” Buried History, VIII (March, 1972),


Archer, Gleason L, Jr. "A New Look at the Old Testament. Decision,

XIII (August, 1972), 5, 13; (September, 1972), 5, 13;

(October, 1972), 5, 13; (November, 1972), 5, 13;

(December, 1972), 5, 13.

Arendzen, J. P. "Questions and Answers." Scripture, II (January, 1947),


Argyle, A. W, "God's 'Repentance" and the LXX. The Expository Times,

LXXV (September, 1964), 367.

Armstrong, George D. "The Christian Evidences: How Affected by Recent hI it

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Baker, John. "The Creativity of Scripture: Thoughts Stimulated by

Mr. Yates. Theology, LXIX (September, 1966), 405-408

_________. "The Supremacy of Scripture. Reunion: Theological

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Palestine Exploration Quarterly, CI (July, 1969) 94-:100.

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Behrends, A. J. F. "The Christian Evidences: How Affected by Recent "'

Criticism--Miracles, No. V." The Homiletic Review,

XVI (November, 1888), 408-411,

Bender, R. O. "Historical Criticism and the Bible." Lutheran Quarterly,

XVI (1965), 24-22.

Bennett, T. Miles. "Hebrew Prophecy." Southwestern Journal of

Theology, n.s., IX (Fall, 1966), 7-20.

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XII (1905), 172-79.

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(1895-96), 158.

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Cunliffe, Charles R A. "The Divine Name of Yahweh." Scripture, VI

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Curtiss, Samuel Ives. "Professor Julius Wellhausen and His Theory of the

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