The theology of the balaam oracles: a pagan diviner and the word of god

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In stern disdain I turned to

The Muses' service then,

To seek how the unspeakable

Could be fixed by a pen,

Not to flinch though the ink that

I must use, they said,

Was my dearest blood, nearest

My heart, the richest red.

I obeyed them, I made them

Many a costly lay,

Till carelessly, unfairly,

A boy passed that way

Who set ringing with his singing

All the fields and lanes;

They gave him their favour,

Lost, were all my pains.


Then I passed to a Master

Who is higher in repute,

Trusting to find justice

At the world's root.

With rigid fast and vigil,

Silence, and shirt of hair,

The narrow way to Paradise

I walked with care.

But carelessly, unfairly,

At the eleventh hour there came,

Reckless and feckless,

Without a single claim,

A dare--devil, a ne'er-do-well

Who smelled of shag and gin;

Before me (and far warmer

Was his welcome) he went in.
I stood still in the chill

Of the Great Morning,

Aghast, Then at last

--Oh, I was late learning--

I repented, I entered

Into the excellent joke,'

The absurdity. My burden

Rolled off as I broke I

Into laughter; and soon after

I had found my own level;

With Balaam's Ass daily

Out at grass I revel,

Now playing, now braying

Over the meadows of light,

Our soaring, creaking Gloria,

Our donkey's delight.1

1 C. S. Lewis, Poems, ed. Walter Hooper (New York: Harcourt,

Brace & World, Inc., 1965), pp. 29-31.




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Princeton University Press, 1946. Pp. xxxiv+500.

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Fohrer, Georg. History of Israelite Religion. Translated by David E.

Green. Nashville and New York: Abingdon Press, 1972.

Pp. 416.


France, R T. The Living God. London: Inter-Varsity Press, 1970.

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in Biblical Archaeology. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday &

Company, Inc. , 1969. Pp. xxi+191.

Freeman, Hobart E. An Introduction to the Old Testament Prophets.

Chicago: Moody Press, 1968. Pp. 384.

Gaster, Theoodor H. Myth, Legend, and Custom in the Old Testament:

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Folklore in the Old Testament. New York: Harper & Row,

Publishers, 1969. Pp. lv+899.

_________. Thespis: Ritual, Myth, and Drama in the Ancient Near East.

Rev. ed. Harper Torchbooks. New York: Harper & Row,

Publishers, 1966. Pp. 512.

Geikie, Cunningham. Old Testament Characters. New York: James Pott

& Co., 1897. Pp. xii+484.

Gerstner, John H. A Bible Inerrancy Primer. Grand Rapids: Baker Book

House, 1965. Pp. 63.

Gevirtz, Stanley. Patterns in the Early Poetry of Israel. "Studies in

Ancient Oriental Civilization, " No. 32. Chicago: The

University of Chicago Press, 1963. Pp. x+97.

Ginsburg, Christian D. Introduction to the Massoretico-Critical Edition

of the Hebrew Bible. "Prolegomenon" by Harry M. Orlinsky.

Reprint of 1896 ed. New York: Ktav Publishing House, Inc. ,

1966. Pp. li+1028.

Girdlestone, Robert Baker. Synonyms of the Old Testament: Their Bearing

on Christian Doctrine. Reprint of 1897 ed. Grand Rapids:

Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [ n. d. ]. Pp. xiv+


Glueck, Nelson. The River Jordon. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company,

1968. Pp. xv:1+235.

Goldman, Solomon. The Book of Books: An Introduction. New York:

Harper and Brothers, 1948. Pp. 459.


Good, Edwin M. Irony in the Old Testament. Philadelphia: The West-

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Goode, Delmer M. Seventy Two College Teaching Procedures. 2d ed.

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Gordon, Cyrus H. The Ancient Near East. 3rd ed. The Norton Library.

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Hebrew Civilizations. London: Collins, 1962. Pp. 319.

Gottwald, Normal K. A Light to the Nations: An Introduction to the Old

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York: Ktav Publishing House, 1972. Pp. lx+303.

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Black, 1896. Pp. xiii+338.

Gray, John. Archaeology and the Old Testament World. Harper Torchbooks,

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Green, William Henry. The Higher Criticism of the Pentateuch. New

York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1895. Pp. xiii+184.

Gressmann, Hugo. Mose and Seine Zeit: Ein Kommentar zu den Mose-

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Pp. 108.

Gross, Heinrich. A Biblical Introduction to the Old Testament. Notre

Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, .1968. PP. 150.

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