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Terrorism causes human extinction

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Terrorism causes human extinction

Yonah Alexander, Director, Inter-University for Terrorism Studies, 2003

[Jerusalem Post, 8-25, Lexis]

Last week's brutal suicide bombings in Baghdad and Jerusalem have

Independently, terrorism causes the U.S. to lash out, precipitating global war

Nicole Schwartz-Morgan, Assistant Prof Politics and Econ – Royal Military College of Canada, 2001

[Wild Globalization and Terrorism,]
The terrorist act can reactivate atavistic defense mechanisms

Contention Four – Solvency

US family planning assistance is the anchor of the global population control regime – no other donor even comes close to US expertise and technical capacity

Wendy Turnbull, policy analyst at PAI, January 1996 []

Currently, about three-quarters of the roughly

The U.S. is the most important donor – it has 30 years of experience with on the ground provision of aid and networks that other donors can’t replicate

Population Action International, 1998

[“Paying their Fair Share - Donor Countries and International Population Assistance”, 3/8,]

The U.S. population assistance effort still leads the way among


The United States federal government should substantially increase its support of nongovernmental organizations located in the Republic of Kenya which do not comply with the Mexico City Policy

International Fiat Bad

A. 193 countries

Matt Rosenberg, professional geographer and the author of two books about geography, 5/9/2007

A very frequent geographical question is "How many countries are in the world?" Different numbers pop up when one inquires or reads about the number of countries in the world. Each source you use often yields a different answer. Ultimately, the best answer is that there are 194 countries in the world.

B. 55, 282 types of intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations

Union of International Associations, 2001 [

Even when the most predictable countries promise health aid to Africa they never actually give it

The Nation (Kenya) – AAGM 7/1/2007

Gordon Brown finally succeeded Tony Blair
Environment Add-On

Kenyan overpopulation destroys biodiversity


Phillip Cheborgei, The Nation (Nairobi), 1999

[“African development pegged to usage of biological resources,” Africa News, 4/22, Lexis] 

The prospects of successful economic development

Ecological imbalances in Kenya through overuse of land causes worldwide extinction


Miller and Yeager, Africa-Carribean Institute, 1994

[Kenya: The Quest for Prosperity] 

The ODA study warns: Everywhere there is competition

Kenya must curb population growth to save 5 keystone species


The Nation, Africa News, 1999

[“Depletion of Rare Plants Alarms Experts,” July 29, Lexis] 

Conservationists are alarmed by the fast pace of disappearance

Loss of a keystone species causes extinction


Edward O. Wilson, Professor and Curator of Entomology at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard, 1993

[“Building an Ethic,”]

Humanity coevolved with the rest of life on this particular

Somalia Add On

US action in Kenya is critical to build trust with Somalia to have peace talks in Somalia – the lack of these talks would result in
conflict in Somalia that would draw in major powers

Strategic Survey, September 2007 [Volume 107, Issue 1, September, pages 251 – 282]

Who should broker any talks is an open question....Such an escalation may well be in the cards.


A2: Politics

The house and senate just voted to repeal the gag rule – the plan has bipartisan and public support


Tod Preston, Population Action International, September 7, 2007

[“Congress Votes to Repeal Global Gag Rule,”] 

Last night, despite President Bush's veto threat, the

Kenyan assistance has bipartisan support in Congress


The East African Standard, Speech by Michael E Ranneberger, the American Ambassador to Kenya, 2006

[“‘I Will Support Kenya's Vision for Growth,’” Africa News, All Africa, August 7, Lexis] 

I am going to Kenya with a very positive 

Random A2: K Cards

Couching reproductive health in the context of overpopulation is crucial to mobilize resources and support – without this context, waning public interest will collapse effective family planning


Amy O. Tsui, population studies at Johns Hopkins, 2005

[Studies in Family Planning 36.4, December]

When it began, the family planning movement

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