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Notre Dame (All Teams) – Affirmative – Africa Bridge

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Notre Dame (All Teams) – Affirmative – Africa Bridge

Africa Bridge 1AC 

Our debate activity currently functions and produces a teacher-student dichotomy in which education is sought solely for the purposes of imagining political action devoid of strategies FROM the oppressed. This form of narration strips individuals from any transformation power within their social location.

FREIRE ’70 (Paulo, Brazilian Revolutionary, Chapter 2, Pedagogy of the Oppressed) 

A careful analysis of …they are. 

These resolutional forms of education justify stripping the oppressed from ontological action. This year’s resolution creates an alienated education that increasingly protects the form of education that deposits information on the African nations that are depicted as ‘welfare recipients.’ Such a framework masks the worst forms of structural violence.

FREIRE ’70 (Paulo, Brazilian Revolutionary, Chapter 2, Pedagogy of the Oppressed)

The capability of banking … be more fully human.  


The condition of oppression that is perpetuated via current educational practices dooms us to a world where violence is a constant reality,  constitutes the foundation for subjugation and perpetual negation of life.

FREIRE ’70 (Paulo, Brazilian Revolutionary, “Chapter 1,” Pedagogy of the Oppressed.)  

The pedagogy of the first stage … the preponderance of the strong, but by the strong who have emasculated them. 

Therefore, it is necessary to establish a framework of “problem-posing” education that poses the resolution as a question to the oppressed where THEY create their own strategies for empowerment and liberation. Only a problem-posing education can establish a consciousness of emancipation from the worst structural conditions.

FREIRE ’70 (Paulo, Brazilian Revolutionary, Chapter 2, Pedagogy of the Oppressed) 

Those truly committed … education are “owned” by the teacher.


The failure to establish a problem-posing education framework accentuates current AIDS assistance failures. AIDS awareness, treatment, and prevention campaigns lack cultural sensitive modes of transmission.

KWESI  2K4 (Yankah, Ph.D. in folklore from Indiana University and is currently Professor of Linguistics at the University of Ghana, “Narrative in Times of Crisis: AIDS Stories in Ghana,”Journal of Folklore Research, 41.2, May-August, pg. 181-198) 

Folk constructions of … of AIDS in their social locations.  

The following is an account of Sharon Stone, a donor of Africa Bridge, that visited Tanzania….

Starr November 26, 2007 ( Sharon "Mimi" Starr, Lake Oswego Rotarian, Monday, November 26, 2007, Impressions of Tanzania)

In late October, I had the …money will be well spent. 


The grant that has been devised by the oppressed has been officially drafted—Tanzanians and African Bridge workers are currently petitioning the United States federal government. This grant is necessary for a sustainable health assistance infrastructure.  

ZWICKEY, CHILDS, & MTULLU (Heather-Director of Resarch National College of Naturopathic, Barry-President of Africa Bridge, Samwel-Tanga AIDS Working Group, National College for Naturopathic Medicine and Africa Bridge and the Tanga AIDS Working Group, “AIDS in Africa: Bridging Traditional Healing with Modern Medicine,” Google.) 

Africa BridgeStaff: 2 Annual … as the larger global community.


And, the dialogical methodology of Africa Bridge is the best possible strategy. Tanzania’s entire health care system is at stake.

Global Vision 2003 (Date Posted on Global Envision: July 14, 2003, On the Other Side of Despair…Hope, “When millions of people are dying and suffering from the consequences of AIDS, is there any reason to have hope?”)

When I look at the … doing work in Africa. 


We will defend that the National Institute of Health will approve the grant request of Africa Bridge for the building of an AIDS prevention and treatment infrastructure to Tanzania. 

Our plan text is a direct affirmation of the existential reality of the oppressed that we highlight in direct response to the AIDS pandemic and the resolution as a productive educational possibility. All counterplans and arguments that do not place such the agency of the oppressed at the forefront are doomed to oppressive paternalism.

FREIRE ’70 (Paulo, Brazilian Revolutionary, “Chapter 1,” Pedagogy of the Oppressed.)  

The same is true with respect to the …oppression must be transformed. 

And, our methodology establishes the groundwork for an epistemological approach that precedes politics proper. Rejecting our approach to exploitation results in macro-socioengineering, which makes all impacts inevitable.

RAJAN ‘92 (Roby, The Discourse of Exploitation and the Exploitation of Discourse.)  

How then are human …to change in the larger society. 

Notre Dame (All Teams) – Negative

A. Africa is a litmus test for China’s global power – its perceived imperialism is causing backlash in Africa. It must shift towards programs designed for the mutual benefit of Africa to solidify its soft power and global leadership 

Kurlantzick 2007 – Visiting Scholar in Carnegie Endowment’s China Program

[Joshua Kurlantzick, “Into Africa - As China becomes a major influence in Africa, it faces mounting resistance and a profound dilemma: How does a nation devoted to nonintervention become a global power?,” June 3, Lexis]

EMBARKING UPON … potentially, the world.

B. China is competing with the U.S. over influence in Africa—the counterplan boosts China’s ability to win African partnerships and Chinese soft power

Gill, et al, 06  (Bates, Center for Strategic and International Studies, “China’s Expanding  Role in Africa Implications for the United States”, 12/1, Report of the CSIS Delegation to China on China-Africa-U.S. Relations, 

China, in its quest for a closer strategic … strategic  partnership.  

C. Chinese soft power is critical to preventing a Taiwanese push for independence

Gill and Huang 2006 (Bates holds the CSIS Freeman Chair in China, Yanzhong is an assistant professor at the John Whitehead School of Diplomacy and International Relations, Survival, “Sources and limits of Chinese 'soft power',” Volume - v4848 Issue 2 June, pg 17-36, 

A most intriguing …on the mainland. 

D. Taiwanese push for independence will escalate into a global nuclear holocaust

Hsiung 01 – Professor of Politics and International Law at NYU

[James, 21st Century World Order and the Asia Pacific, p. 359-360]

Admittedly, it is harmless for an … peace in the Asia Pacific region 

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