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The impacts –

First, instability in Sierra Leone allows terrorists to obtain the financial and technical capability to deploy a nuclear weapon against the West

Dempsey, 6 (Thomas Dempsey Director of African Studies in the Department of National Security and Strategy at the U.S. Army War College.   “COUNTERTERRORISM IN AFRICAN FAILED STATES: CHALLENGES AND POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS” April 2006 ]MP) 

The emergence of Al Qaeda in … Sierra Leone may be significant.

Nuclear terrorism causes extinction

Sid-Ahmed, 4 (Mohamed, Managing Editor for Al-Ahali, “Extinction!” August 26-September 1, Issue no. 705, 

What would be the consequences … we will all be losers.

Independently, terrorism causes the U.S. to lash out, precipitating global war

Schwartz-Morgan, 1 (Nicole, Assistant Prof Politics and Econ – Royal Military College of Canada, Wild Globalization and Terrorism, 

The terrorist act can reactivate atavistic defense … whether they be themselves merchants or terrorists.

Second, state collapse in Sierra Leone threatens 240 million people across West Africa. This compromises our oil interests in Nigeria as well as causing terrorism, environmental destruction, and disease spread.

Docking, 2 (Timothy Docking, program officer in the Jennings Randolph Program for  International Peace. “Responding to War and State Collapse in West Africa.” 2-1-02. 

The working group agreed that … peace and damages our national credibility abroad.

African conflict causes global nuclear war

Dr. Jeffery Deutsch, Founder – Rabid Tiger Project, 2001

[Rabid Tiger Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 7, 11-18,] 

The Rabid Tiger Project believes … some people love to go fishing.

The global oil market couldn’t handle a supply disruption in Nigeria

Goldwyn, 4 (Chairman of the Goldwyn Group, Testimony before the subcommittee on international economic policy, export, and trade promotion, July 15, 

While the region’s geological prospects are good, …  trouble is on the horizon.

Higher oil prices will crush the world economy

IEA, 4 (International Energy Agency, energy policy think tank. “Analysis of the Impact of High Oil Prices on the Global Economy” May 2004. 

Oil prices remain an important … current cyclical economic upturn.

Economic collapse causes nuclear war

Nyquist, 7 (Nyquist, economic expert, 07 [7-6-07,J. R. Nyquist, “The Path of Dissolution,”, accessed 7-6-07) 

The world is made up of armed nation states… overthrow the “balance of terror.”

Contention 2 is Missile Defense –

As British involvement in Sierra Leone has increased, US support has dwindled – the Brits are winning the image battle

Tejan-Cole, 2 (Abdul Tejan-Cole, human rights lawyer and activist in Sierra Leone. Teaches law at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone and is Acting Coordinator of the Campaign for Good Governance, a national NGO. “Will the United States Learn From Britain In Sierra Leone?” 6-11-02. 

The distinction that reveals … with South Africa's ANC.

Sierra Leone is the key state in US-British competition over Africa – increasing US influence undermines cooperation

Mardsen and Talbot, 2000 (Chris Mardsen and Chris Talbot, columnists, WSWS. “Britain's military intervention in Sierra Leone part of a new Scramble for Africa.” 5-20-00. 

Britain's sending of over a thousand … main interest for the West in Africa.

US-British cooperation is vital to missile defense in Britain

Stocker, 4 (Jeremy Stocker, Army War College Strategic Studies Institute. “Britain's Role in U.S. Missile Defense.” 

Joseph Nye warns that “The bad … careful management by both Britain and America.

The brink and timeframe are minuscule – Bush must implement NMD before he leaves office and US and British diplomats are currently meeting to determine the future of missile defense. However, cooperation will cause terrorist lashout against Britain

WND, 8 (2/2, World Net Daily, conservative newspaper. “Britain fears al-Qaida retaliation” 

Britain's Secret Intelligence Service … said an intelligence source in London.

A terrorist attack in Britain kills two million people and provokes international backlash

Greenpeace, 6 (“Nuclear Power and Terrorism.” January 2006. 

The terrorist attacks of 9/11 … opportunities for terrorist organisations. 

US-British cooperation on missile defense sparks an arms race with Russia

Clegg, 7 (11/17, Nick Clegg, British MP. “Britain must pull out of US missile defence deal.” 

Russia's threats to place … and pull out of our deal with America

Arms race risks global nuclear war

Talbott, 7 (Strobe Talbott, President of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, The Brookings Institution October 30, 2007  "Building a Constructive U.S.-Russian Relationship: Russia, Energy Security, World Trade Organization, Energy, Arms Control"

Finally, Mr. Chairman, I … potentially tragic and perilous.

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