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US-Russian nuclear war is the biggest impact – it’s the only war that risks extinction

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US-Russian nuclear war is the biggest impact – it’s the only war that risks extinction

Bostrom, 2 (Nick, PhD and Professor at Oxford, March, 

A much greater existential risk … humankind’s potential permanently.

New Trier (All Teams) – Negative

China Relations 

A) Uniqueness- Despite trade and currency issues, US-China relations are high now

South China Morning Post, July 4, 2007, p. Lexis 

The issue of air pollution was touched upon 

B) The Link-

1) China perceives US aid to Africa as an attempt to cut off raw materials and contain their peaceful rise

Thompson - Asst. Chair of China Studies @ CSIS and The Jamestown Foundation – 2004 (Drew, The Jamestown Foundation China Brief “Economic Growth and Soft Power: China’s Africa Strategy” 12/7/04  

But, as the U.S. and China seek to further 

2) Perceived attempts at containment hurt US-China relations

Fu Mengzi, Researcher at the China Institute of Contemporary International  Relations, BBC Worldwide Monitoring, November 20, 2005, p. Lexis 

Over the past few years, China and the United States 

C) China relations are key to prevent war, proliferation, North Korean aggression, Taiwan war and war over the South China Sea

The Straits Times (Singapore) in ‘97 (“Asean's ties with China, Japan and US”, August 15, L/N) 

However, the most important bilateral relations for 

Sweden CP

Sweden solves best – they have experience, influence, and empirical success in their African Aid programs

Pierre Schori, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 1998

[“Africa on the Move. Revitalising Swedish Policy towards Africa for the 21st Century,” Government Communication 1997/98:122, March 5,]


Sweden’s historical inheritance in Africa has had 

Consult NATO

A.  Text: The United States Federal Government should propose that it should [plan]

to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for binding consultation. The United States Federal Government should support its proposal during consultation. The United States Federal Government should abide by the results of this consultation. We’ll clarify.

B.  NATO Stability

1.  NATO is in the midst of a transitional period, failure to consult genuinely before foreign policy decisions will undermine the alliance

Gordon 04 (Philip, Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution,June 24th


DEAR FRIENDS. How did it come to this?

2.  Consultation with NATO over African policy is key to redefine the alliance for survival in the 21st century – former commander James Jones agrees

Ames 05 (Paul, Associated Press Writer, 12-17)

“Top NATO commander urges growing role to confront terror threats in Africa, Associated Press Worldstream  

The United States and its NATO allies need to

3.  Impact – NATO is key to solve European nuclear wars

John S. Duffield, Assistance Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs at the University of Virginia, 1995

NATO’s Functions After the Cold War, Political Science Quarterly, JSTOR 

Initial analyses of NATO's future prospects overlooked 

Neoliberalism CP

A. Text – The United States federal government should stop quota payments International Monetary Fund. We’ll clarify.

B. Solvency – The IMF is the catalyst of the neoliberal project – it is used to suck capital out of developing nations. The CP solves the case because it pulls the plug on neoliberalism on an international scale

Henry A. Giroux, Global TV Network Chair in Communications at McMaster University, 2005

[“The Terror of Neoliberalism”, College Literature 32.1, muse] 

Abroad, neoliberal global policies have been used  

Soft Power CPs 

A. Text – The United States federal government should accede to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

B. Solvency – The ICC will boost US Soft power critical to future American security and prosperity


Sewall and Kaysen, professor at political economy at MIT and program director of HR policy at Harvard, 2000

(Sarah and Carl, “The United States and the International Criminal Court: The choices ahead” 

The U.S. attitude toward the ICC is 

A. Text – The United States Supreme Court, should rule that extraordinary renditions violate international law.  

B. Solvency – The image of the US is damaged by secret abductions and detentions. 

The Houston Chronicle 2005 (“The Italian Job; CIA’s capture and secret transport of terrorist suspects into the hands of cruel regimes should end,” June 29, Lexis Nexis) 

The United States' war on al-Qaida requires extraordinary 

Transformational Diplomacy 

A. Uniqueness- The U.S. is focusing on transformational diplomacy now but it requires an effective and efficient use of foreign assistance

Fore 7/4/07 (Henrietta H., Nominee for Administrator United States Agency for International Development, “Confirmation Hearing Testimony of Henrietta H. Fore, Nominee for Administrator United States Agency for International Development: Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee”,   

Since May 7, 2007, I have served as Acting Administrator 

B. Link- Cuts in existing health assistance are vital to the effectiveness of transformational diplomacy – increased spending will trade off with the efficiency of current programs and disrupt existing prioritization

Tobias 3/28/07 (Randall L., US Director of Foreign Assistance and Administrator of USAID 

Based on the new country-driven process, we have prioritized resources 

C. Impacts- 

1. Transformational Diplomacy is key to effective global democracy promotion

Rummel 06 (R.J, professor of political science at the University of Hawaii, “The New Transformational Diplomacy,” Paraphrase of speech by Condoleeza Rice,  

I want to follow up my "Why foster Global Freedom" with 

2. Democracy promotion prevents war and extinction

Diamond, 95 (Larry, Senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, “Promoting Democracy in the 1990s”, December, 

OTHER THREATS This hardly exhausts the lists of threats 

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