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Russia DA

A. Uniq - Proposed US missile defense system has put the US and Russia on the brink of nuclear war

Russia & CIS Military Newswire, Oct 11, 2007, “U.S. should not forget Cuban missile crisis – expert” 

The U.S. prospective deployment of a……….. tends to forget this lesson," he said. 

B. Link –

1. Russia will lash out at threats to their sphere of influence resulting in a drop in relations – proposed missile defense system proves

ROBERT BURNS, Oct 12, 2007 Robert Burns has covered military and national security affairs for The Associated Press since 1990 “US-Russia Negotiations Marked by Chill” AP

The spat over missile defense is particularly…………… could defeat U.S. missile defenses 

2. Russian investment in Sub Saharan Africa has brought the continent back into their sphere of influence 

Anna Smolchenko, March 2, 2006, “Russian Firms Urged to Invest in Third World” Moscow Times 

A World Bank agency on Wednesday……………. investment, he said, without elaborating. 

C. Impact - Drop in US Russian relations would lead to nuclear exchange – the two countries have 25,000 nuclear weapons on a hair trigger, the results would be catastrophic 

Joseph Cirincione, Center for American Progress expert in nonproliferation, national security, international security, U.S. military, U.S. foreign policy Uri Leventer, July23, 2007, “Nuclear summer” Center for American Progress

It’s summertime, and the nuclear ……………any further negotiated nuclear reductions.

Portage Northern GS – Affirmative – Disease Surveillance


CDC, DOD, and USAID are currently conducting surveillance in sub-Saharan Africa but only to 42 of the 48 countries
U.S. Department of State, "U.S. Government Support to Combat Avian and Pandemic Influenza," 11/28/07
To assist in responding to HPAI H5N1 outbreaks and to prepare for a
nonpharmaceutical commodities for surveillance and response efforts.
Current surveillance increases are ineffective and don't target crucial areas
Science Daily, 12/11/07 – Boyce is a UC Davis professor of veterinary medicine, "Bird-flu Expert Calls For Changes In Early-warning System",
The international science community is not
data no more than 45 days after it is generated.
These measures leave crucial holes that enable worldwide spread – surveillance in every country is key
David Heymann and Guenael Rodier, WHO Communicable Disease Programs and the WHO Operational Support Team to the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network Global Surveillance, "National Surveillance, and SARS, Emerging Infectious Diseases," Medscape Today, 04,
The international response to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak, from
response systems fail.
1AC – Plan
The Center for Disease Control should expand necessary disease surveillance in the topically designated area.
1AC – Disease
Bird Flu
Outbreak in sub-Saharan Africa is inevitable---surveillance is inadequate---kills twenty million fast
Mike Davis, author of The Monster at Our Door: The Global Threat of Avian Flu, PF history, UC Irvine, 2007
Just when most of us thought it was safe to go
genuine effort to develop a "world vaccine".
Key mutations make transmission likely
Forbes, "Key Viral Change Could Help Bird Flu Spread," October 4, 2007 (lexis)
U.S. scientists say they've spotted a crucial step the
to becoming a human virus."
Sub-Saharan surveillance is key to check mutations and human-to-human spread
Tiaji Salaam-Blyther, Coordinator Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division of the Congressional Research Service, U.S. and International Responses to the Global Spread of Avian Flu: Issues for Congress, 2006
A number of analysts have argued that
that could be transmitted to and between humans."130
Mutation goes global, instantly killing billions
Mr. Satish Chandra, Deputy National Security Advisor of India – Center for Strategic Decision Research – Global Security: A broader Concept for the 21st Century, 2004,
This scenario, as frightening as it is,
mortality rate is estimated.
Outweighs Nuclear War – probability and magnitude
Mark Edmonds, Director of the Centre for Defence and International Security Studies, U Lancaster; Julian Palmore, Department of Mathematics, U Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; both are Editors-in-Chief of Defense and Security Analysis -- Defense and Security Analysis – 6/1/06
Four times a year we, as Editors of Defense & Security Analysis, have not
avian flu and prepare for a pandemic. There is no time to waste.
1AC – Bioterror
CDC has a shortage of experts with first-hand experience with bioweapon pathogens, preventing rapid diagnosis and treatment
Katz – doctoral candidate at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and the Office of Population Research at Princeton University – 2002 Rebecca, The Washington Quarterly, "Public Health Preparedness: The Best Defense against Biological Weapons," Summer, Lexis
TRAINING When Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (Sin Nombre Virus)
and set up collaborative efforts.
Two Impacts
1. US Attack – the US is vulnerable
John Deutch, PF MIT, qualified in the evidence, Meeting the Bioterrorism Challenge, Testimony before U.S. Senate Committee on Health, & Pensions Subcommittee on Bioterrorism and Public Health Preparedness, 2005
I base my views on my experience as
improve our nation's biodefense posture.
Minimizing the death toll is crucial – large casualties ensure nuclear US response
Lt Col Harry Conley, chief of the Systems Analysis Branch, Directorate of Requirements, Headquarters Air Combat Command, Air & Space Power Journal, 2003
The number of
, whatever promises had been made."48
Surveillance maximizes lead time, minimizing death
Atlanta Journal and Constitution, quoting CDC authorities, April 28, 1998, Lexis
Viruses that cause human
Barbara Reynolds in Atlanta
2. East Africa---bioterror attack is likely, spreading globally without expanded surveillance
James Njuguna, masters in biotechnology, PhD in medical parasitology, U Bonn, worked for International Livestock Research Institute in Nairobi on control of trypanosomosis and malaria. African Security Review, 2005
Terrorist groups
surveillance is done at present.33

Bioweapons outweigh nuclear war

John D. Steinbrunner, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution, and Vice Chair, Committee on International Security and Arms Control, National Academy of Sciences, "Biological Weapons," 1997
More than 70 years later, revulsion
not necessarily its outer limit.
1AC – Solvency
Expanding CDC surveillance is vital for US and SSA's ability to respond to bioterror and avian flu
William Fox, M.D., Commander of Bayne-Jones Army Hospital, Command Surgeon of the Joint Readiness Training Center, Parameters, 1998, p. 121-36.
The lack of US engagement with African nations in this process is
in the national interest to do so. History is scathingly unkind to those who fail to rise to such challenges.
Increasing CDC personnel is critical to create strong public health infrastructure
Smolinski et al, Director of the Global Health & Security Initiative at Nuclear Threat Initiative, '03, Marks. –
Former Senior Program Officer at the Institute of Medicine of the National Academics of Science and Epidemic Intelligence Officer for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Margaret A. Hamburg (Vice President for Biological Programs at Nuclear Threat Initiative), & Joshua Lederberg – Directs the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Informatics at The Rockefeller University, Editors, Board on Global Health at the institute of the National Academics, Microbial threats to Health: Emergence, Detection, and Response, 3-18,
The United States should take a leadership
, disease- or problem-specific areas.
Expansion of CDC surveillance is necessary to train rapid response teams, improve investigation, improve containment, and create superior data
Stephen B. Blount, Director of the Office of Global Health, May 2, 2k7 "Testimony before the Appropriations Subcommittee,"
Currently, the US and the rest of the world are facing a very real
capacity, and communication channels so we can respond effectively.
Comparative international studies prove
National Advisory Committee on Public Health 3 Learning from SARS: Renewal of Public Health in Canada – October --
The members of the National Advisory Committee on SARS and Public Health were: Dr. David Naylor, Dean of Medicine at the University of Toronto (Chair); Dr. Sheela Basrur, Medical Officer of Health, City of Toronto; Dr. Michel G. Bergeron, Chairman of the Division of Microbiology and of the Infectious Diseases Research Centre of Laval University, Quebec City; Dr. Robert C. Brunham, Medical Director of the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, Vancouver; Dr. David Butler-Jones, Medical Health Officer for Sun Country, and Consulting Medical Health Officer for Saskatoon Health Regions, Regina; Gerald Dafoe, Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Public Health Association, Ottawa; Dr. Mary Ferguson-Paré, Vice-President, Professional Affairs and Chief Nurse Executive at University Health Network, Toronto; Frank Lussing, Past President and CEO of York Central Hospital, Richmond Hill; Dr. Allison McGeer, Director of Infection Control, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto; Kaaren R. Neufeld, Executive Director and Chief Nursing Officer at St. Boniface Hospital, Winnipeg; Dr. Frank Plummer, Scientific Director of the Health Canada National Microbiology Laboratory, Winnipeg)
3E. International Comparisons
surveillance system through earmarked state-level funding and partnerships.
And, Disease Securitization mobilizes political action to solve disease and bioterror
Enemark 5 (Dr. Christian Enemark is a Visiting Fellow of the John Curtin School of Medical Research at ANU where he serves as Deputy Director of the National Centre for Biosecurity.'INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY', The Nonproliferation Review, 12:1, 107 – 125. March 1st)
In pursuing international cooperation,
to kill would far exceed that of SARS.
We do not link to the biopower and are the antithesis of securitizing state interventions
Fearnley 5 (LYLE FEARNLEY of ARC -- Anthropology of the Contemporary Research Collaboratory is an experimental project in collaborative research in the human sciences.. Fearnley also received a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology from Columbia University in 2005. Currently, his work focuses on the development of syndromic surveillance, a technology designed to detect emerging epidemics without relying on diagnostic reports, which has emerged as a site where security and health practices are under re-formation. "Pathogens and the Strategy of Preparedness: Disease Surveillance in Civil Defense Planning" – November 29th --
The extension and standardization of notifiable
not ensure maximum vitality.

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