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Bipartisan support
Anderson 6 (Jamie, Bachelor of Arts in International Studies at Boston College, "The Looming Threat of an Avian Flu Pandemic", May,
After addressing these broad issues,
variety of domestic and international agencies.

Turns your link

Light 99 Senior Fellow at the Center for Public Service [Paul C., the President's Agenda: Domestic Policy Choice from Kennedy to Clinton, 3rd Edition] p. 24-25
Call it push, pull, punch, juice, power,
to the table.

Use it or lose it – only risk plan boosts capital

Tod Lindberg Editor of Policy Review Magazine, Research Fellow at the Hoover Institute "Spending political capital," The Washington Times, December 7. 2k4 Pg. A21
Now, in the usual metaphor of political
capital. Who dares wins.

We haven't read link turns v Bush Bad

Soft Power Add On

Plan k/t SP
Thompson, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary, 2002 (Tommy, "Protecting the Nation's Health in an Era of Globalization: CDC's Global Infectious Disease Strategy",
Providing diplomatic
and by eradicating diseases currently included in childhood vaccination programs.

Portage Northern GS – Negative


More assistance cracks the budget

Susan Rice, Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institute, "Africa's Strategic Importance to the US" Speech at Reed College, 3-20-2006 ( ice.pdf)

Discerning and

a rat-hole?"

This shocks the economy

Patrice Hill, Washington Times, 4-23-2007

Congress will have to steer

" for the economy, he said.

Goes global

Charles Stein, Business Columnist for the Globe, Boston Globe, March 31, 2k2, Lexis

A coincidence? No

. And growing.


T Bearden Director Association Distinguished American Scientists -Bearden.htm 2k

History bears out that

, at least for many decades.


PSI membership requires ratification

Inside the Navy, 9-3-2007

Capt. Patrick Neheer, the director and accepts the treaty, he said
PSI key to solve global prolif

Mark Shulman, 06, www.strategicstudiesinstitute

Weapons of mass destruction and prohibits the proliferation of WMD
Common 2NC Ev:
LOS no tech transfers

Taft IV, 2004, FDCH, 5-12

No technology transfers and its security
No tech transfer

Moore 2005, 9-22, J. of Int'l Affairs

The mandatory technology and fail to adhere
LOS key US economy

Sandalow 04, iefs/pb137.htm

The U.S. economy depends and Convention's rules
Key to continental shelf


Under the Convention, coastal and Australia and Brazil
Revenue sharing doesn't hurt the US


Some opponents of ratification and serves U.S. interests
Doesn't hurt sovereignty

Negroponte, 9-28, hearing

Joining the Convention and commercial vessels
Fish extinctions on brink

Kunich 2005, Columbia J. of Envt'l Law, 30 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 1

What evidence can we glean and even more precipitous
Ratification key to solve

Talhelm 00, 25 N.C.J. Int'l L. & Com. Reg. 381

Overfishing is a tremendous and to the agreement
Billions at risk

LAT, 11-26-06

Much is at stake and sea life of oxygen
SQ Causes inevitable arctic conflicts, LOST key, turns Russia

Oregon statesman, 9-10

In 1982, the UN Convention and consumption and conflict
Huge risk of escalation

Security Innovator, 8-23

Huebert explained that he'd and start to harden
No negative effect on PSI

Yann-Huei Song, Ocean Dev. And INt'l Law, v. 38, iss. 1 and 2, Jan 2007

However, officials from the U.S. Navy and implementation of the Initiative
UNCLOS increases non-prolif cred


This article concludes that and or not

Mullen, 5-12-04, FDCH

We are also laying and customary international law
UNCLOS doesn't hurt PSI

Moore 9-22-05, J. of Int'l Affairs

Myth: The convention is and not harm the PSI
UNCLOS doesn't all UN takeover


Critics also argue and U.S. troops in Haiti


Myth: the convention and national jurisdiction
Doesn't effect naval mobility

Walsh, 9-27-07, FNS

Admiral Walsh, would you agree that there's no portion and consistent on this point
US only party that constrains

Negroponte, 9-28, Testimony

No international tribunal and military activity
Can't stop military interdiction


The Tribunal has and U.S. military


A. Uniqueness

1. Canada is currently the world leader on aid to Africa – their edge relative to other G8 nations is barely "good-enough" to uphold their obsession with being perceived as a leader.

Black '05 (David, of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs – Beyond The Headlines – March 22nd – lexis)

Three years ago, in

leadership claims.

2. International Negotiations are under way for a new conventional weapons treaty – 2008 will be the key year. Press Trust of India '06 (December 7, 2006 – lexis)

"The Secretary-General

This will be considered by the Assembly's sixty-third session, which opens in September 2008.
3. Issue-specific uniqueness – The treaty will likely pass

Regehr '06 (Ernie Regehr – founder of Project Ploughshares, a peace-building agency in Canada – as quoted in The Record – October 28th – lexis)

The peace movement

be another victory.

B. Link -- Plan increases US aid.

This hurts Canada's Soft Power by eroding their distinctiveness relative to the US, and decreasing their edge in the vital area of development.

Rath '04 (Amitav Rath is a director at Policy Research International in Ottawa, specializing in science and technology policy, innovation, and energy and environment -- International Journal -- Oct 1st – lexis)

We live in a complex

neighbour and to acquire a large measure of "soft power" relevant in dealing with the US.
Soft power key to Canadian foreign policy – losing soft power in one area spills-over to unrelated objectives.

Grayson '06 (Dr Kyle Grayson -- Lecturer in International Politics @ Newcastle University --International Journal -- Spring 2006 – lexis)

Canada is a country that relies

style and goals.

C. Impact -- CWC
Canada's soft power contacts are vital to multilateral progress on the trade of conventional weapons.
The Treaty would solve and save many lives.

Common standards would check small arms – these kill far more people per year than WMD.

The Guardian '06 (Oct 28th -- /armstrade/story/0,,1933807,00 .html)

British officials said

arms trade treaty for several years now."

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