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Pace AL – Affirmative – Tanzania Aid

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Pace AL – Affirmative – Tanzania Aid

Bush promoting foreign aid now

So that official, Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Sullivan, is on a mini-domestic tour to promote free trade and tout the Bush
Bush doubling HIV aid now

National Review 6-25-07

"Compassionate conservatism" has not fared well as a presidential slogan. But if it is to have one lasting and worthy legacy, it would be the President's

African aid increased 50 percent recently

The G-8 summit in 2005 recommended a doubling of aid . The Chinese held a conference on aid to Africa. They agreed to double their aid to


Tanzania is the epicenter of the epidemic

F amily H ealth I nternational,(FHI is a nonprofit public health NGO that manages field research in 70 countries) The Tanzania AIDS Project: Building Capacity, Saving Lives , 20 00

The East African nation of Tanzania would appear to have many strikes against it in the battle against HIV /AIDS. With its western provinces

Tanzania is limited by cost, human resources and implementation capacity

WHO 0 5 (December, Tanzania Summary Report p. 1 )
Overall health sector capacity in the United Republic of Tanzania is high compared with other countries in the region. However, the scale up of HIV/AIDS

Internal Link- Aids from Africa spreads globally-promotes conflict

Second Annual Report to Congress PEPFAR "ACTION TODAY, A FOUNDATION FOR TOMORROW: The President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief" 2006
As Atwood notes, HIV is much more than a social or developmental threat — it is a concrete threat to stability and security. Nelson Mandela, in a speech before the World Economic

Russia, China and India

Michael Pates, a lawyer, is director of the ABA AIDS Coordination Project. Jason Johnson, a third-year student at George Mason University School of Law, is a project assistant. Human Rights, Fall 2004, Vol. 31, No. 4, p.14
The AIDS pandemic's destabilizing effects have been keenly felt in developing countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa . According to the

Harms: Attempts to outweigh the case will be both laughable and pathetic

Systemic- Aids will kill 97 million people by 2015

Dr. Rene Loewenson (Director, Training and Research Support Centre in Zimbabwe) and Professor Alan Whiteside (Director of Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division at University of Natal South Africa) 2001 "HIV/AIDS Implications for Poverty Reduction", UNITED NATIONS DEVELPMENT PROGRAMME POLICY PAPER, Date Accessed 7/9/2007,

However, despite intensifying efforts focused on prevention and care, the epidemic continues to spread unabatedly, and as people infected by HIV become ill and die, its

Magnitude-Kills more than war

Lester Brown Earth Policy Institute, PLAN B 2.0 – RESCUING A PLANET UNDER STRESS AND A CIVILIZATION IN TROUBLE, 2006 p. 103-4
Although diseases such as malaria and cholera exact a heavy toll, there is no precedent for the number of lives affected by the HIV epidemic. To find


NEWSDAY 5-31-200 1 ( )
Today, with the AIDS epidemic 20 years old, about 37 million people are suffering from various stages of HIV-induced immune system problems. Twenty years


ZIMMERMAN AND ZIMMERMAN 1996 (Barry and David, both have M.S. degrees from Long Island University, Killer Germs p 132)
Then came AIDS …and Ebola and Lassa fever and Marburg and dengue fever. They came, for the most part, from the steamy jungles of the world. Lush tropical rain forests are ablaze with deadly viruses . And changing lifestyles as well as changing environmental conditions are flushing them out .

Nuke Wars-


SINGER 200 2 (Peter, John M. Olin Post-doctoral Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution, Survival, Spring. This is not the bioethicist/activist Peter Singer.)

The results are devastating for the military institution and can lead to a dangerous weakening of military capabilities. Besides the effect on

Weak African economies are the root cause of civil wars on the continent – strongest data proves, this will spillover to ethnic conflict

Paul Collier (Professor of Economics and Director of the Centre for the Study of African Economies at Oxford University) October 2004 "Natural Resources and Conflict in Africa." Crimes of War Project, the Magazine.
Why has Africa had so much civil war? In all other regions of the world the incidence of civil war has been on a broadly declining trend over the past
Ethnic conflicts lead to global wars

Lake and Rothchild 1999 , USC Political Science Profs., 99 (David and Donald, The International Spread of Ethnic Conflict)

Even before fears of nuclear Armageddon could fully fade, new fears of state meltdown and ethnic cleansing have rippled across the international community. In


DEUTSCH 200 2 (Jeffrey, Political Risk Consultant and Ph.D in Economics, The Rabid Tiger Newsletter, Vol 2, No 9, Nov 18,
The Rabid Tiger Project believes that a nuclear war is most likely to start in Africa. Civil wars in the Congo (the country formerly known as Zaire), Rwanda,

Unchecked AIDS will spread from Africa to Russia and the rest of Asia

Lowry 2003

Colin. "AIDS Plague Will Reach Peak in 40 More Years," Executive Intelligence Review, Vol. 30, Issue 4.

The AIDS epidemic is still increasing worldwide , and in Africa it threatens to literally wipe out entire nations. In December 2002, UNAIDS
Russian AIDS epidemic will collapse the Russian economy

Kester Kenn Klomegah on April 11, 2005, is former editorial staff of Moscow Times and writer for Inter Press Service. He was awarded the Golden Word Prize Inter Press Service, "Russia Counts the Cost of AIDS "

The Russian government is turning increasingly towards businesses to support its fight against AIDS. The move comes after health experts confirmed registration of

US-Russia Nuke War

David '99

STEVEN R. DAVID is a Professor of Political Science at The Johns Hopkins University. "Saving America from the Coming Civil Wars." Foreign Affairs January, 1999 / February, 1999.

If internal war does strike Russia, economic deterioration will be a prime cause . From 1989 to the present, the GDP has fallen by 50 percent. In a society where, ten

AIDS will kill China's Economy

China Daily 12-1-05
China must keep its number of HIV-infected people under 1.5 million in the next five years or risk social instability and a possible

Chinese economic collapse causes nuclear wars in all Asian hotspots

Chen '01

(Shuxen, RAND Corp, China the United States and The Global Economy)

Indeed, U.S.-Chinese relations have been consistently driven by strong common interests in preventing mutually damaging wars in

Plan: the United States federal government should restore the Tanzania Aids Project


The TAP cluster system is a unique global model- it allows for incorporation of local knowledge and cooperative planning eliminating resource constraints

Family Health International,(FHI is a nonprofit public health NGO that manages field research in 70 countries) The Tanzania AIDS Project: Building Capacity, Saving Lives , 20 00

Yet it is also this threatened human capital from which HIV/AIDS prevention and care efforts draw strength. For decades, Tanzanians have live d within a

TAP engages the government structure producing better epidemiological decision making

Family Health International,(FHI is a nonprofit public health NGO that manages field research in 70 countries) The Tanzania AIDS Project: Building Capacity, Saving Lives, 2000

Educating Tanzania's leaders about the epidemic is an other important BCC activity that all TAP clusters undertake. Policy makers — from

TAP maximizes resources and builds capacity- its key to solve deficiencies in the indigenous health care system and free up resources

FHI 2k (Final Report for the AIDSCAP Program in Tanzania October 1991 to September 1997 )

Support for regional NGO clusters is the programmatic centerpiece of the Tanzania AIDS Project. The objective of this critical component is to enable

USAID Key-International Agent counterplans are a waste of oxygen

William Emmet, ET AL Team Leader, TAP/MTR, POPTECH/FUTURES TANZANIA AIDS PROJECT MIDTERM REVIEW REPORT POPTECH Report No. 97-096-053 (Souleymane Barry MD, Anne Fleuret MD, Senior research fellow-institute of African Studies, Alan Handyside MA PhD Scientific Director. Pioneered Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, Prof. Of microbiology Univ. of Leeds, and others but this cite is getting to long) July 19 97

2.7.2 USAID's Comparative Advantage in Supporting a Positive Policy Environment From the perspective of USAID/T's results framework calling for ". . . increased knowledge of and access to HIV/AIDS information and services . . . , " there are significant opportunities for USAID to use its comparative advantages to support a positive policy environment in Tanzania

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