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no tradeoff now

Patrick in 6

Stewart, Research Fellow at the Center for Global Development, and former member of the State Department’s policy planning staff, US Foreign Aid Reform: Will it fix what is broken?, September,

Since 2001 the

foreign assistance is zero-sum – any increase in one area causes a decrease in another

Sessions in 6

Myra, program coordinator at Center for Global DevelopmentGD, July, The PMI Turns One - How Will We Measure Success?, 

Thanks for the comment and question,

specifically, the plan trades off with democracy funding

Patrick in 6

Stewart, U.S. Foreign Aid Reform: Will it Fix What is Broken?, Center For Global Development,   

On another level, however,

spending tradeoff from democratic aid undermines democracy promotion – no matter the efficacy of the aid

Diamond in 95

Larry, Professor @ Stanford, DEMOCRACY IN THE 1990s, 

At a time when every

nuclear war

Diamond 95

Larry Promoting Democracy in the 1990’s 

This hardly exhausts the



Thrift 2k (Nigel, prof of geography @ U of Bristol, Geopolitical Traditions: A Century of Geopolitical Thought, p383-385)

Let us finally come to one more arena:

Campbell 98 (David, prof of international politics @ U of Newcastle, Writing Security, p.49-51)

In fostering an evangelism of fear

St Marks BK – Affirmative – Navy Medical Ships


The United States has steadily increased naval presence around Africa and now intends to make it permanent

Flynn 11/12 (Daniel, Washington Post, 2007, "U.S. to woo Africans with naval diplomacy,"

As it steams down … aboard ship during its voyage.
Revisions in US naval strategy prove more humanitarian ops are inevitable

USA Today 10/17 ("Preventing wars tops new naval strategy")

In the first major revision of U.S. … as a show of force toward Iran.
And, just one week ago, the Navy deployed the USS Porter to Kenya for a military diplomacy mission

Rankin 11/10 (Nick, BBC News, 2007, "US Navy in Kenya goodwill mission,"

Last month the US officially … their own traditions and rules.
Plan: The United States federal government should substantially increase public health assistance provided by the United States Navy to the Horn of Africa.
The Horn of Africa is at risk for disease spread—additional assistance is needed

WHO '6 (April 7, "Horn of Africa food crisis and health risks,"

Severe drought has …. This can lead to complications and death during childbirth.
Naval medical platforms are declining—readiness is at an all-time low—naval cession of public health to civilian providers sets the stage for rapid disease spread

HOOPER '3 (Craig, "Projecting Biomedical Security," Naval Institute Proceedings 129:7, July, EBSCO)

Without some means to jolt it into … secular authorities, and gain basing or training rights.
Revitalizing naval medical engagement prevents disease outbreak and nuclear miscalculation

HOOPER '3 (Craig, "Projecting Biomedical Security," Naval Institute Proceedings 129:7, July, EBSCO)

Coupled with a well-appointed, possibly … into larger urban areas.
Unchecked drug resistant pathogens cause extinction

South China Morning Post quoting Dr. Ben-Abraham, called "one of the 100 greatest minds in history" by Mensa, 1-4-1996 (Avi, "Leading the way to a cure for AIDS," P. Lexis)

Despite the importance of the discovery of the …of the human race," he said.
Africa is the new key site for controlling terrorism—expansion of Navy involvement will be key

Paterson '6 (Pat, U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, May, "INTO AFRICA A New Frontier in the WAR ON TERROR," EBSCO)

Africa, long a haven and training … to a more radical approach."
Now is a critical time – the Horn of Africa has become a critical base for al Qaeda to launch its attacks

The Telegraph, October 24th (David Blair and Addis Ababa, "Al-Qa'eda target west from Horn of Africa," 10-24-2007, JMP

In the rapidly changing battleground … at "Westerners", possibly tourists on the Kenyan coast.
African terror networks will gain access to nuclear weapons to use on the US.

Dempsey – Director of African Studies @ U.S. Army War College – 2006 (Thomas, Served as a strategic intelligence analyst for Africa at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and as Chief of Africa Branch for the Defense Intelligence Agency, Counterterrorism in African Failed States: Challenges and Potential Solutions, April)

The threat that terrorist hubs based in … are located to apprehend or destroy them will be a complex and difficult task.
Failure to prevent nuclear terrorism risks extinction and world war three.

Sid-Ahmed, Political Analyst, 2K4 (Mohamed, "Extinction!" Al-Ahram Weekly On-Line, August 26 – September 1, /2004/705/op5.htm)

We have reached a point in human history where … infects the whole planet, we will all be losers.
Increased naval deployments to the Horn of Africa are critical to build goodwill and prevent terrorism—the Navy refuses to commit hospital ships and naval medical personnel to the Horn

SALTA '6 (Remo, "Around the Horn," Naval Institute Proceedings 132:7, July, EBSCO)

The one thing I noted after reading …Navy gray of U.S. warships.
Naval humanitarianism is a crucial tool in the war on terror—this is feeding its expansion

Ballen '6 (Kenneth, flyin-high president of Terror Free Tomorrow, 12/20,

The flagship for the war on terror …in the Muslim world.

Naval medicine is the best way to improve US image abroad

BOSTON GLOBE '6 (5/14, )
THE 1,000-BED US … by its enemies abroad.
Expanded humanitarian missions ensures access to littoral areas to disrupt terrorist activity

RAWLEY '7 (Chris, Navy Reserve Lieutenant Commander, "Naval Unconventional Warfare," Small Wars Journal 7,

CREATING MARITIME … which support U.S. GWOT goals.
Hospital ship deployment gains access to local intelligence which is critical to overwhelm terrorist activity

RAWLEY '7 (Chris, Navy Reserve Lieutenant Commander, "Naval Unconventional Warfare," Small Wars Journal 7,

BUILDINUILDING INTELLIGENCE NETWORKS Intelligence … several West African partner militaries.
Africa represents a critical strategic region for the United States—serious threats emanate from the region

Steven Metz, Research Professor of National Security Affairs in the Strategic Studies Institute, 2k (REFINING AMERICAN STRATEGY IN AFRICA,

The tendency is thus to … which is in short supply across Africa.
Expanded naval medicine presence is necessary to project influence to Africa

GALRAHN '7 (7/15, naval analyst, )

If this report is accurate, the impact of the … to a region in need.
Hospital ship deployments provide unique vehicles for medical diplomacy

Hormats '7 (Dr. Robert, IFPA-Fletcher Conference,

Can I just add one comment? The point … could be at the forefront of this initiative.
Solves power projection

GALRAHN '7 (6/6, naval analyst, )

The projection of power … national security strategy.
Hospital ships act as a force multiplier, providing unique platforms for naval warfighting

RAWLEY '7 (Chris, Navy Reserve Lieutenant Commander, "Naval Unconventional Warfare," Small Wars Journal 7,

Mercy's deployment also … and direct fire weapons.
Deployment of medical-focused ships results in a greater commitment to broad naval medicine, solving readiness

HOOPER '3 (Craig, "Projecting Biomedical Security," Naval Institute Proceedings// 129:7, July, EBSCO)

Without some means to jolt it … doing medical work."[sup4]
Humanitarian assistance is necessary to win local support—regional support and power projection will be critical to success in the Asia-Pacific region and readiness

Roughead '6 (Admiral Gary, "Enhancing Asia-Pacific Sea Power," US Naval Institute Proceedings, May, Vol. 132, Issue 5, p. 48-50)

The Asia-Pacific region poses a … region and assure stability, peace, and prosperity.
Naval readiness is critical to deterring and preventing great power wars

Conway et al '7 (James T., General, U.S. Marine Corps, Gary Roughead, Admiral, U.S. Navy, Thad W. Allen, Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, "A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower," October,

Deter major power war. No … extended campaigns ashore.

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