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Valley HR – Negative

The world is a simulation

Baudrillard, 1985 (Jean, Professor of Philosophy of Culture and Media Criticism, Simulacra & Simulation,
The simulacrum is never … submerging the principle of truth.
This world of simulation leads to a detachment with death. It turns our deaths into nothing more than a simulation. To lose a sense of our death is to lose the boundary that gives life what makes it great.

Wilcox, 1991 (Leonard, Head of the Department of American Studies at the

University of Canterbury “Baudrillard, DeLillo's "White Noise," and the End of Heroic Narrative” Contemporary Literature, Vol. 32, No. 3. (Autumn, 1991), pp. 346-365, Project Muse)
Alternative is reversibility

Baudrillard, 1985 (Jean, Professor of Philosophy of Culture and Media Criticism, Simulacra & Simulation,

Nihilism no longer wears the dark … This is where seduction begins.

Hyper reality makes our actions counterproductive.

Introna, 2002 (Lucas D, “The (im)possibility of ethics in the information age”, January 22,

Walter Payton RT – Affirmative – Generic ARV’s

The Bush Administration has manipulated the patent system and FDA approval process to make sure that PEPFAR only uses expensive brand name drugs.
Lobe, 04 ( Bush's AIDS Relief Plan Will Delay Drugs, Reward Big Pharma, Jim Lobe | May 26, 2004 Foreign Policy In Focus, Political Analyst for FPIF).
Bush Administration's pledge to expedite its approval process for low-cost, generic anti-retroviral drugs by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ….used to purchase the lowest-cost version of life-saving drugs, which would enable the treatment of many more people,” Booker said.
Status quo voluntary programs subordinate human lives to profits
Foreman 03- director of the AIDS Programme of the Panos Institute in London- 2003 (Martin, Perspectives in Health Magazine: 
The Magazine of the Pan American Health Organization, Volume 8, Number 1, “Don’t let TRIPS trip up access to essential drugs,” )
The pharmaceutical industry knows that high prices restrict salesbut the reality is that millions of people who need antiretroviral and other patented drugs still do not have access to them.
The US makes use of sanctions and trade leverage to coerce nations into refusing to accept generic ARVs from other countries
Crook, 05 (Boalt Hall School of Law, J.D. candidate 2005 [Jamie, “Balancing Intellectual Property Protection with the Human Right to Health,” Berkeley Journal of International Law, 23 Berkeley J. Int'l L. 524 lexis]
U.S. HIV/AIDS policy tends to prioritize the protection of intellectual property rights patent-like barriers to generic anti-retroviral medication entering the market, even where no patent law had existed before.
Hence the plan:
The United States federal government should, through the executive branch, increase the amount of generic antiretroviral drugs sent to topical areas through the President's Emergency Plan for Acquired Immuno-Defficiency Syndrome Relief by changing its policies to purchase only the most cost effective drugs that meet the World Health Organization’s prequalification standards.
Advantage One: AIDS

25 million people are inefected with the AIDS virus now

Brown, 06 (Lester, Former International Agricultural Analyst for U.S. Department of Agriculture and President of Worldwatch Institute, Earth Policy Institute, Plan B 2.0 – Rescuing A Planet Under Stress And A Civilization In Trouble, Chapter Six,
Although diseases such as malaria and cholera exact a heavy toll, there is no precedent for the number of lives affected by the HIV epidemic. ..we will have to fight them together, or we will succeed against neither.
Failure of the US to adopt WHO qualifications undermines the credibility of all other AIDS assistance programs, creating resource inefficiency and mistrust towards all international efforts

Lynch, 05 (Sharonann, HIV/AIDS Treatment Literacy Coordinator for MSF’s Lesotho mission , Medicine Procurement of ARVs and Other Essential Medicines in the U.S. Global AIDs Program, PEPFARWatch November
A unilateral system risks undermining the WHO multilateral pre-qualification program …resulting in some countries barring the import or use of drugs approved only by the FDA.
And, Africa is a vital starting point for treatment—The impact is human extinction
The Jakarta Post, March 6, 2000, pg. – l/n
But his vision, unless backed up by the essential nitty-gritty from the United Nations and other countries, is somewhere off in cloud- cuckoo-land. The explosion of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is systematically wiping out Africa's best doctors, lawyers, lecturers, economists and businesspeople. … Africa's time has run out, signaling the beginning of the end of the black race and maybe the human race.

Bush is using PEPFAR as a slush fund for pharmaceutical companies to sell brand name drugs—a switch to WHO standards would save millions of lives and ensure better treatment compliance because generics are available in fixed dose combinations that are easier to administer.
Health GAP, 04 (3/29, Paul Davis, HIV/AIDS policy analyst at Health GAP Jen Cohn (MD) is "currently a third year resident in Internal Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania,” “PhRMA's Washington DC HQ Locked Down in Protest of Bush Assault on Generic AIDS Medicines, Activists arrested”
"Under the cover of an ostensibly humanitarian program, Bush is using his AIDS plan to ensure big pharma's market dominance and destroy the access to generics,"…..bthe White House is attempting to lock developing countries into to using only branded drugs.
And, adopting WHO prequalification standards would allow increase the number of people receiving life saving ARVs by ten fold

Ismail, 06 (Asif, 12/31 “PEPFAR Policy Hinders Treatment in Generic Terms,” Center for Public Integrity,, Production Editor for Center for Public Integrity)
But like Rep. Waxman, some PEPFAR critics think the initiative's cautious approach toward generic drugs has its roots in big pharmaceutical companies' influence with the Bush administration…..Forcing manufacturers to register in 15 focus nations and dozens of other recipient countries, Baker said, creates another set of bureaucratic hurdles.
Access to ARVs is the prerequisite to any prevention efforts

Crook, 05 (Jamie, Boalt Hall School of Law, J.D. Candidate 2006. 23 Berkeley J. Int’l L. 524 p.L/N)
A daily cocktail of anti-retroviral medication has transformed HIV/AIDS into a "treatable and chronic" condition …..increased access to treatment is one of the most powerful incentives for individuals to learn their HIV status," which in turn assists prevention measures.
Advantage Two: Soft Power

U.S. leadership is rapidly declining now. Only a renewed commitment to soft power can reverse growing anti-Americanism and restore legitimacy.

Meyer, 07 (Marius, “An Exploration of the Role of Soft Power in Hegemony: the USA and China”, Stellenbosch University, March 2007, Google)

The decline of US hegemony (soft power) could also be attributed to……., indicate a decline in ‘soft power’ for the US-yet the damage is not irreparable.

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