Tournament of Champions 2k8 Comprehensive Caselist

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China DA

1nc Shell

A, China is winning the competition for African influence now because the US is not capitalizing on its political warfare weapons

Chau 07 (Donovan, Missouri State university, "Political warfare in sub-saharan Africa March,

PRC political warfare…interest abroad

B, Aid Projects are key to China's charm offensive – the plan causes competition

Kurlantzick 07

Joshua Kurlantzick author of "Charm Offensive. How China's Soft Power is Transforming the Globe" (Yale) 7/3/07 Sunday "The Boston Globe" Into Africa – As China becomes a major influence in Africa, it faces mounting resistance and a profound dilemma. How does a nation devoted to nonintervention become a global power?

"For years, China…resources to China"

C, Collapse of China's sphere of influence leads nuclear conflagration

Eland 05
Ivan Eland – Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty at The Independent Institute, Former Director of Defense Policy Studies at the Cato Institute – 4/11/05 ("Coexisting with a Rising China"

"Although China is…a nuclear conflagration"

2nc stuff

Even if they win their impact defense that the china won't go into a hot war, a new cold war would devastate the world

Shirk 07 ( China: Fragile Superpower The page is 5. published 2007,

Publisher is oxford university press. ISBN: 978-019-530609-5)

Even if the two…warming, and terrorism

Our Multilateralism good CP avoids the China DA

Tanaka 06'

Akihiko Tanaka, prof IR+ dir Inst Oriental Culture U Tokyo, 2006,

Asian Economic Policy Review 1, Journal Compilation Japan Center for Economic Research, "Global and Regional Geo-strategic Implications of China's Emergence" p. 194

"The only conclusion…a positive trend"
A2 aid now: The plan fulfills what are now only promises. It's a unique link.

IC Publications 07 (10-28-07 Africa: China cashes in"
The plan is unconditioned aid which triggers a unique change in US policy

By Drew Thompson, Director of China Studies and Starr Senior Fellow at

The Nixon Center in Washington, DC CHINA'S SOFT POWER IN AFRICA: FROM


(October 13, 2005) CHINA BRIEF [Jamestown Foundation]

"China's influence and…on the continent"
We consult with china now—SQ aid goes through this process

James Swan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Department


February 8, 2007,

"Attention devoted to China…the international system"
The plan is not consulted over and destroys relations

Robert, prof. of polisci at Boston College, Foreign Affairs,


"There is no…more assertive pressure"

Plan is containment and containing china strengthens the hardliners and causes a Taiwan attack.

Robert Reich 06 "the fallacy of Chinese containment"

we also our enemy

that goes nuclear

Strait Times 2k

Containment leads to war

William Perry "US strategy: engage china, not contain it"

we also have...they are probable

Containment fails to produce any positives

Strait Times (Singapore) Janadas Devan Oct 29 2005 "Containing China

an american conceit" (l/n)

what would be...would be cataclysmic

Mearsheimer is wrong about containment

Thomas J. Christiansen Prof of International Affairs Princeton 06

"Fostering stability or creating a monster?" International Secuirty

31.1 (2006) 81-126

there are counterintuitive... and diplomatic relations

Valley HR – Affirmative – IPR

Contention 1: Inherency

Recent TRIPS-plus measures and trade agreements have strengthened the power of Big Pharma and will prevent access to generic ARVs

Westerhaus and Castro-06 (Michael and Arachu, Plos Medicine-“How Do Intellectual Property Law and International Trade Agreements Affect Access to Antiretroviral Therapy”, Aug 6,\

However recent US trade policy threatens… among other similar measures.
Inexpensive drugs are out of reach of developing countries because of a fear of devastating sanctions
Benvenisti and Downs-05 (Eyal and George W., Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, “Distributive Politics and International Institutions: The Case of Drugs”)
Despite the theoretical availability… consistent with the positions of disagreement.
The current neoliberal system protects the profits of the West over lives in developing countries

Boone and Batsell-01 (Catherine and Jake, Africa Today-“Politics and AIDS in Africa: Research Agendas in Political Science and International Relations”, Volume 48, No. 2, pp.3-33, summer, Project Muse)

AIDS is one of the manifestations…and rule of the World Trade Organization
Thus the plan: The United States federal government should authorize the use of the subject matter of patents regarding treatment for and prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome without the authorization of the right holder for use in sub-Saharan Africa.
Contention 2: The HIV/AIDS Pandemic
Intellectual property rights have prevented full coverage and have resulted in high ARV prices
Africa Action-07 (Stephanie Parker, Big Pharma and Big Profits: Denying Access to Aids Medication, August,
A primary cause of low coverage… living with HIV in Africa.
Sub-Saharan Africa is most affected by the HIV/AIDS crisis-2 million have been killed in the past year

Avert, International Aids Charity,-07 (“HIV and AIDS in Africa” July 31,

Sub-Saharan Africa is more heavily… and the economy in general.
Increased ARV usage is effective at reducing mortality and stigma from HIV/AIDS

Health Link Worldwide-06 (“HIV and AIDS-Background Reading”

ARVs are only able to … people who are using treatment.
ARV prices decrease with the removal of patent protection-empirically proven

Wise-06 (Jacqui, “Access to AIDS medicines stumbles on trade rules” Bulletin of the World Health Organization, v. 84, n.5 )

Successful AIDS programs… is not available there at all.

High ARV prices make donations the only viable solution in the status quo, but this is unsustainable- strengthening developing countries capacity to manufacture generic drugs is the key

Guilloux and Moon-01 (Alain and Suerie, Medecins Sans Frontieres, Hidden Price Tags: Disease-Specific Drug Donations: Costs and Alternatives, February,
Because donations are completely … to compete on fair terms.
Contention 3: Neoliberalism

US patent protection have created a political environment of neoliberalism where the profits of pharmaceutical companies are valued over the suffering of patients in developing countries

Useche and Cabezas, 2005 (Bernardo, Prof. at the University of Texas's school of public health, Amalia, Prof. at the University of California's school of women's rights. "The Vicious Cycle of AIDS, Poverty, and

Neoliberalism" )

Hundreds of millions of poor… patents by the trans-national companies.
TRIPS is the root cause of neoliberalism within intellectual property rights
Coombe-03 (Rosemary, Canada Research Scholar in Law, Communication and Cultural Studies

York University, Companion Guide to Law and Society- “Commodity Culture, Private Censorship, Branded Environments, and Global Trade Politics: Intellectual Property as a Topic of Law and Society Research,

One of the myths of… and loss of US competitiveness.
Neoliberalism is the root cause of HIV/AIDS-it maintains poverty in developing countries

Useche and Cabezas, 2005 (Bernardo, Prof. at the University of Texas's school of public health, Amalia, Prof. at the University of California's school of women's rights. "The Vicious Cycle of AIDS, Poverty, and

Neoliberalism" )
Neoliberalism expresses the interests. .. defeating the neoliberal model.
Neoliberalism is the struggle to preserve the status quo-we destroy the other to maintain our own power. This increases the chance of our own collective suicide.

Santos-03 (Boaventura de Sousa, Prof. at the University of Columbia, “Collective Suicide?”, Bad Subjects. Issue #63)

According to Franz Hinkerammert… countries for four years.
US deviance from IPR would allow other countries violate patent laws

Resnik and Deville-02 (David B. and Kenneth A. Professors at East Carolina University, “Bioterrorism and Patent Rights: “Compulsory Licensure” and the Case of Cipro”, Project Muse)

The slippery slope implication… from US companies.
The shift to neoliberalism has been masked but can be combated through the action of state and social institutions

Bourdieu-98 (Pierre, Le Monde Diplomatique-‘ Utopia of Endless Exploitation-Essence of Neoliberalism’

The transition to liberalism… at and collectively ratified.
Political reform has empirically been successful at challenging entrenched systems like neoliberalism

McChesney-99 (Robert W., Professor of Communications at the University of Illinois, Global Policy Forum, Monthly Review-“Noam Chomsky and the Struggle against Neoliberalism”,

Neoliberalism’s loudest message… and individual freedom.

State action is key-it is best positioned to challenge neoliberalism for many reasons

Graf-95 (William, Professor of Geography at the University of South Carolina, Socialist Register “THE STATE IN THE THIRD WORLD”,
It is important… and whose state?
Defenses of neoliberalism are empirically denied-neoliberalism has failed many times in developing countries and has caused an apocalyptic situation in sub-Saharan Africa
Caffentzis-02 (George, Alternatives-Turkish Journal of International Relations- “Neoliberalism in Africa, Apocalyptic Failures and Business as Usual Practices”)
In this talk… AIDS in Africa.
Defenses of neoliberalism are false-they offer only circular logic and an infallible religious faith in the free market

McChesney-99 (Robert W., Professor of Communications at the University of Illinois, Global Policy Forum, Monthly Review-“Noam Chomsky and the Struggle against Neoliberalism”,

The economic consequences… system possible.

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