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Woodward MN – Negative WHO CP

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Woodward MN – Negative




Taylor, Professor of Law at U of Maryland, 2004

(Allyn, MEDICINE AND ETHICS, Vol. 32, No. 3, “Governing the Globalization of Public Health”, 

WHO can catalyze more effective and…to promote more coordinated and rational development of the legal regime. 


Khardori, Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at Southern Illinois, 2006

(Nancy, INFECTIOUS DISEASE CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA, Vol. 20, Issue 2 “Bioterrorism and Bioterrorism Preparedness: Historical Perspective and Overview”) 

With the level and state of global interconnectedness…remains a challenge for the WHO.



A. Africa is a litmus test for China's global power – its perceived imperialism is causing backlash in Africa. It must shift towards programs designed for the mutual benefit of Africa to solidify its soft power and global leadership

Kurlantzick 2007 – Visiting Scholar in Carnegie Endowment's China Program

[Joshua Kurlantzick, "Into Africa - As China becomes a major influence in Africa, it faces mounting resistance and a profound dilemma: How does a nation devoted to nonintervention become a global power?," June 3, Lexis] "EMBARKING UPON A 12-day tour of Africa . . . repeated across the African continent and, potentially, the world. 

China is competing with the U.S. over influence in Africa—the counterplan boosts China's ability to win African partnerships and Chinese soft power

Gill, et al, 06 (Bates, Center for Strategic and International Studies, "China's Expanding Role in Africa Implications for the United States", 12/1, Report of the CSIS Delegation to China on China-Africa-U.S. Relations, /pubs/chinainafrica.pdf) 

"China , in its quest for . . . for a future strategic partnership." 

C. Chinese soft power is critical to preventing a Taiwanese push for independence

Gill and Huang 2006 (Bates holds the CSIS Freeman Chair in China, Yanzhong is an assistant professor at the John Whitehead School of Diplomacy and International Relations, Survival, "Sources and limits of Chinese 'soft power'," Volume 48 Issue 2 June, pg 17-36, /smpp/section?content=a74798500 0&fulltext=713240928 ) 

"A most intriguing example of China's soft power. . . more than $100bn on the mainland." 

D. Taiwanese push for independence will escalate into a global nuclear holocaust

Hsiung 01 – Professor of Politics and International Law at NYU

[James, 21st Century World Order and the Asia Pacific, p. 359-360]

"Admittedly, it is harmless for an analyst like Lind to be so oblivious. . . peace in the Asia Pacific region." 



China has strong relations with Africa and can increase public health and infrastructure assistance 

Gill and Reilly, 07 (Bates, Freeman Chair in China Studies at CSIS, and James, East Asia representative for the American Friends Service Committee, The Washington Quarterly, Summer, "The Tenuous Hold of China Inc. in Africa," __http__:// /07summer_gill_reilly.pdf ) 

"China 's expanding engagement . . . interests and deserves far more nuanced and in-depth analysis.1"

The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation provides a framework to provide any kind of assistance to Africa

Business Day, 04 (Focus is on Aid and Support for Africa, - 12/30, .za/eng/znjl/t177585.htm)

" The Forum on China-Africa Co-operation (FOCAC) - launched . . . including a proposed "China-Africa Youth Festival" to be held in China in 2004.


Law of the Sea DA

LOST is on the Agenda, and it’s likely to pass despite conservative opposition, but Bush’s support is key

World Magazine 1/26 “LOST Cause”

If President Bush and the Senate

Bush pushing LOST—capital key to passage

NOAA News, 2/11, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association,

Coastal nations have sovereign,,, administration supports approval of the convention

LOST assures maritime access and mobility --- key to U.S. economy 

Negroponte and England ‘07

      (John, Deputy Sec. State and Gordon, Deputy Sec. Defense, “Reap the Bounty”, Washington Times, 6-13)

From the earliest days of its history, the United…extend out to 600 nautical miles

Global nuclear war 

Mead ‘92

European Influence DA

Current European perceptions don't see AFRICOM as threatening to regional interests

Daniel Korski, 12/19/07, Senior Fellow – European Council on Foreign Relations, EU Observer, l/n

In sum, AFRICOM may represent...driving the quality of assistance down.


The AFF's attempt to win the hearts and minds of Africa undermines European influence souring relations

James J. Hentz, 2004, Associate Professor of International Studies – Virginia Military Institute, "Regional Policies for the Post-9/11 World" in The Obligation of Empire p. 94

Neo-isolationists, and their extended Jeffersonian family...the Iraq War has exacerbated these tensions.


That creates an incentive for increased European Defense

Parag Khana, 1.27.08, Senior Research Fellow – American Strategy Program – New American Foundation, New York Times, l/n

In Europe's capital, Brussels, technocrats...the region's answer to America's Apec.


The Impact is violation of International Law

Cazeau 2002 (Jeff P. H.; J.D. Miami 2002) Fall 10 U. Miami Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 51 l/n

Unfortunately, all indications are that law and the U.N. Charter.


International Law key to prevent nuclear war and environmental and economic collapse

Mullerson 1989 (Rein A.; Head, Department of International Law, Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) July 83 A.J.I.L. 494 l/n

In spite of different class approaches...self-interest of certain influential groups.


Transatlantic relations are key to counterterrorism, global stability, and disease spread

Moravsick 2003 (Andrew; Professor – Government and Director – European Union Program at Harvard) "Striking a New Transatlantic Bargain" Foreign Affairs July/August l/n

The transatlantic partnership the UN, the EU, or NATO.


US/EU relations key to solve all the AFF

Blinken 2001 (Anthony J.; Senior Fellow – CSIS) "The False Crisis Over the Atlantic" Foreign Affairs May/June l/n

Americans come to this view from the lessons...Cooperation in Europe, and of course, the EU.


Relations are key to preventing domestic Isolation – we control the internal link to entire case

Philip Gordon and Jeremy Shapiro, Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution and Director of Research and Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution, Allies at War: America, Europe, and the Crisis over Iraq, 2004, p. 221

We strongly disagree...U.S. military power could overcome.


No Offense – US/EU relations prevent global conflict

Asmus 2003 (Ronald D.; Senior Fellow – Council on Foreign Relations) "Rebuilding the Atlantic Alliance" Foreign Affairs Sept/Oct

Meeting in Washington in the spring of will be much the better for it.

ESDP spurs quick US pullout of NATO

Cazeau 2002 (Jeff P. H.; J.D. Miami 2002) Fall 10 U. Miami Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 51 l/n

The basic premise that Europe must a pretext for abusive intervention.


The Impact is Nuclear War 

Farndale 90, 20 Year Veteran of the UK Army and former Commander in Chief [General Sir Martin, Graduate of the Royal Military Academy, "Could NATO Cope Without US Forces," Europe After American Withdrawal, ed. Sharp, pg. 448-449]

Although it is conceivable that in the very...done on an all-NATO European basis.


ESDP will duplicate and undermine NATO

Cazeau 2002 (Jeff P. H.; J.D. Miami 2002) Fall 10 U. Miami Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 51 l/n

With the demise of the Soviet Union and the end of the Warsaw law and the U.N. Charter.




Plan undermines relations with Europe

Dr. Ernest J. Wilson III, 7/28/05, Senior Research Fellow, Center For International Development And Conflict Management University of Maryland, CQ Congressional Testimony, l/n

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Sub-Committee...approach to China's influence in Africa.

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