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Grapevine BP – Affirmative – Debt Relief

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Grapevine BP – Affirmative – Debt Relief

Adv 1- Diseases- First, IMF/World Bank loans require structural adjustment programs resulting in the destruction of African public health and health care.  The impact is incalculable- millions die each year from AIDS, TB, and famine.  Three thousand die each day from malaria.  Our impact is systemic and probable- yet also preventable and treatable.  Years of African success have been undone by SAPs- the U.S. must use its influence to promote unconditional cancellation of the debt.  Colgan; 2k2; Dir Policy Analysis and Comm @ Africa Action; “Hazardous to Health”;

Health is a fundamental human right, …

end the harmful policies of these institutions.

And, There is a hierarchy of grief and mourning that places Africans with diseases at the bottom.  Those in the lowest rungs are ungrievable and unmournable- denied their humanity!  The impact is a discursive dehumanization that leads to violence and denies the value of the lives we don’t grieve or mourn for.  Butler, Prof Rhetoric and Comp Lit @ Berk; 2k4; Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence; P. 32-35

      A hierarchy of grief could no doubt be enumerated

      , for the most part unmakable and ungrievable.

Finally, The terminal impact to dehumanization is global nuclear apocalypse. Fasching; 1993; The Ethical Challenge of Auschwitz and Hiroshima; P. 155-158 

      Although every culture is inherently utopian in its potentiality, …

religion and culture and come back with new insight into our own. 

And, our impact has the highest probability- The number of deaths b/c of diseases historically out numbers war.  Fidler, Professor of Law, Indiana University School of Law, 2003, George Washington International Law Review, 35 Geo. Wash. Int'l L. Rev. 787, p. 807-8

From a public health viewpoint, … agrees to cooperate in a collective response to pathogenic threats.n97

Adv 2- Global Civil Society-

Bush’s response to 9/11 was a return to Cold War models of inseide-out. The US initiatied it’s War on Terror and global unilateralism, undermining international treaties and global civil society, and marking a return to realism and new focus on worst case scenarios which narrows the space for dissent. Global civil society is needed more than ever to help set a new global agenda that reaches out to excluded groups Kaldor 2003 Global Civil Society: An Answer to War

So what are the implications of this argument of what happened on September 11…..’You are either with us or against us,’ said Bush.

Second, public health and global civil society are co-productive.  Global civil society advances health rights, health care, patients rights, treatment access, resisting globalization and privatization, while building equity and social justice through strong public health systems.  These successes and failure constitute global civil society.  South African Equity Network on Health et. All; Nov 2k4

During 2002/3,  EQUINET , Peoples Health Movement (PHM), International People’s Health Council (IPHC) and Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) identified a need for closer … we are seeking to build or of the wider changes needed to achieve health goals.  

The operative logic of preemption combines an epistemology of uncertainty, of potential threats, with an ontological premise that the threat can’t be specified. This logic of preemption is fundamentally different from the logic of prevention. Prevention of diseases assesses threats empirically and identifies their causes. Since preemption always  counters a potential threat, their nature and motives are incomprehensible. This leads to the dehumanization of those labeled evil because that which we don’t understand must be inhuman. The only way for the threat to emerge is if the state goes on the offensive in order to produce it. Massumi 07 Theory and Event 10:2 “Potential Politics and the Primacy of Preemption”

It is certain that there will be adjustments….to actively contribute to producing it 

Plan: The United States federal government should substantially increase its grants for the prevention and treatment of communicable diseases to topically designated areas in Africa by unconditionally canceling all bilateral debt owed to the US by those African nations.   

(We will clarify.)

Solvency- First, The call for debt cancellation should be inserted into our debates, decisions, and demands.  Instead of viewing debt cancellation as either a single issue demand or failing to address the underlying economic structures that produce debt, we use debt cancellation as a prism to analyze global financial relations.  Coalitions could be built b/t anti-debt campaigners and other international economic, social, political, or whatever issues.  Keet; Aug 00; Development and Practice; 10: 3, 4; “The International Anti-Debt Campaign- an Activist View From ‘The South’ to Activists in ‘The North’…and the South”

      At one end is the view that … in shaping the ‘global economy’.

Second, Debt cancellation would be a double victory for anti-debt social movements since the Bush administration has already stated its interest in removing the funds from structural adjustment programs in favor of grants. US action is key to reforming the practice of loan giving.  Ambrose, US Network for Global Economic Justice Senior Policy Analyst; Summer 2k5; Chicago Journal of International Law; 6: 1; “Social Movements and the Politics of Dent Cancellation”

Observers have had little choice…worth a great deal more than the additional aid money

Debt cancellation is cheap, for every 1 dollar we provide in cancellation 27 dollars will come from international actors Colgan “Africa’s Debt- Africa Action Position Paper” July 01

The cost of canceling the outstanding debts is actually far less…..while the cost of acting is truly minimal

Fifth, Ghana, Tanzania, and Zambia proves Sub-Saharan African nations would put repayments towards public health.; 2k7;

The impact on peoples’ lives is already becoming clear:

  • ..enrollment from low-income families

Finally, Contextual evidence proves we’re a grant and that our grant IS THE ASSISTANCE- prefer our evidence b/c it about the OECD interpretation of grants.  Yi; 9/14/2k7 

The "folk wisdom" or casual assumption … both debt relief and pure grant.

Framework- First,

Any atrocity can be justified in the name of a consequentialist utilitarian calculus- including boiling babies and nuclear war.  Utilitarianism reduces people to numbers, the necessary step of dehumanization required to drop the bomb.  Holt; 95; The New York Times; August 5; “Morality, Reduced to Arithmetic”

In the debate over the question, participants on both sides have been playing the numbers game reducing innocents to instruments and morality to arithmetic

Third, Reject their disad framework of high magnitude and low probability- this is the logic of the Cheney Doctrine that ignores a preponderance of evidence to the contrary of what they define as a threat- this divorces analysis from action.  Suskind; 2k6; The One Percent Doctrine; P. 61-62 

If there’s a one percent … sketching the implications.     


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